Slow Simple Automation vs Rule Machine in 2.2.4

@bravenel I recently moved my zwave devices from a C4 to a C7. One of my rules turns on undercabinet lights when the ceiling can lights turn on in my laundry room and off as well. Since this is a "simple" use case I used Simple Automation like I had on my C4 hub to automate this use case.

Simple Automation does a great job turning on the undercabinet lights immediately following the ceiling lights turning on, but in most cases they never turn off or there is a very long delay. To rule out a device issue, I paused the Simple Automation rule and created a Rule Machine rule with the same logic. The RM rule has zero issues. So not sure what's up with Simple Automation but I wanted to reach out to you for input. As you can see below the SA rule never turned of the undercabinet lights even though an event fired for the GE Motion switch that it turned off.

Device 36 is a GE Motion Switch
Device 203 is a Qubino Flush 1D dry contact relay

Simple Automation Rule:

Logs of SA Rule:

Rule Machine Rule:

Logs of RM Rule:

I am not able to reproduce this problem (i.e., it works for me). Please open the Simple Lighting Rule, hit Done, then post here the App Status page for it (gear icon).

This is the only one of many that I am having issues with. But it is also the only one that immediately turns off the lights as others have delayed off. Worked great on my C4 running 2.2.4.

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