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I have an alexa routine called 'Goodnight'
I just have to say 'Alexa Goodnight' for it to run
Then I use a virtual switch in that routine which is connected to my 'night mode'
When night mode activates I have my 'Mode Switch' app turn everything off but also set the hall/landing lights to 25% so I can get upstairs.
(I have another one of my apps switch the hall/landing lights off when there is no motion for a minute.)



Of topic, but Brian Spranger... bspranger.... Xiaomi aqara device handler for ST?

Yes, that it's me

1 Like

Ok :blush:
Are you coding for hubitat now?

I am new to Hubitat, but am trying to set up my Dashboard with the WU info that you have shown - but, am stuck on the WU API part. Where do you get this? If I go to WU, they state that they do not provide this anymore...

Try ApiXU.
Sign up for the free part then generate yourself an API Key.
You can then set up a device using this driver supplied by @bangali.

*  Copyright 2018 bangali
*  Contributors:
*      code for new weather icons based on weather condition data
*     new weather icons courtesy of VClouds
*		code for mytile
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
*  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
*  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
*  ApiXU Weather Driver
*  Author: bangali
*  Date: 2018-05-27
*  attribution: weather data courtesy:
*  attribution: sunrise and sunset courtesy:
* for use with HUBITAT so no tiles
* features:
* - supports global weather data with free api key from
* - provides calculated illuminance data based on time of day and weather condition code.
* - no local server setup needed
* - no personal weather station needed

public static String version()      {  return "v4.1.0"  }

* Version: 4.1.0
*   12/29/2018: merged mytile code
* Version: 4.0.3
*   12/09/2018: added wind speed in MPS (meters per second)
* Version: 4.0.2
*   10/28/2018: continue publishing lux even if apixu api call fails.
* Version: 4.0.1
*   10/14/2018: removed logging of weather data.
* Version: 4.0.0
*   8/16/2018: added optional weather undergroud mappings.
*   8/16/2018: added forecast icon, high and low temperature for next day.
* Version: 3.5.0
*   8/10/2018: added temperature, pressure and humidity capabilities.
* Version: 3.0.0
*   7/25/2018: added code contribution from for new cooler weather icons with icons courtesy
*                 of
* Version: 2.5.0
*   5/23/2018: update condition_icon to contain image for use on dashboard and moved icon url to condition_icon_url.
* Version: 2.0.0
*   5/29/2018: updated lux calculation with factor from condition code.
* Version: 1.0.0
*   5/27/2018: initial release.

import groovy.transform.Field

metadata    {
    definition (name: "ApiXU Weather Driver", namespace: "bangali", author: "bangali")  {
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "Illuminance Measurement"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        capability "Relative Humidity Measurement"
        capability "Pressure Measurement"
        capability "Ultraviolet Index"
//        capability "Switch"

        attribute "name", "string"
        attribute "region", "string"
        attribute "country", "string"
        attribute "lat", "string"
        attribute "lon", "string"
        attribute "tz_id", "string"
        attribute "localtime_epoch", "string"
        attribute "local_time", "string"
        attribute "local_date", "string"
        attribute "last_updated_epoch", "string"
        attribute "last_updated", "string"
//        attribute "temp_c", "string"
//        attribute "temp_f", "string"
        attribute "is_day", "string"
        attribute "condition_text", "string"
        attribute "condition_icon", "string"
        attribute "condition_icon_url", "string"
        attribute "condition_code", "string"
        attribute "visual", "string"
        attribute "visualWithText", "string"
        attribute "wind_mph", "string"
        attribute "wind_kph", "string"
		attribute "wind_mps", "string"
        attribute "wind_degree", "string"
        attribute "wind_dir", "string"
//        attribute "pressure_mb", "string"
//        attribute "pressure_in", "string"
        attribute "precip_mm", "string"
        attribute "precip_in", "string"
        attribute "cloud", "string"
        attribute "feelslike_c", "string"
        attribute "feelslike_f", "string"
        attribute "vis_km", "string"
        attribute "vis_miles", "string"

        attribute "location", "string"
        attribute "city", "string"
        attribute "local_sunrise", "string"
        attribute "local_sunset", "string"
        attribute "twilight_begin", "string"
        attribute "twilight_end", "string"
        attribute "illuminated", "string"
        attribute "cCF", "string"
        attribute "lastXUupdate", "string"

        attribute "weather", "string"
        attribute "forecastIcon", "string"
        attribute "feelsLike", "string"
        attribute "wind", "string"
        attribute "percentPrecip", "string"

        attribute "localSunrise", "string"
        attribute "localSunset", "string"

        attribute "visualDayPlus1", "string"
        attribute "visualDayPlus1WithText", "string"
        attribute "temperatureLowDayPlus1", "string"
        attribute "temperatureHighDayPlus1", "string"
        attribute "wind_mytile", "string"
        attribute "mytile", "string"

        command "refresh"

    preferences     {
        input "zipCode", "text", title: "Zip code or city name or latitude,longitude?", required: true
        input "apixuKey", "text", title: "ApiXU key?", required: true
        input "cityName", "text", title: "Override default city name?", required: false, defaultValue: null
        input "isFahrenheit", "bool", title: "Use Imperial units?", required: true, defaultValue: true
//        input "publishWU", "bool", title: "Publish WU mappings?", required: true, defaultValue: false
        input "dashClock", "bool", title: "Flash time ':' every 2 seconds?", required: true, defaultValue: false
        input "pollEvery", "enum", title: "Poll ApiXU how frequently?\nrecommended setting 30 minutes.\nilluminance is always updated every 5 minutes.", required: true, defaultValue: 30,
                            options: [5:"5 minutes",10:"10 minutes",15:"15 minutes",30:"30 minutes"]


def updated()   {
    state.tz_id = null
    state.clockSeconds = true
//    schedule("0 * * * * ?", updateClock)
//    schedule("0/2 0 0 ? * * *", updateClock)
    if (dashClock)  updateClock();

def poll()      {
    log.debug ">>>>> apixu: Executing 'poll', location: $zipCode"

    def obs = getXUdata()
    if (!obs)   {
        log.warn "No response from ApiXU API"

    def now = new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', location.timeZone)
    sendEvent(name: "lastXUupdate", value: now, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(obs.location.tz_id)
    state.tz_id = obs.location.tz_id

    def localTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", obs.location.localtime, tZ)
    def localDate = localTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd", tZ)
    def localTimeOnly = localTime.format("HH:mm", tZ)

    def sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset(, obs.location.lon, localDate)
    def sunriseTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.sunrise, tZ)
    def sunsetTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.sunset, tZ)
    def noonTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.solar_noon, tZ)
    def twilight_begin = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.civil_twilight_begin, tZ)
    def twilight_end = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunriseAndSunset.results.civil_twilight_end, tZ)

    def localSunrise = sunriseTime.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "local_sunrise", value: localSunrise, descriptionText: "Sunrise today is at $localSunrise", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    def localSunset = sunsetTime.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "local_sunset", value: localSunset, descriptionText: "Sunset today at is $localSunset", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    def tB = twilight_begin.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "twilight_begin", value: tB, descriptionText: "Twilight begins today at $tB", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    def tE = twilight_end.format("HH:mm", tZ)
    sendEvent(name: "twilight_end", value: tE, descriptionText: "Twilight ends today at $tE", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

    state.sunriseTime = sunriseTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.sunsetTime = sunsetTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.noonTime = noonTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.twilight_begin = twilight_begin.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    state.twilight_end = twilight_end.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)

    sendEvent(name: "name", value:, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "region", value: obs.location.region, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "country", value:, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "lat", value:, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "lon", value: obs.location.lon, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "tz_id", value: obs.location.tz_id, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "localtime_epoch", value: obs.location.localtime_epoch, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "local_time", value: localTimeOnly, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "local_date", value: localDate, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "last_updated_epoch", value: obs.current.last_updated_epoch, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "last_updated", value: obs.current.last_updated, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
//    sendEvent(name: "temp_c", value: obs.current.temp_c, unit: "C")
//    sendEvent(name: "temp_f", value: obs.current.temp_f, unit: "F")
    sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.temp_f : obs.current.temp_c), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "is_day", value: obs.current.is_day, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_text", value: obs.current.condition.text, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_icon", value: '<img src=https:' + obs.current.condition.icon + '>', isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_icon_url", value: 'https:' + obs.current.condition.icon, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "condition_code", value: obs.current.condition.code, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    def imgName = getImgName(obs.current.condition.code, obs.current.is_day)
    sendEvent(name: "visual", value: '<img src=' + imgName + '>', isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "visualWithText", value: '<img src=' + imgName + '><br>' + obs.current.condition.text, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "wind_mph", value: obs.current.wind_mph, unit: "MPH", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "wind_kph", value: obs.current.wind_kph, unit: "KPH", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
	sendEvent(name: "wind_mps", value: ((obs.current.wind_kph / 3.6f).round(1)), unit: "MPS", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "wind_degree", value: obs.current.wind_degree, unit: "DEGREE", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "wind_dir", value: obs.current.wind_dir, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
//    sendEvent(name: "pressure_mb", value: obs.current.pressure_mb, unit: "MBAR")
//    sendEvent(name: "pressure_in", value: obs.current.pressure_in, unit: "IN")
    sendEvent(name: "pressure", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.pressure_in : obs.current.pressure_mb), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MBAR')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "precip_mm", value: obs.current.precip_mm, unit: "MM", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "precip_in", value: obs.current.precip_in, unit: "IN", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "humidity", value: obs.current.humidity, unit: "%", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "cloud", value:, unit: "%", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "feelslike_c", value: obs.current.feelslike_c, unit: "C", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "feelslike_f", value: obs.current.feelslike_f, unit: "F", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "vis_km", value: obs.current.vis_km, unit: "KM", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "vis_miles", value: obs.current.vis_miles, unit: "MILES", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

    sendEvent(name: "condition_icon_only", value: obs.current.condition.icon.split("/")[-1], isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "location", value: + ', ' + obs.location.region, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    state.condition_code = obs.current.condition.code =

//    if (publishWU)      {
        sendEvent(name: "city", value: (cityName ?:, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "weather", value: obs.current.condition.text, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "forecastIcon", value: getWUIconName(obs.current.condition.code, 1), isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "feelsLike", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.feelslike_f : obs.current.feelslike_c), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "wind", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.wind_mph : obs.current.wind_kph), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'MPH' : 'KPH')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "percentPrecip", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.precip_in : obs.current.precip_mm), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "localSunrise", value: localSunrise, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
        sendEvent(name: "localSunset", value: localSunset, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
//    }

	def wind_mytile=(isFahrenheit ? "${Math.round(obs.current.wind_mph)}" + " mph " : "${Math.round(obs.current.wind_kph)}" + " kph ")
	sendEvent(name: "wind_mytile", value: wind_mytile, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

    imgName = getImgName(obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.code, 1)
    sendEvent(name: "visualDayPlus1", value: '<img src=' + imgName + '>', isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "visualDayPlus1WithText", value: '<img src=' + imgName + '><br>' + obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.text, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "temperatureHighDayPlus1", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.maxtemp_f :
                            obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.maxtemp_c), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "temperatureLowDayPlus1", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.mintemp_f :
                            obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.mintemp_c), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

	def mytext = + ', ' + obs.location.region
//	if (isFahrenheit)	{
//		mytext += '<br>' + "${Math.round(obs.current.temp_f)}" + '&deg;F ' + obs.current.humidity + '%'
//		mytext += '<br>' + localSunrise + ' <img style="height:1em" src=https:' + obs.current.condition.icon + '> ' + localSunset
//		mytext += (wind_mytile == "0 mph " ? '<br> Wind is calm' : '<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + wind_mytile)
//		if (wind_mytile == "0 mph ")
//			mytext+='<br> Wind is calm'
//		else
//			mytext+='<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + wind_mytile
//		mytext += '<br>' + obs.current.condition.text
//	}
//	else	{
//		mytext += '<br>' + obs.current.temp_c + '&deg;C ' + obs.current.humidity + '%'
//		mytext += '<br>' + localSunrise + ' <img style="height:1.5em" src=https:' + obs.current.condition.icon + '> ' + localSunset
//		mytext += (wind_mytile == "0 kph " ? '<br> Wind is calm' : '<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + wind_mytile)
//		if (wind_mytile == "0 kph ")
//			mytext+='<br> Wind is calm'
//		else
//			mytext+='<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + wind_mytile
//		mytext += '<br>' + obs.current.condition.text
//	}
	mytext += '<br>' + (isFahrenheit ? "${Math.round(obs.current.temp_f)}" + '&deg;F ' : obs.current.temp_c + '&deg;C ') + obs.current.humidity + '%'
	mytext += '<br>' + localSunrise + ' <img style="height:1em" src=https:' + obs.current.condition.icon + '> ' + localSunset
	mytext += (wind_mytile == (isFahrenheit ? "0 mph " : "0 kph ") ? '<br> Wind is calm' : '<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + wind_mytile)
	mytext += '<br>' + obs.current.condition.text

    sendEvent(name: "mytile", value: mytext, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

def refresh()       { poll() }

def configure()     { poll() }

private getXUdata()   {
    def obs = [:]
    def params = [ uri: "$apixuKey&q=$zipCode&days=3" ]
    try {
        httpGet(params)		{ resp ->
            if (resp?.data)     obs <<;
            else                log.error "http call for ApiXU weather api did not return data: $resp";
    } catch (e) { log.error "http call failed for ApiXU weather api: $e" }
//    log.debug "$obs"
    return obs

private getSunriseAndSunset(latitude, longitude, forDate)	{
    def params = [ uri: "$latitude&lng=$longitude&date=$forDate&formatted=0" ]
    def sunRiseAndSet = [:]
    try {
        httpGet(params)		{ resp -> sunRiseAndSet = }
    } catch (e) { log.error "http call failed for sunrise and sunset api: $e" }

    return sunRiseAndSet

def updateLux()     {
    if (!state.sunriseTime || !state.sunsetTime || !state.noonTime || !state.twilight_begin || !state.twilight_end || !state.tz_id)

    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(state.tz_id)
    def lT = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ)
    def localTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", lT, tZ)
    def sunriseTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.sunriseTime, tZ)
    def sunsetTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.sunsetTime, tZ)
    def noonTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.noonTime, tZ)
    def twilight_begin = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.twilight_begin, tZ)
    def twilight_end = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", state.twilight_end, tZ)
    def lux = estimateLux(localTime, sunriseTime, sunsetTime, noonTime, twilight_begin, twilight_end, state.condition_code,, state.tz_id)
    sendEvent(name: "illuminance", value: lux, unit: "lux", isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    sendEvent(name: "illuminated", value: String.format("%,d lux", lux), isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

private estimateLux(localTime, sunriseTime, sunsetTime, noonTime, twilight_begin, twilight_end, condition_code, cloud, tz_id)     {
//    log.debug "condition_code: $condition_code | cloud: $cloud"
//    log.debug "twilight_begin: $twilight_begin | twilight_end: $twilight_end | tz_id: $tz_id"
//    log.debug "localTime: $localTime | sunriseTime: $sunriseTime | noonTime: $noonTime | sunsetTime: $sunsetTime"

    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz_id)
    def lux = 0l
    def aFCC = true
    def l

    if (timeOfDayIsBetween(sunriseTime, noonTime, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between sunrise and noon"
        l = (((localTime.getTime() - sunriseTime.getTime()) * 10000f) / (noonTime.getTime() - sunriseTime.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (timeOfDayIsBetween(noonTime, sunsetTime, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between noon and sunset"
        l = (((sunsetTime.getTime() - localTime.getTime()) * 10000f) / (sunsetTime.getTime() - noonTime.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (timeOfDayIsBetween(twilight_begin, sunriseTime, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between sunrise and twilight"
        l = (((localTime.getTime() - twilight_begin.getTime()) * 50f) / (sunriseTime.getTime() - twilight_begin.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (timeOfDayIsBetween(sunsetTime, twilight_end, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between sunset and twilight"
        l = (((twilight_end.getTime() - localTime.getTime()) * 50f) / (twilight_end.getTime() - sunsetTime.getTime()))
        lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long)
    else if (!timeOfDayIsBetween(twilight_begin, twilight_end, localTime, tZ))      {
        log.debug "between non-twilight"
        lux = 5l
        aFCC = false

    def cC = condition_code.toInteger()
    def cCT = ''
    def cCF
    if (aFCC)
        if (conditionFactor[cC])    {
            cCF = conditionFactor[cC][1]
            cCT = conditionFactor[cC][0]
        else    {
            cCF = ((100 - (cloud.toInteger() / 3d)) / 100).round(1)
            cCT = 'using cloud cover'
    else    {
        cCF = 1.0
        cCT = 'night time now'

    lux = (lux * cCF) as long
    log.debug "condition: $cC | condition text: $cCT | condition factor: $cCF | lux: $lux"
    sendEvent(name: "cCF", value: cCF, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)

    return lux

private timeOfDayIsBetween(fromDate, toDate, checkDate, timeZone)     {
    return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate))

def updateClock()       {
    runIn(2, updateClock)
    if (!state.tz_id)       return;
    if (!tz_id)       return;
    def nowTime = new Date()
    def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(state.tz_id)
    sendEvent(name: "local_time", value: nowTime.format((state.clockSeconds ? "HH:mm" : "HH mm"), tZ), isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    def localDate = nowTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd", tZ)
    if (localDate != state.localDate)
    {   state.localDate = localDate
        sendEvent(name: "local_date", value: localDate, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)
    state.clockSeconds = (state.clockSeconds ? false : true)

def getWUIconName(condition_code, is_day)     {
    def cC = condition_code.toInteger()
    def wuIcon = (conditionFactor[cC] ? conditionFactor[cC][2] : '')
    if (is_day != 1 && wuIcon)    wuIcon = 'nt_' + wuIcon;
    return wuIcon

@Field final Map    conditionFactor = [
        1000: ['Sunny', 1, 'sunny'],                                        1003: ['Partly cloudy', 0.8, 'partlycloudy'],
        1006: ['Cloudy', 0.6, 'cloudy'],                                    1009: ['Overcast', 0.5, 'cloudy'],
        1030: ['Mist', 0.5, 'fog'],                                         1063: ['Patchy rain possible', 0.8, 'chancerain'],
        1066: ['Patchy snow possible', 0.6, 'chancesnow'],                  1069: ['Patchy sleet possible', 0.6, 'chancesleet'],
        1072: ['Patchy freezing drizzle possible', 0.4, 'chancesleet'],     1087: ['Thundery outbreaks possible', 0.2, 'chancetstorms'],
        1114: ['Blowing snow', 0.3, 'snow'],                                1117: ['Blizzard', 0.1, 'snow'],
        1135: ['Fog', 0.2, 'fog'],                                          1147: ['Freezing fog', 0.1, 'fog'],
        1150: ['Patchy light drizzle', 0.8, 'rain'],                        1153: ['Light drizzle', 0.7, 'rain'],
        1168: ['Freezing drizzle', 0.5, 'sleet'],                           1171: ['Heavy freezing drizzle', 0.2, 'sleet'],
        1180: ['Patchy light rain', 0.8, 'rain'],                           1183: ['Light rain', 0.7, 'rain'],
        1186: ['Moderate rain at times', 0.5, 'rain'],                      1189: ['Moderate rain', 0.4, 'rain'],
        1192: ['Heavy rain at times', 0.3, 'rain'],                         1195: ['Heavy rain', 0.2, 'rain'],
        1198: ['Light freezing rain', 0.7, 'sleet'],                        1201: ['Moderate or heavy freezing rain', 0.3, 'sleet'],
        1204: ['Light sleet', 0.5, 'sleet'],                                1207: ['Moderate or heavy sleet', 0.3, 'sleet'],
        1210: ['Patchy light snow', 0.8, 'flurries'],                       1213: ['Light snow', 0.7, 'snow'],
        1216: ['Patchy moderate snow', 0.6, 'snow'],                        1219: ['Moderate snow', 0.5, 'snow'],
        1222: ['Patchy heavy snow', 0.4, 'snow'],                           1225: ['Heavy snow', 0.3, 'snow'],
        1237: ['Ice pellets', 0.5, 'sleet'],                                1240: ['Light rain shower', 0.8, 'rain'],
        1243: ['Moderate or heavy rain shower', 0.3, 'rain'],               1246: ['Torrential rain shower', 0.1, 'rain'],
        1249: ['Light sleet showers', 0.7, 'sleet'],                        1252: ['Moderate or heavy sleet showers', 0.5, 'sleet'],
        1255: ['Light snow showers', 0.7, 'snow'],                          1258: ['Moderate or heavy snow showers', 0.5, 'snow'],
        1261: ['Light showers of ice pellets', 0.7, 'sleet'],               1264: ['Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets',0.3, 'sleet'],
        1273: ['Patchy light rain with thunder', 0.5, 'tstorms'],           1276: ['Moderate or heavy rain with thunder', 0.3, 'tstorms'],
        1279: ['Patchy light snow with thunder', 0.5, 'tstorms'],           1282: ['Moderate or heavy snow with thunder', 0.3, 'tstorms']

private getImgName(wCode, is_day)       {
    def url = ""
    def imgItem = imgNames.find{ it.code == wCode && == is_day }
    return (url + (imgItem ? imgItem.img : 'na.png'))

@Field final List    imgNames =     [
        [code: 1000, day: 1, img: '32.png', ],	// DAY - Sunny
        [code: 1003, day: 1, img: '30.png', ],	// DAY - Partly cloudy
        [code: 1006, day: 1, img: '28.png', ],	// DAY - Cloudy
        [code: 1009, day: 1, img: '26.png', ],	// DAY - Overcast
        [code: 1030, day: 1, img: '20.png', ],	// DAY - Mist
        [code: 1063, day: 1, img: '39.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy rain possible
        [code: 1066, day: 1, img: '41.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy snow possible
        [code: 1069, day: 1, img: '41.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy sleet possible
        [code: 1072, day: 1, img: '39.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy freezing drizzle possible
        [code: 1087, day: 1, img: '38.png', ],	// DAY - Thundery outbreaks possible
        [code: 1114, day: 1, img: '15.png', ],	// DAY - Blowing snow
        [code: 1117, day: 1, img: '16.png', ],	// DAY - Blizzard
        [code: 1135, day: 1, img: '21.png', ],	// DAY - Fog
        [code: 1147, day: 1, img: '21.png', ],	// DAY - Freezing fog
        [code: 1150, day: 1, img: '39.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy light drizzle
        [code: 1153, day: 1, img: '11.png', ],	// DAY - Light drizzle
        [code: 1168, day: 1, img: '8.png', ],	// DAY - Freezing drizzle
        [code: 1171, day: 1, img: '10.png', ],	// DAY - Heavy freezing drizzle
        [code: 1180, day: 1, img: '39.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy light rain
        [code: 1183, day: 1, img: '11.png', ],	// DAY - Light rain
        [code: 1186, day: 1, img: '39.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate rain at times
        [code: 1189, day: 1, img: '12.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate rain
        [code: 1192, day: 1, img: '39.png', ],	// DAY - Heavy rain at times
        [code: 1195, day: 1, img: '12.png', ],	// DAY - Heavy rain
        [code: 1198, day: 1, img: '8.png', ],	// DAY - Light freezing rain
        [code: 1201, day: 1, img: '10.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy freezing rain
        [code: 1204, day: 1, img: '5.png', ],	// DAY - Light sleet
        [code: 1207, day: 1, img: '6.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy sleet
        [code: 1210, day: 1, img: '41.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy light snow
        [code: 1213, day: 1, img: '18.png', ],	// DAY - Light snow
        [code: 1216, day: 1, img: '41.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy moderate snow
        [code: 1219, day: 1, img: '16.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate snow
        [code: 1222, day: 1, img: '41.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy heavy snow
        [code: 1225, day: 1, img: '16.png', ],	// DAY - Heavy snow
        [code: 1237, day: 1, img: '18.png', ],	// DAY - Ice pellets
        [code: 1240, day: 1, img: '11.png', ],	// DAY - Light rain shower
        [code: 1243, day: 1, img: '12.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy rain shower
        [code: 1246, day: 1, img: '12.png', ],	// DAY - Torrential rain shower
        [code: 1249, day: 1, img: '5.png', ],	// DAY - Light sleet showers
        [code: 1252, day: 1, img: '6.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy sleet showers
        [code: 1255, day: 1, img: '16.png', ],	// DAY - Light snow showers
        [code: 1258, day: 1, img: '16.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy snow showers
        [code: 1261, day: 1, img: '8.png', ],	// DAY - Light showers of ice pellets
        [code: 1264, day: 1, img: '10.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets
        [code: 1273, day: 1, img: '38.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy light rain with thunder
        [code: 1276, day: 1, img: '35.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
        [code: 1279, day: 1, img: '41.png', ],	// DAY - Patchy light snow with thunder
        [code: 1282, day: 1, img: '18.png', ],	// DAY - Moderate or heavy snow with thunder
        [code: 1000, day: 0, img: '31.png', ],	// NIGHT - Clear
        [code: 1003, day: 0, img: '29.png', ],	// NIGHT - Partly cloudy
        [code: 1006, day: 0, img: '27.png', ],	// NIGHT - Cloudy
        [code: 1009, day: 0, img: '26.png', ],	// NIGHT - Overcast
        [code: 1030, day: 0, img: '20.png', ],	// NIGHT - Mist
        [code: 1063, day: 0, img: '45.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy rain possible
        [code: 1066, day: 0, img: '46.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy snow possible
        [code: 1069, day: 0, img: '46.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy sleet possible
        [code: 1072, day: 0, img: '45.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy freezing drizzle possible
        [code: 1087, day: 0, img: '47.png', ],	// NIGHT - Thundery outbreaks possible
        [code: 1114, day: 0, img: '15.png', ],	// NIGHT - Blowing snow
        [code: 1117, day: 0, img: '16.png', ],	// NIGHT - Blizzard
        [code: 1135, day: 0, img: '21.png', ],	// NIGHT - Fog
        [code: 1147, day: 0, img: '21.png', ],	// NIGHT - Freezing fog
        [code: 1150, day: 0, img: '45.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy light drizzle
        [code: 1153, day: 0, img: '11.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light drizzle
        [code: 1168, day: 0, img: '8.png', ],	// NIGHT - Freezing drizzle
        [code: 1171, day: 0, img: '10.png', ],	// NIGHT - Heavy freezing drizzle
        [code: 1180, day: 0, img: '45.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy light rain
        [code: 1183, day: 0, img: '11.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light rain
        [code: 1186, day: 0, img: '45.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate rain at times
        [code: 1189, day: 0, img: '12.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate rain
        [code: 1192, day: 0, img: '45.png', ],	// NIGHT - Heavy rain at times
        [code: 1195, day: 0, img: '12.png', ],	// NIGHT - Heavy rain
        [code: 1198, day: 0, img: '8.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light freezing rain
        [code: 1201, day: 0, img: '10.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy freezing rain
        [code: 1204, day: 0, img: '5.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light sleet
        [code: 1207, day: 0, img: '6.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy sleet
        [code: 1210, day: 0, img: '41.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy light snow
        [code: 1213, day: 0, img: '18.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light snow
        [code: 1216, day: 0, img: '41.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy moderate snow
        [code: 1219, day: 0, img: '16.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate snow
        [code: 1222, day: 0, img: '41.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy heavy snow
        [code: 1225, day: 0, img: '16.png', ],	// NIGHT - Heavy snow
        [code: 1237, day: 0, img: '18.png', ],	// NIGHT - Ice pellets
        [code: 1240, day: 0, img: '11.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light rain shower
        [code: 1243, day: 0, img: '12.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy rain shower
        [code: 1246, day: 0, img: '12.png', ],	// NIGHT - Torrential rain shower
        [code: 1249, day: 0, img: '5.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light sleet showers
        [code: 1252, day: 0, img: '6.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy sleet showers
        [code: 1255, day: 0, img: '16.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light snow showers
        [code: 1258, day: 0, img: '16.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy snow showers
        [code: 1261, day: 0, img: '8.png', ],	// NIGHT - Light showers of ice pellets
        [code: 1264, day: 0, img: '10.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets
        [code: 1273, day: 0, img: '47.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy light rain with thunder
        [code: 1276, day: 0, img: '35.png', ],	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
        [code: 1279, day: 0, img: '46.png', ],	// NIGHT - Patchy light snow with thunder
        [code: 1282, day: 0, img: '18.png', ]	// NIGHT - Moderate or heavy snow with thunder

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Exactly, many posts about this. WU has shut down their API service.

heres the thread for apixu driver with all details:

Maybe I am missing something... I am finally transitioning to HE. I started creating some dashboards but I cannot figure out how to access them outside my house.

If I click on the cloud button in my dashboards then click on the dash board, it still points to my internal IP address...

Go into Apps, then open the Dashboard app and copy the link from here:

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Congrats, nice blowfish by the way.

Thanks! I caught that off the pier in Savannah Georgia quite a few years ago. It was so funny because he was flat until I tried to take the hook out, then he started puffing up until he was full and weezing.


I seem to have pretty bad luck with light groups showing the correct status when they are triggered by non-dashboard means. Really detracts from the experience. Is there a way to improve this without going through the whole Rube Goldberg method? I'd rather not have to add 10 more rules to do something fairly simple. I already had to convert my 10-15 total rules for my house into over 30-40 RM rules. WebCore was missing the button controller functionality, so that was a no-go.

Looks like they have root for newer HD 8 fire tablets. Unlocked boooader as well. Should open lots of options. Makes these tablets a great choice for the price.

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Is anyone using a raspberry pi hooked up to a touchscreen as a dashboard?

I'm a little confused. Any of the implementations already discussed could be implemented with an RPi and touchscreen since they are all webpages. However, using a tablet is a lot cheaper and easier to mount than an RPi w/ touchscreen. It would be cheaper to host your dashboard on the RPi and use a cheap android tablet as the dashboard device rather than the RPi touchscreen.

As @Ryan780 mentioned, you can display the native Hubitat Dashboard on any system that can run a modern web browser. A Raspberry Pi running Chromium should work fine.

If you would like to host a dashboard on your RPi, you might want to take a look at @kewashi's cool HousePanel Dashboard.

I do have a couple of Fire Tablets running fully kiosk browser but they aren’t reliable (sometimes the app crashes and restarts).

This location is remote so I would like to have a solution I can manage remotely (SSH/VNC into the RPI).

Does the native Hubitat dashboard support pins on a tile? So I can require a pin to disarm HSM?

HousePanel works great on a fire tablet with fully kiosk browser installed, with a rPI hosting the server part. The rPI can be ssh ‘d into if you forward port 22 to your PI’s IP address. You can assign a username and password to each physical panel and each login can have a unique configuration in addition to the modest security layer the password adds.

If your fire tablet with fully kiosk is unstable something is amuck because my experience is this is quite stable.

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