Show Off Your Dashboards!

I think there is a problem with the bulb buttons relative to refresh. When I turn a bulb on using my android dashboard, it immediately responds. When I turn the bulb off, it does not respond until the next web page refresh cycle for the device!!!! I can update by pressing the browser's page refresh icon.

The same is NOT true for switches, plugs, etc. They update immediately both on and off.

Thanks for the info! And thanks again for previously helping me back in the day with ST (house panel on the Tesla web browser)

Is it possible to require a pin on a specific tile? Instead of the entire page I would like to have the option to require a pin to disarm HSM or run a mode

I remember you! Thanks for the reminder.

On the tile pin, yes - just about anything is possible... it is just code!

Depends on priorities and how many users request it. Right now the queue is pretty empty. here is my priority queue:

  • finish direct push updates using web sockets
  • Specify weather forecast location in the GUI
  • create simple 2D skin mimicking AT

So I will add this to the list. Please describe the user experience you have in mind so I can scope out what would be involved.


That would be awesome!

A widget that displays the current mode (Home/Away/Night) -> perhaps even add in color (Home -> Green, Away -> Red, Night -> Blue).
If the user taps away -> away mode will engage and the user has 30 seconds to exit.
If the user taps home -> a 4 digit pin would be required to run this mode as it disarms HSM
If the user taps night -> night mode will engage along.

Btw are Nest Cams and Unifi IP cams supported?

How did you integrate the Nest video?

This is already supported including the colors. Just add the HSM tile.

HousePanel won't have any influence over the delay to exit your home. You'll have to explore implementing a delayed alarm trigger upon HSM alarming. Several threads are on this forum that discuss how to do this.

Yes, I will add this to the dev queue

This is already supported. When you tap on the HSM tile it cycles through the different modes. You can write a rule tied to a virtual switch that goes straight to night mode and then style it in the editor to look like a HSM night shield.

IP cams are supported as long as you can write a script to pluck out a mp4 file onto your server. Then point one of the 4 video tiles to that file. That file will be updated whenever you click on it or you can set it to update every x seconds using the fast_timer option on the auth page.

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Which dashboard solution are you referring to here? The native hubitat one or House Panel?

HousePanel ... should move the discussion to the proper thread. Sorry about that.

No...that's okay. I just got REALLY excited (and confused) there for a second when you were talking about IP cameras being supported. I'm like, "HOW THE F*$# DID I MISS THAT ANNOUNCEMENT?!?!" LOL
I was halfway through my response when I realized you might be talking about house panel. :disappointed:

These are just IPAD mini right? I am curious about how you routed your power supply.

The iWallDock has it built in.

So, for $150-$200 and a huge hole in your wall, you can set it up too. :slight_smile:

Yes, mine is an Ipad mini. My IPad mini is mounted on a wall opposite of the kitchen, so I have the usb power cable going to an outlet in the kitchen. The iWallDock is pricey, but I am very happy with it. The cleanest way I have seen to mount a tablet, and the tablet is completely removable with no tools, in case you want to take it to the couch.


Do you keep the screen on 24/7? I wonder if it would be possible to rig up a electro magnet connected to a motion sensor. The iPad can turn on/off with a magnet (because of smart cover) so emulating that while mounted in the wall can enable the screen to turn on when motion is present.

Yes, the screen has been on for 2 years now! It's set at a little over half brightness.

Oh, don't get me wrong...I think it looks absolutely amazing! I just wish I could justify the cost (and the hole in the wall). hehe

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For that price but a 3D printer and design your own...

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If anyone does have one of these they want printed, and they have a design, I would be happy to print and ship them.


Anyone tried to get to work with hubitat yet? Kinda looks like a nice tool for those with some programming experience...

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Maybe not as simple of a solution, but you can definitely just have a pin protected page with only two buttons on it. One for arm mode, one for disarm mode. I know it's not as fulfilling as punching in your code and having the alarm stop, but it's a functional solution.