Hi just want to share may last days experience in getting this device on my Hubitat PRO hub, several hours learning experience.
First the hub desnt look to like the device and always fail to include it, it was easy to start the inclusion but after the S2 code the device inclusion was never (for at least 10 times try) sucessfuly concluded, from the hub point of view, cause from the device point of view the green led shows up afirming he is on the z-wave network. I walkaround this by waiting the ghost node to show up on the settings>z-wave details. As soon as this shows up you can refresh repair and then a name shows up and you can choose a proper driver like the shelly wave shutter and make him work, BUT before that you need to do another thing.
Most important of all is to update the firmware of the device cause the original one had a problem on receivind data packages from Hubitat and normally enter crash mode when you press config on the new driver. The symptom is the 3 red led blinks... no voltage issue is really a data package fail, so learn how to update the firmaware before you config the new driver.
Back to basics steps: connect to power the device > calibrate the device with is S button > include the device > refresh repair the ghost node on settings z-wave detais > update the firmware from shelly site > change the driver (Im using the zooz zen53 from jtp10181 its great and stable) > create a dashcomand with template shade. DONE
I did try the driver available on hubitat named shelly wave shutter but crashed 2 times the device, again this was before i realise i need to update the firmware, but after start with zooz zen53 i did not try again that driver, not sure if behaves better after firmware update. Before update the movements were inverted, and crashed everytime i invert the imput window! So i lost my pacience and move to the great jto10181 driver, thank you jtp.
Thanks. Do you know the exact model of Shelly device? Or can you provide the information from the "Data" section on the device info page? The Shelly Wave drivers just got added with 2.4.0 so I am sure they would like to know if there are issues.
Follows gif
I found the Regular Wave Shutter in Zwave JS Z-Wave JS Config DB Browser
But your device id 0x00BE (130) is not in there (and not in the database anywhere).
Are you sure you do not have the PRO Shutter device? Did you try the PRO driver?
Im sure the box with the device says Shelly Qubino wave shutter, no i did not tested the Pro driver since yours is working perfect. But again i didnt like it the dificulty i had to install it. Maybe is some sort of copy?! I got it from amazon !
Ok nevermind I messed something up, I have no idea how I got that hex value above. Your device ID is decimal 130 = 0x0082 in hex. So you have the regular Wave Shutter that I linked above. All the codes match up so it should be a legit device.
If my driver works good then that's good, I do not see it causing any problems. The calibrate command I have on there is special for the ZEN53 so I dont think that would work, I would not click on it. Otherwise you should be able to manually set any settings using the Set Parameter command.
Meanwhile I will let one of the devs know about the issues with the built in driver. @bertabcd1234 not sure who created the new Shelly Wave drivers or if someone has a sample to test with but seems like there might be an issue with it?
From what I can tell, product ID 130 (or hex 0x0083 0x0082) should go with the "Shelly Wave i4" driver. If there are particular problems with that driver and this device, I'm not clear on what they are from the above, but I would certainly try that one if you haven't and share more information if you have. Thanks!
Assuming it does work (and this is the right device/driver), switching to the "Device" driver (temporarily, then back), running the "Get Info" command, and providing the "fingerprint" entry from Logs that this will print out can help make sure it matches better in the future -- though once you get it assigned, it shouldn't affect functionality for you right now.
(0x083 = 131 dec)
But 130 converted to hex is 0x0082. Which is a Shelly Wave Shutter according to the link I gave above.
Sorry, typo--I did mean 0x0082. This is the fingerprint for the Wave i4 driver I mentioned above, however, and also seems to be right according to this:
Though it's entirely possible I am yet again misreading numbers.
That link is for 0x0009:0x0082
The device in question is type (3) 0x0003, which matches the Shutter
Thanks, I figured I was missing something.
The built-in "Shelly Wave Shutter" begins with this fingerprint:
mfr:"0460", prod:"0003", deviceId:"0083"
So it doesn't appear to match either of the above, though it's pretty close, and I can't find that exact ID anywhere else, so I'm not sure...
In any case, it's Bryan's driver, so if there's a specific problem, we can let him know. Just not clear on what that may be from the above yet.
Sounds like the user manually selected the correct driver but had issues getting it to work. They had no issues getting my ZEN53 driver to work. This tells me they at least know what they are doing, and also that something is probably not working as expected in the Shelly Wave Shutter driver. Also the fingerprint is probably wrong based on what you said.
My suggestion was for someone to test it with a sample device if available. OP is happy with my driver but I assume you want it to work right for future users.
Or do nothing and see if anyone else complains.
Probably something for @bcopeland to look at since I believe he is the one who actually has these devices (or at least wrote this driver--I can't say either for myself ).
Allow me to drop in.
Im an engineer but new to this world of domotics. The device wont smsrtstart. The only thing he does is create a ghost node, either by the qrcode scan or by manually push the inclusion. So we get a green blink lef but he did not show up on devices list only on zwave status as the mentioned ghost node. There after repair a random name shows and we can get in and change the driver as default motor control to the zen or other. Hope it brings some light to the problem. Default user will return the device to amazon im sure, took me at least 5h on a sunday to have the reported experience. Wife not happy
I have Qubino Wave shutter.
And I can not include it on hubitat.
I'm new on Hubitat and I didn't understand the procedure above.
How to (sted by step) ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Does it have a QR code for SmartStart? If so, I would us that.
In the official docs it is only mentioned under the Z-Wave LR instructions (because LR requires it) but SmartStart can work for any modern Z-wave device: Add Device | Hubitat Documentation
I also have some basic instructions here: [APP] SmartStart Manager for Z-Wave (Long Range support) - #2 by jtp10181
I did use Smart Start with a QR code. But after few minutes, the device is not includes.
And it never appears in the device list
Power off the device, then shut the hub down and unplug for 30 seconds, then plug back in to boot back up. Open live logs to watch for a Smart Start log message. Power up the device, and normally you should see the first log message within 60 seconds and then 30-60 after that it should be pairing which normally generates a bunch of debug logs.
If still not working I would look up the factory reset procedure for the device and try that.
Before you do the reset, make sure you have logs open, looking for the same thing as above.
You could also try manually pairing it if you cannot get SmartStart to work. The instructions are in that official docs I linked up above.
here is what I did:
1- factory reset of the device using the button at the back
2- inclusion using SmartStart
3- power off the device
4- shut the hub off

5- unplug hub for 1min
6- open live log
7- Power up the device
8- waiting for about 5min
9- nothing appears in live log
and in SmartStart, the device is now «not included»
I’ll try manually pairing