Shelly Plus 1PM commands

Hi, I’ve got a Shelly Plus 1PM connected to an extract fan circuit. The end game is I want to be able to turn the fan on/off when my Sonoff humidity sensor goes >70% (the sensor is already set up). For now I’m just trying to get the Shelly to connect. Ive got as far as setting up the Shelly in the Shelly web app and it turns on and off from there with no issues. Next I added a virtual device to hubitat and chose the Shelly WiFi switch and added the IP address under the preferences, but now I’m drawing a blank. None of the commands seem to work. If I send a ‘1’ to any of the switch states (push/hold/release), nothing happens.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Push, hold, and release are buttons events and wont send anything to the device.
You should have an on/off command?

If there is a configure command, turn on debug logging, open the logs and run Configure. See what the result is in the logs.

No, I don’t get an on/off or configure option. I have tried adding the device both as a virtual device and by selecting from the list of manufacturers and I get the same outcome.

Perhaps the wifi switch is not interactive both ways with hubitat and I actually need a zwave version?

I believe the Wifi devices can work well bi directionally. Just need to get it setup properly

Did you do this?

Added settings and clicked save?
Check logs after saving there could be an error.

Yes I have done this (added the IP address only, the device has got no username/password protection at the moment). When I save I get the log notifications below.

@user6330 One other thing to check, did it happen to make any "Child" device below it? There would be a > next to it in the device list and when you click it child devices would open it. Not sure if the switch will be created as a child maybe?

@bertabcd1234 Is this driver actually supposed to work for the 1PM? Compatibility list screenshot above.

Found this thread also saying it does not work: Shelly Plus 1 - built in driver not working

Here is the link to the Github Of that custom shelly driver: Hubitat-Drivers/PLUS/ShellyPlus.groovy at master · ShellyUSA/Hubitat-Drivers · GitHub

And the original post for it: Shelly Device Handlers for Hubitat

I would start with that driver. Do you know how to install and select user drivers? There is another even more advanced one but I dont think you will need it.

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Thanks I’ve added that custom driver and added the IP. it must have connected to it because it’s reading back the Shelly device parameters, but on/off isn’t working yet. It’s now probably just a case of setting it up properly. Thanks for your help, I’ll have a look through the notes.

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Awesome, that's about as far as I can take you. I don't have any Shelly devices myself, I have just picked up a few things here and there from reading other posts.

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I'm not sure. Any idea when this product was released? That driver was written in 2020 for whatever Wi-Fi API they were using at the time. Is the 1PM the same as the Plus 1 PM? If not, they might have different APIs, and that one may be the 1PM only. I don't have or use any of these devices myself, so I'm not sure. (But more drivers for more of these are coming at some point if this isn't already one...)

Shelly 1PM is Gen1 API device.

Shelly Plus, Shelly Pro, Shelly Mini, Shelly Gen3, Shelly Gen4 use Gen2+ API. They may have some Gen1 endpoints optionally on some devices.

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Not only did I miss that the user said they had a Plus and the List does not say plus, but I also thought the "P" in the PM meant it was a plus. Shelly device names are very confusing indeed, not having any myself.

So that clears it up, the built in driver does not work on the PLUS devices, you need either the Shelly USA driver or the driver by @dmitry.rozovik. I am glad you chimed in because my next move was to tag you anyway!

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They have series like I listed. Suffixes mean models/features to distinguish different devices in the same serie with the same channel count.

PM - power metering
EM - energy metering

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Aside from the main shelly device thread (Shelly Device Handlers for Hubitat) these threads might help (they still will contain links to different posts in the shelly device thread)


Wow, Thanks ever so much for this, I installed your bundle and it works excellently. Really appreciate your efforts and help. :slight_smile:

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