Shelly Device Handlers for Hubitat

There is a community driver for the Uni somewhere on the forum, please search for it.

As per my reply on the github issue you also commented on it is still the same answer here.

As for the git repo it was never mine, I had my own and all my drivers for the shelly devices were transferred to that repo.

You have a point, there should be best effort on Shelly's website at Hubitat support, but let's face it, that doesn't sound good does it?:sweat_smile:

@jeremy.akers and @BrunoVoeten - we took ownership of the repo in order to assist Scott with development of the EXCELLENT quality drivers he's created for the Hubitat community.

We (Allterco Robotics) promote native integrations or licensed drivers on the website and work with third party companies where opportunities present themselves.

I (Doug) do my best to support community developed drivers on my own, particularly this one, since only a small number of first gen devices are natively supported.

However, I no longer do any coding - my work doesn't give me a lot of spare time. At home, I have a four year old son and I'm jealous of my family time. Plus, I'm a .NET and JavaScript guy - not Java. I never liked Groovy.

At the end of the day, the priority for Allterco's software programming resources is developing Allterco software.

If there is ever a renewed interest from Hubitat, i will give them all of the support that they need to update their integration.

By that same token, if there is ever a push from the community to continue Scott's work, I will give them all of the support I have given Scott in the past.


@jeremy.akers, go to this post Vote for Shelly UNI - #16 by tomw there is a link that you paste in HPM in INSTALL/FROM URL.

I've been using this driver for some time now and it works perfectly.


Ya sorry I had 2 strokes dude.... all my fault

It's not about you Scott or your stroke, (I feel sorry for you) but about the concept of a company officially declaring support on their website when in reality they are relying on the goodwill of individuals. Official support is when 2 companies have a partnership and they have the commitment to work together. That should give the end user more assurance their setup will continue to work. The situation today is exactly what I mean. Thank God you survived the stoke, but it could just as easily have been different and such a fragile setup is not good for businesses. As an end user I only can hope the people at Hubitat and Shelly will start to talk to each other to create something beautiful for the end-user, the feeling is today only 1 company is willing to do…


Well folks this is it... my last driver for Shelly devices. This is for the Shelly smoke and requires a MQTT broker to function. If you don't want to go that route then you will need to use Maker API to get the status.



Yep, BrunoVoeten nailed it perfectly here. The whole point of my question on github and here is why isn't Allterco Robotics (The parent company for Shelly) working directly with Hubitat to produce officially supported drivers.

If they are going to put the badge on their website: That implies "official" support. Not support via the goodwill of community members like Scott.

No-one is here is blaming you Scott or trying to put this on you. My posts here and on Hithub to put pressure on Allterco Robotics to properly support the hardware they are selling and making money on, which is why I addressed my comment to Doug and Allterco Robotics and not you.

Well from here on out I no longer code devices drivers for Allterco devices. I think I have done my fair share of the code for the past 3-4 years is enough. If Hubitat and Allterco can't play together with all that I have done so-be-it but its certainly not my fault.. I coded enough for a good head start for collaboration. Something like 10,000 lines of code.....


I have a spare 10K thermistor in my heated floor. I wanted to connect it to Hubitat and monitor the temperature - it is the other end of the room from the thermistor hooked to the thermostat.

I believe I can accomplish this through a Shelly Plus 1 and the Shelly Plus Add-On unit and from reading all of the messages above it looks like the driver has been updated to support this? Just thought I would confirm before ordering. Thanks.

Hi ive been serching for drivers on shelly 3-phase power meter eu version are there any? Seems like a reliable device... lan comunication...


Yet another custom Shelly driver.

Written using Pro 2PM. Expected to handle other devices with V2 protocol (with 'cover', 'input' and 'switch' components). Supports bound and unbound inputs.

Uses WebSocket stream. So mechanical button events and state changes should come instantly if link is up (no polling used/required). In case of link failure will try to reconnect back at specified time interval. Link status can be monitored trough attribute.

Authentification was not used during implementation so might not work.


Any info on a Shelly 4pm driver? No code in the file (first post) some alternative?

first gen or 2nd gen ?

If you have Pro 4PM it is expected to work (either using the topic main repo driver or the one I posted). It has 4 'input' components and 4 'switch' componets. Though I have no unit to test on.

The topic main repo driver will need to be installed 4 times (4 instances) setting up each instance to each corresponding channel.

The one I posted will require only a single instance. For Pro 4PM it should spawn 4 'input' child devices and 4 'switch' child devices after setting IP and pressing 'Configure'.

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Can't seem to find if its v2 or v1.... ok there probably should be V2 in the name so I guess v1 ?

It's Shelly Pro 4 PM.
Shelly Pro 4 PM | Shelly Technical Documentation

It is V2 (gen2) protocol device.

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This driver

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The Driver is for Shelly 3EM 3Phase power meter? If so can't seem to get it to work. It connects to the device bot no power metering options.... any ideas?

This driver currently has no Pro 3 EM support.
It you could send me driver logs, I could try to add.

I can try to add using official documentation. Log will help to check events/notifications with real device behavior.

Enable description logging to see extensive device logs. If will start to dump all device responses.

Also, driver should show detected components list in the device data section down below. Would be helpfull to see that list.


To be clear
Shelly 3EM and Shelly Pro 3EM are two different devices of different protocol generations. There is no way to add the first one except writing a completely new driver. While the second one can be added.