How to integrate shelly em

So i have been trying now for days to get the shelly em to work and show some sort of change in the shelly em virtual device. i have followed the same steps i took to install the shelly 1 plus. static ip, entered in the user name and ip. it just will not register nay wattage or change in habitat lie switch on and off . it works fine in the shelly app.
what i am trying to do is have the shelly sense a wattage change to notify me that the dryer has stopped. i cannot even get hubitat to see the shelly em.
any help would be much appreciated.

Is your shelly em of plus/pro family (2nd gen protocol)?

Im not sure. this is it

It is a gen1 device Shelly EM – API Reference

Thanks, I am totally not educated on what to do with this information that you gave me.

I know 2 drivers for pro/plus (gen 2) drivers where atleast one has EM functionality support. But I don't know one for gen1.

thanks. it seems i cant do what i wanted to do with it. i wanted to basically make it into a virtuall contact sensor to get notified on echo. i have the seer light sensor and it works but my issue is it has to be on the power button to sense. thanks for your input.

Is it some sort of ECG medical device?

Depending on what exactly needs to be sensed it might work or not.
If sensed device consumes some relatively sensible amount of current (I would say >= 1A for 120A current clamp) then Shelly EM could fit.
If it is about sensing some control button, then in most cases current flow will be niglible (far below the sensitivity of current clamp). In such case rather a voltage sensor is needed. And for this purpose Shelly Plus I4 might be a better choice. Basically any Shelly Plus relay module should do as the have atleast one contact sensing input (that can be unpaired from the built-in relay and used autonomously in different modes)

But it is a bit hard to suggest something specific without full picture.

No its not a medical device its this HomeSeer HS-FS100-L Z-Wave Dual Sensor & Buzzer what i was going to do with the shelly em was have it detect the circuit in the circuit breaker box. it was all hooked up and the shelly app was able to sence the voltage change of on and off with the voltage read out. i do not know how to make my own drivers and apps for hubitat. as of right now the light sensor works well.

You could try to ask someone from threads related to Shelly 1/Shelly 1PM. There are people who made custom gen1 drivers. They could possibly help. It is always easiere when author already has most of the required driver code written before. So they need to handle differences only.

Also I quickly compared documentation from Shelly1 with ShellyEM: If you need only voltage mesurement Shelly1/Shelly1PM driver might fit. It seem it has the same property set in status section for measurements.

P.S.: Sorry. The property differs actually.


"meters": [
            "power": 0,
            "overpower": 23.78,
            "is_valid": true,
            "timestamp": 0,
            "counters": [1,2,3],
            "total": 4


"emeters": [
            "power": 0,
            "reactive": 0,
            "voltage": 0,
            "is_valid": true,
            "total": 0,
            "total_returned": 0
            "power": 0,
            "reactive": 0,
            "voltage": 0,
            "is_valid": true,
            "total": 0,
            "total_returned": 0

Yo tengo el Shelly pro em. Podria decirme cual es el driver adecuado? He leido en comentarios anteriores que para el pro si sabia cual era.

Muchas gracias


Este hilo tiene diferentes opciones para Shelly despositivos. Mi versión es para la serie plus/pro (No mencionado en el encabezado del tema).

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