Sengled e12n1e woes

Working with the c8 pro.

I have multiple sengled element colors running fine. But i can not for the life of me get the flood light style to pair.

Tried pairing with the light off then turning it on after initializing.
Tried factory reseting durring pairing.
Rebooting the hub.

Next attempt will be throwing it at the wall.

Im in the same room as the c8 maybe 8ft away.

Please help


Are you certain you are getting it to enter pairing mode?

  • To reset your smart LED bulb:
    Ensure that the bulb is on and then quickly turn the bulb off and on at least 10 times (using a light switch or power bar works best). If the reset is successful, the bulb will flash 5 times. If it does not flash 5 times, you will have to try again. For a detailed guide, please refer to this video tutorial.

Yes most definitely is entering pairing mode. But getting nothing in hubitat. I even tried just pairing zigbee instead of by brand.

The frustration i had flicking that light switch, im impressed it still works.

Sorry I am not much more help with Zigbee, not sure what it could be, I am more useful with Z-wave problems.

Thank you regardless. I much prefer zwave but couldnt find rgb flood lights.

Since you have a bunch of Sengled Zigbee lights, none of which are Zigbee repeaters, I am wondering if you have any other mains-powered devices that do act as Zigbee repeaters? Zigbee controllers can only handle a limited number of directly paired end devices. By adding Zigbee repeaters, that limits increases drastically. I am wondering if you may have hit the limit? How many Zigbee devices do you have?


I have four other sengled bulbs and one wiz lightbulb.

I do have three outlets/repeaters as well.

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i know this thread has sat stagnant for awhile but just wanted to put this out there,
i still cannot get these to work.
should i buy the sengled hub too?

its a bummer because the other sengled lightbulbs i have work great.

So to sum up, you only have 8 Zigbee devices total?

And only the Sengled floods are not pairing?

You are sure they are Zigbee and not Wifi or Matter or something like that? You didn't get someone's Amazon return and get the wrong item like a dumb bulb someone sent back?

What channel and power level is your Zigbee set to?

Did you try all the alternative pairing methods when prompted, I.E "bypassing 3.0 repeaters" and "exchanging keys in the clear"?

Did you try shutting down the hub and restarting, rebuilding the Zigbee network, rebooting the Zigbee radio or anything else?

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they are in fact ZigBee bulbs and yes only the floods will not pair. i bought two two packs and all four have the ZigBee logo towards the base.

im on channel 25 with a power level of 8.

June 1st is when i first tried pairing these and since then there's been two updates to the hub and I've rebuilt the network a few times getting the power level just right.

I have tried pairing the bulb at the lamp 6ft away from the hub to no avail.

Is this accurate?

Same here, I see you rebooted and did hub updates, but did you ever totally power cycle?

Have you ever tried another channel, 15 would be one to try at first.

Any possible sources of Wifi interference, like you don't have your Hubitat near your Wifi router, or anything like that. Although I would think it would affect your other bulbs if that were the case...


Have you tried pairing any other Zigbee devices, or just these one bulb that is causing issues? It might be worth buying a repeater and see if it is a certain device or every device you are attempting to pair.

i dont have anything to try and pair at the moment. i could factory reset the flower room repeater and try that one.

i have lost power for 8 hours last week if that counts as a power cycle.

my wifi router is on the other side of the wall the hub is on.

i will change the channel to 15 tonight and try to pair again in the morning.

Try this workaround. It worked flawlessly for anyone trying it so far.

so i tried to pair it with just the channel change and no difference. i will try the work around when i get home from work tonight.

Tried the workaround with no success.

Has anyone else successfully paired these bulbs??

How do you put these bulbs in pairing mode?
Power cycling 10 or 15 times?

Correct. 10 times.

See the linked post about the difference when power cycling 15 times… may help.

Combine the factory resetting with the pairing workaround (rebuilding the Zigbee network twice). I have no other ideas for now.

Thank you for the link.

Still no luck.
Even tried rebooting the hub and opening the second box of bulbs.

I noticed the OP of the thread you linked had the single color variant. Im curious if the muticolor version is a dud.

Getting regrettably disheartened in HE.