Sengled Bulbs on a C8

Curious - all of these Sengled or Sengled bulbs and some other brand motion sensors?

My three Sengled bulbs and two Sengled plugs are still chugging along, working/behaving.

Sengled bulbs and SmartThings/Iris motion sensors.

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It seems like it's something to do with how rules are processed and maybe the zigbee flakiness is making things worse. I've got Sengled bulbs with Sonoff and Xiaomi motion detectors.

I put an additional on and in some cases an extra off step in a few rules to test.
If motion calls for 2 lights to come on and one was consistently not coming on, if I added an extra on for that 1 light with a wait of 1 second, it would come on properly every time.

I broke an important engineering rule yesterday by working on 2 broken things at once.
I was testing those extra off and on at the same time I lowered my zigbee power back down from 12 to 8.

After raising that power level 4 days ago I was having more issues with Xiaomi devices and and also saw a couple of Sonoff buttons drop. Now I'm not sure if it was the 12 power level causing the issue with Sengled bulbs or something else.

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My sengled bulbs have been fine since I believe .121...

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+1 Similar issues with Sengled devices

I've got a pair of Sengled bulbs that don't stay connected, but also have 4 with no issues. The two with the issues are the farthest away. They're also the newest.

I'm wondering if it would be worth swapping their location around, just to eliminate that as a possibility.


Okay, swapped. The now-distant bulb dropped off almost immediately. It looks like from the routing table, it selected an ikea bulb in the house that it routed through. The bulb that was moved indoors is connected direct and working fine.

Based on the symptoms, does it seem to imply that whenever a sengled bulb goes through a repeater, it has issues? Other devices in the same place (detached garage) don't seem to have issues. I've got a ST Mulitpurpose sensor and a Sonoff zigbee plug.

Edit: Hmm, the one moved indoors also routed through a sonoff plug, but continues to work. I'll let it sit for a while and see if it drops too.

Side topic: Is the Ikea repeater good? I might make a trip over there and buy one, but was hoping that my 5 or 6 sonoff plugs would work well.

Edit next day: The indoor bulbs continue to work, but both of the further away bulbs don't. The multipurpose sensor in the garage continues to work as well. Now I feel like moving an Ikea bulb out there to see how it does, to see if the issue is isolated to Sengled.


Ikea blub works where the sengled wasn't. I'll continue to watch for a while to see if anything changes. I'm up for other things to try. Going to try to force the sengled bulbs to use something other than sonoff plugs to see if that helps.

Interesting that unplugging all but 2 sonoff devices seems to result in everything working. This even seemed to resolve my issue in a previous post where hub reboots cause bulbs to go offline.

Is it possible that there is some bug that only exists between sengled and sonoff? Other stuff in the garage stays connected through sonoff, so it's hard to place the blame on either device directly.

I might make a stop at Ikea tonight and see if they have some zigbee repeaters (or just buy some replacement bulbs for the garage).

Sure that is possible

I've been having issues with Sengled bulbs and the C8 since the release of the C8 and I started with peanuts as the repeaters that worked great for 4 years with my C5. Some of them just randomly fall off of the zigbee network.

Do they stay connected if you unplug the peanuts? Mine seem much more stable with all of my sonoff plugs unplugged. Yesterday, I ordered replacement linkind plugs. I'm curious if they'll work.

I've got one Linkind plug on my hub, I've never seen it repeat for anything but it's not in an optimal repeating location. But if you want a "quiet" plug that doesn't do too much maybe the Linkind will work.

Best Zigbee repeaters for me have been the SonOff USB Dongle Plus, the Centralite plugs, and the old square Iris plugs.

No joke. Iโ€™m tempted to buy more, now that I have the Zigbee irrigation valves working. These, along with my Samsung (Samjin) Zigbee 3 plugs seem to do the lionโ€™s share of the repeating on my C-8.

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Yes but I went ahead and replaced them anyway and no change. In fact I came home today and the entire zigbee network was offline.

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