Ring Alarm integration

I recently had a Ring Alarm given to me for some testing work.

Since I can't pair their ZWave Plus sensors to hubitat and the alarm I want to get the Ring Alarm into hubitat.

Has anyone been playing with it yet?


IFTTT is likely your best bet until there is an official integration. I use it that way with my SkyBell.

I too would love to get some decent integration with my Ring Security System. As far as I can tell right now, we have no options. I've contacted Ring support a couple of times to ask about IFTTT integration, but the responses have been pretty disappointing. They claim it's on the roadmap, but there's no timeline on it.

I also would like to integrate Ring alarm with Hubitat.

My Ring Door and Motion sensors show up in hubitat. I just can't find the right DH for them yet.

Anything yet for Ring integration? I have a full system with contact sensors, video pro doorbell, and smoke detectors, soon to have cameras

Thanks, Rick

Is anyone working on a Ring integration or is there not enough demand?

Seems like we need something like ST to HE since all the Ring devices would presumably be connected to the Ring Base unit already


Also interested in this.

I have a Schlage lock BE469 which is currently paired with the Ring security base station. Apparently soon when you unlock the door the alarm will disable.

Is there anyway I can pair the lock to Ring for the above functionality but still have control in hubitat (once a DH is available)?

Anything on the roadmap yet?


The way I have my monitored alarm (it has z wave radio too) is I only have 1 contact sensor with no entry delay, I have a ESP8266 and a relay using hubduino (or konnected) connected to the contact sensor in normally close, the monitored alarm is in away mode(always) and I have HSM to do the rest, if I have an intrusion HSM triggers the monitored alarm. Tested, it works, the police arrived. You can do exactly the same with Ring, and for $10 the cellular monitoring it's a gift! I will switch when I finish my contract. I already did this job with a ring alarm for a friend and it works. He has a siren in HE so I disconnected the internal siren of the ring alarm so if an intruder tries to smash the siren, it's just a siren, the real hub calling the police is somewhere else!

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@rgreenpc Check GitHub - asishrs/smartthings-ringalarm: SmartThings Ring Alarm Integration. I was using this on SmartThings. I just copied the code over to Hubitat, followed the instructions, and it works like a charm!

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Hey Carlos

Just to clarify, you also had to setup the API Gateway as well as the AWS? And is there actually a monthly charge for the gateway?

If so, I'll pass, got enough going on right now :frowning:


Yes, you have to setup the API Gateway in AWS. My API Gateway charges for November and for December were 3 cents each month.

This looks interesting. Skimmed the docs and the AWS was needed because ST doesn't support websockets. But since HE does I wonder if it could be directly integrated now into HE.

I don't have a ring alarm but was just looking at it to see if it had anything similar to the other ring products that need polling to update their status.

If someone is willing to take on the coding, I'm willing to test. I have front door bell, security system and Smoke/Co2 sensors


I can test too, I have the Alarm and doorbell pro.

Anyone taking on the Ring challenge?


for those of you with ring right now, are you just managing thru alexa? ofc this ignores the benefits hubitat brings. just curious

For me, I use Alexa to enable Ring security at night when we go to bed. She also announces when someone approaches the front door or rings the door bell. That's about it for me

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I created a virtual switch in Hubitat then in Alexa when the ring doorbell is pressed it turns on the switch which activates my rules.

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