[RETIRED] hubiVue iOS, Android, Amazon & Web Dashboard App

I'll admit, i'm really not sure how or when to use these new direct commands.

Depends on the devices you wish to control via hubiVue - if you wanted to send a command (as shown in the Hubitat device page) then you can copy the command name (example below could use the setVolume command to set the volume on your HE controlled media amp).

By using the Custom Commands, you are not limited by whatever the hubiVue app has for actions. You can do anything (as shown in the example above).

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Can anyone with experience on Actiontiles comment about how hubiVue currently stacks up?

It seems like a lot of cool features and active development (unlike Actiontiles), but not sure if I'm ready to jump in yet.

Does it work outside of LAN?

Yes. Uses the MakerAPI Local and Cloud endpoints. Works fine.

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Why hubiVue? No CSS to learn for one thing. Handles variable connectors responsively/live (not just display only). Offers custom commands and not just tap but double-tap and tap-hold (3 actions per tile). Super easy live edits of dashboard on phone as well as desktop. No having to assign devices on a per-dash basis. Tiles can have Aliases. Guests are supported. Multiple pages of dashboards / rooms. Proper native modals. Beautiful styling. Plus heaps more?


Thanks. Sounds awesome.

Guest dashboards you mentioned are key feature I need. Going to D/L now and check it out.

This is main reason I started using actiontiles.

I've used actiontiles on ST, and recently started playing with it on hubitat. I really don't like it. To many quirks, and steps. Just felt very chunky. Hubivue I find much more dynamic, easier and intuitive to work with, not to mention aesthetically far superior! @gslender is very active and engaging, both in this community as well as the hubivue community. I have seen him take input, listen to what people are looking for and work with then to implement requests, or explain the logic and why something can't or won't be done.

Hubivue? Yes. It auto switches between local and cloud.



Yes I'm not a big fan of actiontiles either and also started on ST. Finally made the jump to HE, once I found out actiontiles had an open Beta (maybe never get's beyond beta...), so I could minimize screeching from wife and kids by keeping them on the same interface that I exposed subset of devices for them on ST.

going to D/L now and kick the tires...

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Does seem way better than Actiontiles.

Not ready to pay $27/year for what I would likely need depending on dashboard and guest limits for free version. I'd probably be willing to pay one time like I did for A/T.

Thanks anyway.

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Lifetime subscription is coming. I’ll report back when that’s setup. Will probably be around $60 though.



What are limits for # dashboards and guests on free version?

$60 lifetime is getting closer to my pain threshold if I see enough value. It's over 2x what I paid for A/T.

Really hate getting tied to a subscription for anything that would be hard to unwind (i.e. wife and kids screech about it...)


The free version is unlimited. Give it spin.
Cost nothing but a very small fraction of your time. If you don’t like it, it hasn’t cost you anything.

Thanks. That was my main concern before I invested more time in setting it up, after I saw something on purchase tab implying limits on dashboards/tiles/guests.

watching with interest...

Correct. I need to update all the marketing material to reflect what is actually enabled with subscriptions. Hold my beer :beer:


Being able to use HubiVue on Android, all Apple devices including Macs, and Windows makes it worth the price to me. I would also rather do the one time fee rather than subscription.



I'm a huge sharptools fan. More recently due to the addition of supertiles.

Not sure if this is possble with your app, but if so, I'd be very interested to give this a crack to see the difference in performance.

Supertiles are essentially a way of combining as many custom bits of info/icons/attribs as you can into a single icon.

The pricing seems competitive with NabuCasa on Home Assistant.

Still amazed that Home Assistant is free.It's complex, but dam all the integrations and functionality are unreal.

Pricing with details on the difference from Free vs Subscribers has been updated on the website, and whilst it won't please everyone, it is what is needed to keep the Free offering free.

Hosting and AppStore costs unfortunately have a real expenses to be recovered. I trust everyone will understand how reasonable this is compared to what a cup of coffee or beer a standard Ikea Smart Bulb costs.

Several bug fix updates have been released…