RESOLVED: Using GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Dimmer driver on different device may cause stuck "Off" status

I've put this issue through the wringer all morning and come up with only one viable "solution" and that was to change drivers. Essentially, the problem was that my GE Enbrighten Dimmer (a plug-in device that controls a floor lamp plugged into one of its two outlets) continuously reported itself as "Off" on its Status page, regardless of actual state.

I could turn it "On" and "Off" successfully, both manually (with its physical switch) and using the ON and OFF paddles from the Status page... yet it would consistently remain shown as "Off" there. In all other respects, the device was responsive to things like Rules, Scenes, Set Level commands, etc.

The only way I could remedy this has been to assign the "Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer" driver to this device, whereupon status reports correctly.

Is there a problem with the "GE Enbrighten" driver? (I miss it because it offered the "Fade" setting, which the "Generic" driver lacks.) Or a potential mismatch between my particular hardware and the signals that driver expects to receive from it?


  • Libra

If you have the model number of your device (e.g., 14296), you could compare it against the List of Compatible Devices | Hubitat Documentation and see what driver Hubitat believes is the best match. Generally, the "Smart" driver you'd found is one you would want to use for a Plus device, though there are Enbrighten-specific drivers, too, and I don't know which of the numerous, confusingly-named GE/Jasco products are Plus or not or whether the Enbrighten drivers are intended to cover any Plus (or not) devices.

Regarding fade, I don't know how it works in this device, but if it's just a Z-Wave parameter, you could set it with the Basic Z-Wave Tool and then continue using whatever driver otherwise works for you (this is parameter 8 on many, though again, I don't know them all; the manual should say). The "Set Level" command with any driver should also accept an optional "rate" parameter that lets you specify the transition time, which could also help without this, depending on what app you're using.


Good call. I unplugged unit and read from its stamped label: GE ZW3107 "Smart Dimmer" which differs from what I thought it was, so it's fair to say I should never have tried using the Enbrighten driver. (Full disclosure: I based my assumption of it being an Enbrighten 14280 based on my Amazon order details, which turns out may have applied to a different unit. Mea culpa, as usual.)

Unfortunately, the ZW3107 does not have a device-specific listing in the database, so one must presume that the "Generic" driver is the way to go. And I'll just have to address the Fade characteristic (of which I am confident from testing that this device possesses) through alternative means, as you propose.

P.S. I updated this topic's subject line to reflect the resolution offered above. Thanks!

I have personally found many of the "Plus" drivers added in the last year or so, do not work correctly for me... There are multiple threads and topics with others experiencing the same things.

The older "Smart" drivers seem to be very solid and almost always work.

I exclusively use Jasco/GE switches and outlets. I also use @JasonJoel's drivers as they work the best... He doesn't have outlet drivers so I use the Generic Smart Switch driver for those...

Again, my experience and from a search of the blogs you will see others have had challenges and have asked for reviews of the "Plus" drivers specifically for Jasco/GE devices.

I recommend Jason's...


On further Googling, I discover that the GE 14280 is the ZW3107, which the manufacturer's own product page describes as a Z-Wave+ (Plus) device, so I wasn't so much mistaken as misled by the Product Description offered on Amazon vs what the unit itself has stamped on the back. Regardless, the 14280 also fails to appear in the Compatible Devices database (wish it did!), so I'll just leave it set to "Generic" for now.

Try this...

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I would, and thanks for the rec, except the author expressly states that it's unsuited for GE 14xxx devices, which mine is. I'll definitely check out his older driver, though!!

You can also try @JasonJoel's older dimmer driver... I use both his older and newer version and it depends on the version of your GE/Jasco Dimmer or Switch...

Here is the link.

I suggested the newer one because your device is specifically Enbrighten labeled. That usually can take advantage of his newer version. Stuff without the Enbrighten label and even the Enbrighten stuff can use his original older version.

Use it or don't... Just making a suggestion. :slight_smile:

I have 10 Jasco Dimmers. I use his original driver on 8 of them because they are older and not Enbrighten. I have two newer Enbrighten dimmers I use his newer driver on. His stuff just works better than the builtin drivers.

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What firmware are you on for this device? There is 5.07 and 5.20.


  1. Updated the multilevel command class to version 2
  2. Added parameter 6
  3. Fixed dimming behavior
  4. Modified the default setting for LED indication
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Yup, looks like mine's got f/w revision 5.2 in it, so that's comforting.

I switched over to the older version of Jason's driver, and it's pure gold.

THANKS for all the suggestions, guys, and hope to return the favor one day.

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Wow, guys, I no sooner start kickin' the tires on this new user driver than I manage to throw an Error in the Logs, to wit:

[dev:66] ( 2022-09-09 01:28:15.900 pm [error] ( org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_Botched1_GE_Z_Wave_Plus_Dimmer_917.push() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Long) values: [2] Possible solutions: use([Ljava.lang.Object;), run(), run(), dump(), wait(long), parse(java.lang.String) (method push)

This happens every time I do a "PUSH" ► Button ► 1 on the Device status page. (Don't ask me WHY I decided to push that, I simply wanted to try something out, LOL)

Should I report this to @JasonJoel ? (EDIT: Will tag him here)

P.S. In case you're curious, no, the "thing" I was testing did not seem to work out. I had set up a Button Controller, which takes as its Trigger the pressing of Button 1 on my GE Dimmer device, and was supposed to perform the action of adjusting Level by +15. It did nothing. That's why/when I noticed the error in Log.

Its actually @JasonJoel's... I've tagged him a couple of times in this thread. He's pretty active so you should address it with him...

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Well that's interesting. I'll try to take a peek this weekend and see if I can understand what happened there.

I've never had one of those devices, so it doesn't surprise me that it doesn't necessarily work. Multifunction devices usually need device specific drivers.

Sweet. I stand ready to send along whatever debugging info you may want to request. Trust me when I say this isn't a priority at all, just something I happened to notice. Nothing in my workflow appears to be affected by this error.

Heck, I see red ERROR entries in the Log all day long, but most appear to be of zero consequence.

Oh I'm sure it's a driver problem.

That driver was never made with the intent of supporting multifunction devices at all.

I have one of the dual outlet plug-in dimmers, but it's the model where both outlets operate simultaneously, not independently. So I'm not exactly sure what the messaging looks like.

Assuming the issue is just the error in the quoted message, this seems like it's an easy matter of the now-required (once only conventional, if that) button commands not being implemented in the driver when you have the corresponding capability: push(), hold(), etc. This was changed back in 2.2.6 -- 2.2.6 capability update cheat sheet.

That being said, if you never have a reason to "virtually" generate these button events, you can ignore this omission--so it shouldn't be a problem in real use of the device itself, only when playing around with the device detail page like this (or setting up an app to do the same).

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Just to be clear, Jason, the KW1307 / 14280 dual-outlet plug-in dimmer in my home also controls both outlets simultaneously, not independently.

NOTE: If what I mentioned earlier about "pushing buttons" has muddied the waters, please disregard that altogether. I was honestly just poking around the UI and had a "brilliant" thought about using either button-press action as a Trigger in RM. I was knee-deep in that rabbit hole when I noticed the error posted above.

Next week, I plan to start a Community game here, called "Everybody Post The 1st Red Error in Log" to begin comparing notes on real trouble spots in the HE-sphere. :smiley:

Ah, ok. I think I have one of those somewhere still. I don't think I ever used my own driver for that device, though, I think I only used the in-box driver. I'll dig through my stuff and see...


OK. Got it setup @LibraSun .

By default it uses the in-box "Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer" driver, which makes sense / is correct. Everything I tried seemed to work with that driver.

Mine updates status as expected, when operated via digital commands (from the hub) or by pressing the physical button on the device:


The one I tested is probably 3-4 years old, running the newest firmware available (5.20).


Version Report - FirmwareVersion: 5.2, ProtocolVersion: 4.34, HardwareVersion: 255
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I'm looking at your work, and appreciate what you've done, but wonder, are you referring to the original "Off" vs "On" issue I was gabbing about in the beginning of this thread – which i essentially resolved by switching over to your driver – or the later one, wherein I mentioned the odd "Error" message in Log whenever I attempted to invoke a buttonPress event on the dimmer? (Which admittedly I should probably never have