[Released] Rule 4.0

It does work, for the two things I mentioned. It can be erased, or it can be added to. But, editing conditions is a different thing, done in the other place.

I guess its the wording at the top "select actions" then the drop down "edit action" which could be cleared up by editing the header.
"Current Conditions for Laundry Actions"
Cause then @bravenelI I might see the below as conditions VS actions.

good call with the variable math. however, its throwing an error when I try to do that:

it seems to fail when trying to run my fade over %AM-sec% command.

Why was it changed? I've never used the "Manage or Create conditions" and I've edited hundreds of rules in Rule 4. But now I cant edit any conditions that way.....seems a little weird that I have to leave the rule editing page to edit the conditions.

When you first put this action in, here is what you saw:

IF (conditions) THEN

So you know you're creating something out of conditions. And below, as you go, each condition ends up on the list in the lower box, and on the pull down list of conditions you can add to the expression. All you have to do is to realize that you can edit the components of the expression, its conditions. But you can't really edit the format of the expression itself.

Let's say your expression is formed like this: IF (X AND (P OR T)) THEN. You can edit X, P and T below. You can't edit the ( ... AND ( ... OR ... )) format of it.

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It has always been the way it is right now.

You always could and still can edit Simple Conditional Actions:

But you never could and still can't edit IF (conditions) THEN actions directly that way.

No, something is amiss then, because I cant edit any rule without getting that box, once I hit done once with the recent update. Second time into the rule (From my experience) to edit it, and that box appears, and as mentioned, I've never used the "Manage or Create Conditions". IN fact, yesterday I wondered why it was there

So this one has likely been said - but I don't see it...

I have a plug that I want to monitor to turn off if it has been on for too long. In RM 3 I used a condition of the plug being on, delay x minutes (cancel) then turn it off. How do we do that in RM 4?

Bruce, you underplay this. This is an incredible feature. The "tweek" section.

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Gonna 1up my own post - here's what I really need to do - can someone identify the logic I need to use?

If Light1 or Fan1 turn on
then turn on Switch1
wait 20 minutes
turn off Switch1

If Switch2 turns on
then turn on Switch1
wait 150 minutes
turn off Switch1

If Switch1 or Switch2 turn off then turn off Switch1 and Switch2 and cancel all timers

If Light1 turns on (starts timer) then Fan1 turns on (reset timer) same with Switch2 - if it turns on, cancel other timer and run the 150 minutes.

If Light1 or Fan1 turn on then off then on, etc, the 20 minute timer resets - but cannot cancel the 150 minute timer - the latter time should win out (if 150 minute timer has 10 minutes then the 150 should cancel and a 20 should run)

Who's my hero?

I've been back and forth with Bruce all day with this exact issue and now it's affecting at least 3 rules, some of which haven't been touched in weeks. There is no way to get out b/c you can't select erase expression, you can only add And/Or/XOR

Hope they find something soon as I don't want to start rebuilding until they find it, my luck it will happen to others and I don't know where it will stop

BTW, @bobbyD from support reached out to me via PM to say that he was following the thread, noticed I was having issues and that he was looking into it. 3 cheers for Bobby, now that's customer service :slight_smile:


OK, look, we have to be careful about the words used because they all have multiple meanings. When you say "edit any rule" could you please show screenshots of the successive steps you are experiencing. You open a rule, click on the Actions to Run section, and what is the very next screen you see?

Or, are you talking about selecting an Action from the Edit Action pull down menu? If so, what kind of action is it? Is it a Conditional Action?

Pictures are worth 1000 words, so we can get some understanding of what's happening. There could be some bug, or there could be some misunderstanding of how things work. It's very hard to tell which from words here.

Why don't you start by simply writing each of these as a separate rule?

OK, I'll start

Select a Rule
From this screen, select, "Select Actions to Run"

Here is the next screen, no way to edit/delete or erase expression

I have tried to add more And/Or... and then select "Done with Actions" however everytime I go back into edit the actions, this is where I am brought to


OK, That's very bad. You have two choices:

  1. Click on AND, OR or XOR and select AND. Then select one of the conditions on the next pull down menu. Then Click on Done with Conditional Action. That should bring you back to the normal Action screen. If it does, then delete that action, and redo it. If it does not, then you must use choice 2 below.

  2. Remove that rule, and start over with it.


Would it be possible to grey out the conditions that are not able to be edited in the edit rule page?
Or, even have the "Manage and Create conditions" page open when you do select them?

You don't select the conditions on the edit action page (there is no "edit rule page"), you are selecting an action to edit (from the pull down called Edit Action). The IF-THEN action doesn't have much you can edit. Consider this: how could you edit the ELSE or the END-IF actions? So can't you just learn how the UI works? Learn that for IF-THEN, you need to edit individual conditions rather than the action itself. They are all right there for you to work with.

And learn that for a Simple Conditional action you can edit the whole thing at once.

Why the difference? The Simple Conditional action is simple. It has one condition and one action. The IF (conditions) THEN is complex, it can't be edited so easily due to the inherent complexity of any number of conditions in one action. So, all of those conditions are in one place for your editing convenience.

Yes, I'll give you that it's simple now that you have explained it. But it wasnt easily understood before the explanation.

Also, seeing some of the questions on Rule 4 in the forums, I forsee many questions on this issue when people start editing rules. When a user starts to push at the rules they've already made, then this issue arises. And granted, now I have the explanation, it makes sense, but why two areas to edit rules - one for the conditions, one for the actions?

(Please, please, please take this as a feature request. I love love love the way Hubitat is going and the strides it has recently made; and Rule 4, especially is very powerful. (I've just bought a second hub!). I'm NOT a coder, or employed in IT, so I consider myself more of a user, and as a user, I'm explaining that I found it unintuitive to have two locations for editing rules. Unless there is a compelling reason to have these two places to edit rules, please combine them, (or gray them out) for the sake of users everywhere. I only want to see Hubitat get better, and more mainstream.)


@bravenel I think my post may have been lost in the mix. Any thoughts about this error?

Is there any walk-though on how to create complex rules like this example I saw in this topic. It sorta mirrors some of the complexity I have in WebCore on SmartThings and either I am getting old and can't figure out the UI or I am missing some steps.