[RELEASE] Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller (community driver)

Nice, thank you for this pointer! As @bertabcd1234 pointed out, the Inovelli tool stops at group 5 which makes it a no-go, so I'm happy there's another option! Appreciate it and this driver :slight_smile: .

Thanks to @jtp10181 for a couple suggestions/fixes: I've updated the driver to zero-pad the firmware subversion as needed (so 1.1 will now display as 1.01, which is how most manufacturers advertise them; this should be less confusing) and fix a typo I made when trying to send a BasicGet, which would only be run when manually doing a refresh().

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Okay, I’m not sure where I’m going wrong here. I’ve set a separate rule to change the led color of the Zen32 buttons based on the on or off state of a switch.
The rule turns the Led red for off or blue for on.
However, it will only turn the led red. It flashes each time the state of the switch is changed, but remains red. What have I done wrong?

Looks like you're using strings instead of numbers for the first and third parameter types in the second setLED() call and the third parameter in the first. I can modify the driver to convert these better (you'll get unexpected results for some strings right now) or throw an error, which I don't think you'll get in most cases as-is, but that would be my recommendation.

Okay, that was it. My bad, I noticed that but swear I used a number.
One other weird thing is led on button 5 (the main relay) flashes as the led 1 color is updated. This is annoying. Why is this?

Yes, that is a quirk in the current (or at least original?) firmware:

[EDIT: Nevermind, that was a different problem; I guess a quick flash is expected when changing any parameter?]

I just received FW 10.0 today. I don’t know when 10.0 was released, but it contains this bug.

I think there was a mix-up here. You may be seeing a flash on the main button since it confirms a setting has been changed. The bug we were addressing was relevant to the LED's not working correctly in smart bulb mode. We haven't received any reports of the advanced setting confirmation flash to be an issue. Are you not seeing the flash when changing other settings?

Can you confirm what the current latest firmware iss for this device. When i check the site it currently says v10.0 which sees like quite a jump. The new controller got a little bit ago is v 1.1 which is not in the matrix at all. I am also wondering why we are limited to just Red, Green, Blue, and White.It seems you should be able to provide more color options and frankly with 5 buttons only 4 colors seems a bit limited.

Can confirm 10.0 is correct. They made similar changes to all the 700 series devices and bumped all the versions to 10, not sure why. You have to put in a support ticket to request the file.

@agnes.zooz would have to comment on the color choices.

Thank you for the feedback regarding the colors. If you have some more ideas for colors to be available for selection, please send them my way and we'll try to add the to a future update!

Great sale - I ordered one of the Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Plus Scene Controller Switch ZEN32.

Wondering if this switch / driver will work on my C4 hub?

I only tested on a C-5 and a C-7, but there's no reason it shouldn't work on a C-4 too (same Z-Wave implementation as the former).

Thanks Robert. I'll give it a go when the item arrives. I created a virtual device and that seems to work. Odd though the device screen says it has 25 buttons.

That's the way my driver works. :slight_smile: Up to five taps per button times five buttons gives you 25 (all support pushed; only 1-5 do held and released, since those are the "base" button numbers; and Hubitat's doubleTapped event is not used since other button numbers cover those cases). There's a diagram in the first post that demonstrates the numbering, or you can just look at the info logs as you use the real device after you get one.

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My Zen32 came in today. A neat device for sure. And your driver is the best thing since sliced bread. I don't have a lot of time to tinker this evening, but I have been able to create a button controller and a rule to change the leds and act on device presses. I'm going to love this thing, but I'm not sure I will be able to convince my wife that this is progress. Do you create a instruction sheet to paste on the wall indicating what all the buttons do with various presses? At this point I'm thinking I may limit myself to 10 button presses for the time being.

I have a C4 which is my long time workhorse - but I have to reboot it 3x a week. And I have 2-C5s and 2-C7s. I have been threatening to move everything to one of the C5s for a long time, but never did it. I installed the Zen32 on one of my C5s and it worked like a champ. In fact it picked your driver by default!

Again - you have done an admirable job Robert.

Have my Zen32 completely set up and installed with a massive template surrounding it with what each button push does and what the LEDs mean. I stopped at 12 functions - which is more than I need for now. My wife looked at it and rolled her eyes :wink: I'm loving this set up and want to thank Robert again for his efforts supporting this device.

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No pictures?

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Can someone tell me what triggers to use in Rule Machine to recognize the double, triple, etc taps on this scene controller? A trigger of 'button # pushed' only seems to launch the rule for single-pushes.

If you are using my driver, the button numbers and events are described in the first post. For example, a double tap of the large button is "button 10 pushed." if you are using Hubitat's driver, I don't think you will get more than double taps for any physical action.