[RELEASE] Z-Wave Firmware Updater

Clicking the configure worked. Thanks

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Excellent news. I think as a matter of general policy, it's a good idea to hit "configure" after changing a driver. In this case, even though you went from the Inovelli Driver to the Firmware driver, and back to the Inovelli driver, it doesn't hurt run configure, just to make sure everything is synched up. Refresh might do it as well since you are still using the same device, but I couldn't say for sure.


Will firmware updater handle GBL files now? I've a couple of bug fixes from Aeotec for the RE7s that I need to test out.

Anyone knows how to find firmware for fibaro???

Specifically I need firmware files for FGS-222 relay.....

Why yes .. yes it will ..


I should note.. The both variants of the firmware updater are not equipped yet to handle device that have been securely joined..

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One more thing.. The binary updater has a bug with some hex files that include bootloaders and have to be 0 filled.. Until I have time to look at this use the original version for those specific files.. Binary version works for hex (without bootloader), otz, gbl, and bin

The original version works for hex, otz


Thanks Bryan. I'll enroll them insecurely for the update.

Ran into a problem updating firmware for the Aeotec Range Extender 7...

[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:20.701 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)locked by:
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:20.689 [warn](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)ERROR. The requested Fragment Size exceeds the Max Fragment Size
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:20.466 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)7A03037104BDD7F100002800
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:20.447 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)done calculating crc: d7f1
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.953 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)calculating crc
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.949 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)done loading list
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.642 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)loading 138865 bytes into list
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.633 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)byte buffer size: 138865
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.622 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)false
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.617 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)ë¦
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.597 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)138865 bytes read into memory
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.590 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)byte buffer size: 138865
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:19.576 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)138865 bytes
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:18.396 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)firmwareMdReport: checksum 0 firmwareId: 1213 manufacturerId: 881 maxFragmentSize: null firmwareTargets: 0
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:18.341 [debug](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)FirmwareMDReport: FirmwareMdReport(manufacturerId:881, firmwareId:1213, checksum:0, firmwareUpgradable:false, numberOfTargets:0, maxFragmentSize:null, firmwareIds:[])
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:18.066 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)VersionReport- applicationVersion:1.1
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:18.060 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)VersionReport- zWaveProtocolVersion:7.11
[dev:186](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/logs#dev186)2020-07-30 11:03:17.790 [info](http://hubitat-c5-dev.cococafe.com/device/edit/186)FirmwareUpdateMd version:5

Smooth updates on two Zen15 power switches today. 1.3 to 1.4. Zooz support was quick to send over the firmware like usual. :+1:

I am getting "Please wake up your sleepy device" message for an Inovelli Black On/Off switch (LZW30). I am trying to flash the beta firmware found below


Please help

This is a very long thread, so the answer is hard to find. But way back is:


Thank you for yor answer. I just tried the steps and firmware updater is still showing "Please wake up your sleepy device"

It is a bit fussy; it took me several tries to get the timing right, but it did eventually work.

If you are unable to get success, there is discussion on the Inovelli community about using a Z-Wave stick, and a downloadable tool. Inovelli has (had?) a lending program if you do not own a Z-Wave stick.

Yeah still can't get it working. The updater spits out the message right away, so it doesn't go too far

FWIW, and I don't know if it's helpful, but my Inovelli Fan controller gives the same message on start, and if I just ignore it, the firmware transfer starts a little while later....


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Oh interesting. Ok I suppose I will just be patient. Thank you!

Welp, it's been an hour and still stuck at the wake up message. I clicked the firmware update again, and saw this in the logs. Does this mean anything?


Tagging @bcopeland for some possible insight

Are you seeing anything under "hub" in the logs or in the device "events" tab? Usually something like "requested fragment ##"
