[RELEASE] WyzeHub - Wyze Device Integration (minimal cam support)

Actually, I just looked at the logs and from the second the WyzeHub app was installed the logs immediately started filling up with errors. Not sure EXACTLY what the logs are actually saying but it certainly doesn't look like it's working properly atm anyway :confused:

@user4745 Yes I have errors in the logs also but I can confirm at least the on/off methods work, I haven't tried anything else in the driver.

The on/off is the same as hitting the button in the app to turn the camera on or off. It might not suit your purpose. I'm pretty sure anything you can do with this driver is completely separate from those Wyze app rules or home/away modes.

Got it. 'Preciate your input!

the setMotionRecording command turns on (true)/off (false) motion recording (leaves the camera on in case you have continuous recording turned on).

@fieldsjm Yeah I'm going through things again right this second, actually. Trying to figure out some other workaround. I tried setting a Rule in the Wyze app to do different things, one being to activate the in-camera siren, and two being a trigger for a rule in Rule Machine to turn lights on and such so the camera records a better picture. But I can't even get the camera to activate the siren when motion is detected, much less have it act as a trigger for HE. (And that's all for now just assuming I'm enabling it manually without yet trying to set up like a Virtual Switch that I can command via voice through Alexa, or a button command on the switch next to the door on my way out). So I have no idea how to get any of this at all to act as an automation, in any way.

EDIT: I was able to get the siren to turn on after detecting motion. Had to reboot the camera and then it worked.



I've been using this app with much success over the last few months. All I have been using it to do is turn three cameras on or off depending on presence status. But recently the on/off action will intermittently fail.

The app seems to think it's working but it isn't. I checked the logs this morning and I can see "Access Token Invalid. Attempting to refresh token" messages. Nearest I can tell, it was able to do so and then the next messages I see are the devices with their new values:

app:272023-07-12 07:56:52.224 AMdebug[WyzeHub] [name:switch, value:off, unit:null, description:Wyze - Cam 3 switch is off, isStateChange:true]
app:272023-07-12 07:56:52.169 AMdebug[WyzeHub] [name:switch, value:off, unit:null, description:Wyze - Cam 2 switch is off, isStateChange:true]
app:272023-07-12 07:56:52.169 AMdebug[WyzeHub] [name:switch, value:off, unit:null, description:Wyze - Cam 1 switch is off, isStateChange:true]

However, when I check the app itself, the cameras are still on.

Not sure what to check next. Any thoughts?

Can anyone share in a more step by step fashion how to get the Access Token and Refresh Token? I've generated my API keys from Developer Api Console - WYZE and set up Postman but I can't tell if I'm entering the keys in the right places. Postman gives me "bad request", this WyzeHub app only gives me 401-Forbidden in the Hubitat logs if I only provide my Username and Password. Apologies if this is a noob request :wink:

i am having the same issue. i deleted, uninstalled, re-installed and generated a new API key and added it but now it says i have no new devices. i can't even find the old ones anymore. please help.

I am having the same problem as the 2 guys above me. I didn't recall we needed to add a token or enable oath or ? just re-do the login. Anyone have any success reauthenticating lately?

Installed this to see what it could give me as I only have Cams, but having same problem with the 403 Forbidden errors in log. Looks like this is not supported anymore by the OP

Same here - no longer appears to be working for me.

I just noticed my camera events are not updating, either. I went to re-auth in the app and saw this in the logs.

Looks like wyze updated the auth token process. A key is now required.

There is the link if anyone is interested is giving it a go. I dont think @jakelehner is supporting the app anymore.

I'm going to mess around with it later this week :unamused:


I was able to get the API Key to work.

First, update the app code...
Here is my forked copy of the app code:

Secondly, go to wyze site and request a Key, you will need both the api key and key id.

Copy those into the app on the 'Configure Login Info' screen.

Note: I do not have MFA enabled so i'm not sure how this will affect.


Same issue here. Tried the updated code and put in the key an api key. No dice. When I go to device it just says "no new devices" . First time setup.

Here are the logs -

WyzeHub] Refresh Token Invalid.

[WyzeHub] Access Token Invalid. Attempting to refresh token.

Thanks @fieldsjm, plugged in the key id and API Key and all works as intended, no more errors! Now to see what I can actually use this for, I only have Cams.

I believe it will say "no new devices" until you obtain authorization.

Did you get a login successful message after entering the key id, api key, email, and password on the configure login screen?

I was setting up the HA integration and tried to create an API key. But I can't get logged into Wyze anymore! It always throughs an error saying my ad blocker is preventing their captcha from working... but I've tried it with multiple browsers in virgin installs, and it just doesn't work.

Update: it does work from Chrome on my phone. I was able to create an API key.

Using @fieldsjm's new code, I was able to get the key to work and I'm no longer getting errors.

My automations using Wyze were to enable/disable notifications when I open the front door. E.g., when I go out, I turn off notifications to not be told someone (me) is on the front walk. It does seem like it is working again.

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