[Release] Visonic / Interlogix / Networx / Elk Alarm Bridge

Sounds like your Hubitat lost/changed its IP address at some point and has set a private address (which will stop things working since it is not valid on a network).

Check you have your IP addresses fixed by the router, and network cables aren't loose. Then I'd suggest maybe repeating those setup steps. To do the configuration.

Method to trigger alarm *
Default IO if unsure

Do I choose Serial or IO for this as wont save without it?

I am followed the steps again (after removing all config and rebooting all) and am at the same stage.
I can access the Wemos page and have Alarm in Hubitat and can ARM / DISARM in both locations.
Still cannot create Zone devices.

IP address now correct in both Wemos page and HE page and has been set Static on the router.


So what happens now in the log when you press create child devices on the alarm parent/main device?

A new line appears in events;
Value: Port 39501
Descrioption Text:
Date:2021-04-05 18:26:54.756 IST


In logs;
dev:812021-04-05 18:29:35.967 debugmac:6001943307BC, ip:c0a80172, port:370d, headers:UE9TVCAvIEhUVFAvMS4xDQpTZXJ2ZXI6IFZpc29uaWMgQWxhcm0NCkNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGNsb3NlDQpIb3N0OiAxOTIuMTY4LjEuODM6Mzk1MDENCkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjtjaGFyc2V0PVVURi04DQo=, body:

dev:812021-04-05 18:31:59.962 debugNot valid json response/message

That's weird, it doesn't seem to be decoding the message. Have you tried updating the firmware of the Wemos?

I do remember seeing something like this before but can't remember why. Your alarm device has the Wemos Mac address as it's device ID right

Very old formware from Nov 2017 - is there a link you can provide to get the update from?

esp8266 purchsed from you some time ago!

Ah ok that will explain it then. Lots of changes since then. If I haven't put it in the Hubitat GitHub then it is definitely in the ST GitHub

Can i use the UPDATE FIRMWARE option on the Wemos webpage? Or do I need to remove from alarm panel and process via PC?

It maybe easier for me to purchae an updated one from you direct if that is still an option?

The update firmware link on the dashboard will allow you to upload the bin file of firmware. Should be super easy and should re-enroll automatically straight after

Yes, the bin file updated and page confirmed update.

Not not been able to access it again since update - could have lost it's config?

Oh dear, thats annoying! It should keep config between version updates but with firmware updates I suppose it's always possible for something to go wrong, especially if its a long time since you updated. Two quick troubleshooting steps:

  1. Can you confirm if the device is broadcasting its own access point again (called AlarmPanelBridge or something like that)? If so then you will need to connect to it and re-save the WiFi details into the Wemos - after that it should resume as normal.
  2. If you do a power cycle does the device appear on your network again then? (i.e. perhaps it needed a power cycle for some reason).

@cjcharles - thanks for that!

Found the broadcast of VisonicAlarmPanel on my phone and accessed the homepage to set up the WiFi and all is back on - all child devices now shown on HE. I think having the static IP set on the router sorted this out.

Just need to get the tiles on the Dashboard working now - can see the options Armaway, Armhome and Disarm along with all the sensors. What attributes do I need for each tile as cannot get them to work on both button or attribute?

Appreciate all your help - is your PayPal still active so I can buy you a beer?

Ah good, glad to hear it. Yes, there is a link at the very bottom of the first post, many thanks!

The arm/disarm buttons can be created by using the child devices (as simple switch templates), or in fact you can create them as a button with the button number populated as text (not a number) such as 'AlarmArmAway'. (though I recommend just using the switch device and switch template).

As for the attributes, its mainly these three:

  • alarmStatus - Will show Disarmed/Armed Away/....etc (or you can sync with HSM and use a standard HSM tile)
  • alarmEvents - Will show the last arm/disarm event that the alarm has done and when, plus the user who did the action (if it is known)
  • problemtext - Will show if the alarm has a low battery or if something is wrong
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I've got the following 'status' report stating 'Not Ready', but the screen on my panel says 'Ready'. I haven't yet allocated sensors. Just wondering what could cause this, and how to get the 2 status reports to align?

Screenshot 2021-05-02 at 10.25.37

Not ready in the Wemos webpage means it hasn't managed to enroll with the alarm yet, not related to the alarm status.

What model of alarm do you have? If you go to the getzonenames page do you see any zones listed? (they would be listed without names until enrolling is complete, but are often good to indicate communications is working)

I have a Visonic Powermax Express. Hmm the following is listed on the 'getzonenames' page;

Screenshot 2021-05-02 at 14.33.50

It looks like the board is connected to my wifi, but not properly through the serial terminal? I followed a previous post in this thread to identify the correct RX & TX terminals.. this was the photo I used for reference;

Maybe my rx & tx pins are in the wrong position in the 10 pin serial port?

This is the image on my Github instructions (from first post), is this how you have them connected?

Once you have it connected then I suggest rebooting the Wemos via the webpage and hopefully after a few minutes it should enrol with the alarm. If not then drop me a PM and can investigate.

Hi Charles, sorry was being really incompetent. Got confused with the orientation of the serial port on the Express.. and it's mounted horizontally not vertically as per 'Powermax Complete'.

N.B. For anyone fitting the wemos to the Powermax Express, the RX & TX pin locations are in the same place on the Express, just use the 'cut-out' section of the serial surround as a reference to work out which pins you need to use.

I've managed to arm, and disarm - and the status page on the Wemos shows the 'exit delay phase', and 'armed' phases - so all working now. I'll move onto fitting the sensors around the house and pairing them with the control panel, then adding the device within hubitat.

Thanks again for your guidance!

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