The sensor is online now. I didn't re-pair but just increased hub zigbee power last night. During the night it re-paired by itself. I'm getting data from the sensor. But still ping shows timed-out though.
OK, thank you for the tests! This is a sleepy end-device and can not be proactively pinged.
I have fixed some minor issues in the release version 3.0.2 2024-09-15 "2024/09/15 10:22 AM" :
- fixed exception in resetPreferencesToDefaults();
- refresh using queryAllTuyaDP();
- force 2 minutes health check interval (the device will show healthStatus offline after 6 minutes of inactivity).
- illuminanceVoltage event bug fix;
This driver is now available for istallation via Hubitat Package Manager (HPM). Search for "Tuya Zigbee Rain Sensor",
For those who have already manually installed the driver, please do a ' Match Up' in HPM.
Got one for shits and giggles.
So if you need some testing done, just say the word.
Strange sensor this one. (the round one)
Works like a charm, exept when it rains. Then it loses it's zigbee link.
I have a motion sensor attached within 5cm from where this sensor is mounted, and it stays connected.
I got one too
Mine worked really well until it went to sleep and never came back.
I will re pair it with the hub and see how long it lasts for