[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Contact Sensor++ w/ healthStatus

Most of the Zigbee contact sensors on the market (including Tuya TS0203) that use the standard IAS zone messaging are natively supported in Hubitat by the inbuilt Generic Zigbee Contact Sensor driver. This custom driver provides support for the non-standard Tuya-specific contact sensors (TS0601), but works also with IAS sensors made by Tuya (TS0203) and most of the other manufacturers, adding device healthStatus (online/offline) monitoring. It also allows battery reporting configuration for some of the models.

The recommended way to install the driver is from Hubitat Package Manager (HPM). Search for "Tuya Zigbee Contact Sensor++" or by tag "Zigbee". If you have already installed this driver manually, do a "Match Up" in HPM first and then Update.

Driver code is also available in Github: link

Supported Tuya models

Device Links
Tuya Contact and Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: TZE200_nvups4nh
Features: Contact, temperature, humidity, battery
Battery: TODO
Driver status: operational

AliExpress: link
Tuya Contact and Illuminance Sensor
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: TZE200_pay2byax, TZE200_n8dljorx
Features: Contact, illuminance, battery

Driver status: testing
AliExpress: link
Tuya ContactSensor
Model: TS0203
Manufacturers: "_TZ3000_26fmupbb", "_TZ3000_n2egfsli", "_TZ3000_oxslv1c9", "_TZ3000_2mbfxlzr", "_TZ3000_402jjyro", "_TZ3000_7d8yme6f", "_TZ3000_psqjayrd", "_TZ3000_ebar6ljy", "_TYZB01_xph99wvr", "_TYZB01_ncdapbwy", "_TZ3000_fab7r7mc", "TUYATEC-nznq0233"
Features: Contact, illuminance, battery

Links: TODO

Supported non-Tuya models

Device Links
BlitzWolf Contact Sensor
Model: RH3001
Manufacturer: TUYATEC-0l6xaqmi, TUYATEC-trhrga6p, TUYATEC-nznq0233
Features:Contact, battery

BlitzWolf .com link
SONOFF SNZB-04 Contact Sensor
Model: DS01
Manufacturer: eWeLink
Features: Contact, battery

Sonoff tech: link
Third Reality Contact Sensor
Model: 3RDS17BZ:
Manufacturer: Third Reality, Inc
Features: Contact, battery
Battery: 2xAAA

3reality .com: link
Amazon .com : link
Amazon .co.uk : link
Amazon .de : link


  • TS0601 Tuya-specific cluster models
  • TS0203 IAS cluster models (work with HE inbuilt drivers too!)
  • RH3001 BlitzWolf models
  • Sonoff DS01
  • Third Reality 3RDS17BZ (under tests)
  • Any Zigbee standard IAS Cluster (0x0500) contact sensors


  • Multiple manufacturers and models support
  • healthStatus (online/offline)
  • Battery reporting interval configuration
  • Info and Debug logging preferences



  • ver. 1.0.0 2023-02-12 - Initial test version
  • ver. 1.0.1 2023-02-15 - dynamic Preferences, depending on the device Profile; setDeviceName bug fixed; added BlitzWolf RH3001; _TZE200_nvups4nh fingerprint correction; healthStatus timer started; presenceCountDefaultThreshold bug fix;
  • ver. 1.0.2 2023-02-17 - healthCheck is scheduled every 1 hour; added presenceCountThreshold option (default 12 hours); healthStatus is cleared when disabled or set to 'unknown' when enabled back; offlineThreshold bug fix ;added Third Reality 3RDS17BZ
  • ver. 1.0.3 2023-02-25 - (dev. branch) added the missing illuminance event handler for _TZE200_pay2byax; open/close was reversed for _TZE200_pay2byax;
  • ver. 1.1.0 2023-04-24 - added advancedOptions; added battery reporting configuration
  • ver. 1.1.1 2023-06-08 - bug fix: batteryReporting configuration for Sonoff DS01
  • ver. 1.1.2 2023-10-20 - added option 'Convert Battery Voltage to Percent'; added pollContactStatus preference
  • ver. 1.2.0 2024-05-23 - Groovy linting; setDeviceName() bug fix; added lastBattery attribute; added ThirdReality 3RDS17BZ fingerprint; added Xfinity XHS2-UE fingerprint; the configuration attempts are not repeated, if error code is returned; added setOpen and setClosed commands (for tests); added pollBatteryStatus option for devices that do not report the battery level automatically
  • ver. 1.2.1 2024-06-03 - added resetStats command
  • ver. 1.2.2 2024-06-14 - (dev.branch) - added ThirdReality tilt sensor 3RDTS01056Z; new _TZE200_pay2byax fingerprint; added preference to disable illuminance @Big_Bruin

The development branch version that contains the latest additions and bug fixes can be manually downloaded from here: link

1 Like


I have noticed a side affect introduced by this contact sensor driver.
When selecting a temperature capability in a rule trigger all the contact devices with your driver appear in the drop down. None of the contacts I have have temperature or humidity capability
and should not be in the drop down list. Selecting one of these contacts results in a Null value.

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There is no easy solution to this problem.

One of the reasons to exclude the Tuya sensors from the 4-in-1 driver was exactly that I didn’t want to add just another rarely used capability that will appear improperly in all apps device selection lists… but I felt in the same trap again : (

The ideal solution would be if Hubitat add dynamic capabilities functionality into HE drivers. This has been requested many times, but unfortunately is still not a priority. : (

I definitely do not want to support 10 different drivers which differ by a few lines of code only, this requires a lot of additional efforts and time, every time something is updated in the common code. The Libraries are not a solution in most of the cases, as the improvements or the changes often can not be a part of a base library code.

To avoid the NULL problem I can put “n/a” or “unavailable” for these attributes, which are not supported by a specific device. I am not sure whether this is better approach, as sending a text for these attributes that must have only numeric values seems even worse… But I have seen other drivers doing this, so we can experiment.


I discussed this with @gopher.ny for the HomeKit integration.
At least there one has the option to select whether or not a certain functionality is exposed to HomeKit or not.

I would second this feature wholeheartidly

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I suspected as much. One just has to know a bit about what their own devices are capable of and code accordingly. Training wheels only go so far.

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Let me know when you want to test the updated driver again and i will try it out.

With the introduction of this driver, i think the driver i had created can be completely nuked. No need to have multiple drivers doing the same thing.

Hi @Abhay ,

I hope will be able to finish the next version of the driver today, although my wife has other plans for me that include mostly household keeping activities.. :cry:

Here we doubled, I was not aware that you have started working on the contact+illuminance driver code...

I have an idea now - I can start a new thread in this forum Custom Drivers section, listing devices that are not natively supported in HE and need new custom/community drivers. What comes as the first thought in my mind is several Aqara devices (the new series of double-rockers, Aqara new series blinds/shades motors, Aqara TRV, Aqara T1 magic cube, etc...). A very interesting project will be to add region support for the Aqara FP1 presence sensor - this will require also an app for configuring the regions... Also Ikea - the new Air Quality sensor will become widely available very soon. For sure, many other devices will need custom drivers.

Another big and time-consuming activity is to modify all of Markus's drivers to replace the misused Presence capability and replace it with the "Health Check" capability / healthStatus attribute.

What do you think?


Hi @Abhay ,

I just had the time to go back to this driver, hope in the dev. branch version 1.0.3 I have fixed the reversed open/close events and text description for _TZE200_pay2byax. I have also used some of your code to handle the missing illuminance event : )

Please don't. Typically, a driver written for a single device is more robust and better optimized if compared to a driver that tries to support multiple device models and manufacturers. The risk of adding new bugs here is much higher, as not all devices are available for testing. If you are OK with this, I can add a link to your alternative driver code. There are many devices in Hubitat that have more than one driver available.


This a great idea. I will see how i can help.
The problem is, since these zigbee driver development is new to me, i tend to depend on the hardware the i have to go back and forth with logs in different case to understand the flow before i complete the driver.

So unlike you, just based on a single log i might not be able to immediately make the modifications :frowning:

But i will try to late a look at the logs that you mentioned and see what i can do..

Sure, i can keep the driver the in Git HUB. Please feel free to link it as secondary driver. Do you think making it a HPM installer would be helpful? If so i might need your need help on how to do it. Since you are a collaborator on that GIT branch, if you have time feel free to add the changes to make it a HPM package. Thanks.

i still haven't got a chance to look at and test your updated driver. Will try it out in next couple of days.

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Hello there! Just to check if im the only one, i’ve updated my c8 to the latest version, after the update the version available in HE package manager started inverting the open/closed status. Installed the drive in the dev branch and it started working as intended. Is this hapening to anyone else?


Hi @Pr0z4k .

I have now updated the 'release' version to be the same as in the dev. branch - should be 1.1.0 timeStamp "2023/04/24 11:11 AM".

You can use the HPM 'Update' function, or if it doesn't work - try the HPM 'Repair' function.


I can't get a SONOFF SNZB-04 Contact Sensor to complete the configuration, Running the latest version any tips or help I would be grateful

Do you mean the Zigbee pairing process does not finish successfully, or the SNZB-04 pairs OK, but does not update the open/closed status? If the latest - have you tried pairing it again very close to the hub? Which model is the hub - C-8 or an older model?


I'm currently not at home so I can't wake it up for it to try and do what it needs to, I have even increased the timeout from 10 seconds to 30 and it hasn't helped

at home tried everything even with a brand new sensor
From the logs below it seems it's doing it but it just keeps saying it has not had a response

Rolled back to version ver. 1.0.3 2023-02-25 and both sensors configured straight away so there is a bug in 1.1.0

dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:41.909 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer expired! Do not restart it.
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:41.907 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.912 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 0
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.875 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Timeout when waiting for configuration result confirmation!
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.874 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.872 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.779 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.777 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.775 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is open
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:40.773 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0001 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.881 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.856 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.854 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.852 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.227 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 2
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.226 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.223 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is closed
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:39.221 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0000 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:38.856 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 2
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:38.831 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 2
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:38.830 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:38.828 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:37.833 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 3
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:37.808 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 3
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:37.807 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:37.805 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:36.809 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 4
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:36.784 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 4
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:36.782 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:36.780 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:35.785 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 5
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:35.759 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 5
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:35.758 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:35.756 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:34.761 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 6
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:34.736 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 6
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:34.734 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:34.732 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:33.737 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 7
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:33.713 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 7
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:33.711 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:33.709 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:32.714 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 8
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:32.690 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 8
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:32.688 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:32.686 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.691 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 9
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.666 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 9
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.664 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.662 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.416 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 10
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.414 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.411 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is open
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:31.410 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0001 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:30.671 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 10
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:30.647 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 10
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:30.645 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:30.643 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.858 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 11
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.856 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.854 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is closed
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.852 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0000 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.616 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 11
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.592 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 11
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.589 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:29.588 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:28.593 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 12
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:28.567 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 12
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:28.566 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:28.564 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.542 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 13
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.518 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 13
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.516 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.514 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.330 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 14
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.328 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.325 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is open
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:27.323 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0001 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:26.522 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 14
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:26.497 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 14
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:26.496 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:26.494 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:25.498 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 15
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:25.473 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 15
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:25.471 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:25.469 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:24.477 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 16
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:24.452 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 16
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:24.450 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:24.448 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:23.452 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 17
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:23.428 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 17
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:23.426 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:23.425 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:22.429 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 18
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:22.405 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 18
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:22.403 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:22.401 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.405 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 19
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.380 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 19
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.379 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.377 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.182 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.181 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.178 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is closed
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:21.177 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0000 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:20.384 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:20.361 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:20.359 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:20.357 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:19.359 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 21
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:19.334 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 21
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:19.332 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:19.330 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.368 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 22
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.367 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.365 PMdebugWindow Shed Right NOT PARSED : [raw:EAA40100004E040042076557654C696E6B000000200101000020030500004204445330310700002003FEFF86, dni:EAA4, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:4E, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:eWeLink, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4, additionalAttrs:[[value:01, encoding:20, attrId:0000, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:0], [value:03, encoding:20, attrId:0001, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:1], [value:DS01, encoding:42, attrId:0005, consumedBytes:7, attrInt:5], [value:03, encoding:20, attrId:0007, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:7]]]
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.341 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 22
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.310 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 22
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.309 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:18.307 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.808 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 23
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.806 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.805 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone State repot ignored value= 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.317 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 23
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.290 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 23
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.288 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.285 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.275 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 24
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:17.273 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.703 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 24
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.701 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.699 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received bind response, data=[25, 00] (Sequence Number:25, Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.334 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 24
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.262 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 24
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.260 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.258 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.167 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 25
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.166 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:16.164 PMdebugWindow Shed Right IAS enroll write attribute response is success
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.328 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 25
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.240 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 25
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.238 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.236 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.108 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 26
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.107 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.105 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Reporting Configuration Response for battery % (status: Success) is: min=10 max=43200 delta=17
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:15.102 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Received Read Reporting Configuration response (0x09) for cluster:0001 attribite:0020, data=[00, 00, 20, 00, 20, 0A, 00, C0, A8, 11] (Status: Success) min=10 max=43200 delta=17
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.554 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 26
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.552 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.551 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received Configure Reporting Response for cluster:0001 , data=[00] (Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.243 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 26
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.216 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 26
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.214 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.212 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.015 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 27
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.014 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:14.012 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received Configure Reporting Response for cluster:0001 , data=[00] (Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:13.225 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 27
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:13.188 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 27
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:13.186 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:13.184 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.413 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.411 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.409 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received bind response, data=[20, 00] (Sequence Number:20, Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.190 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.165 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.163 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:12.161 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.846 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.844 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.842 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received bind response, data=[1F, 00] (Sequence Number:1F, Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.311 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.309 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.306 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is open
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.304 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0001 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.170 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.138 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.136 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:11.134 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.815 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 30
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.813 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.811 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received Configure Reporting Response for cluster:0001 , data=[00] (Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.284 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 30
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.282 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.280 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is closed
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.278 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0000 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.271 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 30
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.269 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.266 PMtraceWindow Shed Right sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he wattr 0xEAA4 0x01 0x0500 0x0010 0xF0 {8BFD3516006F0D00}, delay 2000, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0500 {01 23 00 00 00}, delay 2000, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0500 {10 00 00 00 00}, delay 2000])
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.264 PMdebugWindow Shed Right sending enroll response: [he wattr 0xEAA4 0x01 0x0500 0x0010 0xF0 {8BFD3516006F0D00}, delay 2000, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0500 {01 23 00 00 00}, delay 2000, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0500 {10 00 00 00 00}, delay 2000]
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.261 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Sending IAS enroll response...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.145 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 30
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.143 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.142 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received bind response, data=[1D, 00] (Sequence Number:1D, Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.112 PMtraceWindow Shed Right sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[zdo bind 0xEAA4 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {00124B002247ADBF} {}, delay 101, he cr 0xEAA4 0x01 1 32 32 10 43200 {} {}, delay 101, zdo bind 0xEAA4 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {00124B002247ADBF} {}, delay 102, he cr 0xEAA4 0x01 1 33 32 10 43200 {} {}, delay 102, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0001 {10 00 08 00 2000}, delay 103, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0001 {10 00 08 00 2100}, delay 104])
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.109 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Pending 1 configuration(s). Wake up the device!
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.107 PMinfoWindow Shed Right pending 1 reporting configurations
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.105 PMinfoconfigure battery reporting (10,43200,1) pending ...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.102 PMwarnlastTxMap.battCfg = 10,43200,1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.100 PMtracesettings?.batteryReporting = null
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.069 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Debug logging will be turned off after 24 hours
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.053 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.051 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Updating Window Shed Right (Sonoff Contact Sensor) model DS01 manufacturer eWeLink, deviceProfile = SONOFF_CONTACT_BATT
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.049 PMinfoWindow Shed Right sending the reporting configuration...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.037 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configuration pending ...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.035 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 0
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:10.033 PMinfoWindow Shed Right device announcement
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.810 PMtraceWindow Shed Right sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[zdo bind 0xEAA4 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {00124B002247ADBF} {}, delay 101, he cr 0xEAA4 0x01 1 32 32 10 43200 {} {}, delay 101, zdo bind 0xEAA4 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {00124B002247ADBF} {}, delay 102, he cr 0xEAA4 0x01 1 33 32 10 43200 {} {}, delay 102, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0001 {10 00 08 00 2000}, delay 103, he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0001 {10 00 08 00 2100}, delay 104])
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.807 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Pending 1 configuration(s). Wake up the device!
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.805 PMinfoWindow Shed Right pending 1 reporting configurations
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.803 PMinfoconfigure battery reporting (10,43200,1) pending ...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.799 PMwarnlastTxMap.battCfg = 10,43200,1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.798 PMtracesettings?.batteryReporting = null
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.766 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Debug logging will be turned off after 24 hours
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.741 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:09.739 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Updating Window Shed Right (Sonoff Contact Sensor) model DS01 manufacturer eWeLink, deviceProfile = SONOFF_CONTACT_BATT
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:08.711 PMtraceWindow Shed Right sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xEAA4 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 07 00 FE FF}, delay 200])
dev:18862023-06-07 11:29:08.707 PMinfoWindow Shed Right configure()..
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:49.563 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer expired! Do not restart it.
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:49.561 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:48.583 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 0
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:48.528 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Timeout when waiting for configuration result confirmation!
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:48.526 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:48.524 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:47.529 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:47.505 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:47.503 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:47.501 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:46.505 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 2
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:46.480 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 2
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:46.478 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:46.476 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:45.480 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 3
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:45.456 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 3
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:45.454 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:45.452 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:44.502 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 4
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:44.435 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 4
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:44.433 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:44.431 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:43.433 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 5
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:43.411 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 5
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:43.409 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:43.407 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:42.412 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 6
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:42.387 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 6
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:42.386 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:42.384 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:41.393 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 7
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:41.367 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 7
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:41.365 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:41.363 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:40.370 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 8
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:40.346 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 8
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:40.344 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:40.342 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:39.347 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 9
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:39.322 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 9
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:39.321 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:39.319 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:38.325 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 10
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:38.300 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 10
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:38.298 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:38.296 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:37.301 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 11
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:37.276 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 11
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:37.274 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:37.272 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:36.277 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 12
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:36.253 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 12
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:36.251 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:36.249 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.251 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 13
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.227 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 13
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.225 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.223 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.112 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 14
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.110 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.107 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is open
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:35.106 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0001 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:34.248 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 14
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:34.207 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 14
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:34.205 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:34.203 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:33.208 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 15
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:33.183 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 15
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:33.182 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:33.180 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:32.216 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 16
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:32.160 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 16
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:32.159 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:32.157 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:31.164 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 17
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:31.137 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 17
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:31.135 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:31.133 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:30.134 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 18
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:30.108 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 18
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:30.106 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:30.104 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:29.064 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 19
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:29.039 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 19
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:29.037 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:29.035 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.855 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.854 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.851 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is closed
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.850 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0000 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.210 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.208 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.205 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is open
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.204 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0001 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.044 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.019 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 20
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.017 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:28.015 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:27.021 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 21
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:26.994 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 21
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:26.992 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:26.990 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:25.994 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 22
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:25.969 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 22
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:25.967 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:25.965 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:24.969 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 23
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:24.943 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 23
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:24.942 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:24.940 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.944 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 24
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.919 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 24
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.917 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.915 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.482 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 25
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.481 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.478 PMinfoWindow Shed Right contact is closed
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:23.477 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Zone status: zone status 0x0000 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:00, delay:0000
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:22.923 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 25
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:22.898 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 25
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:22.896 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:22.895 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.912 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 26
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.875 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 26
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.873 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.871 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.113 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 27
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.111 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.109 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Reporting Configuration Response for battery % (status: Success) is: min=10 max=43200 delta=36
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:21.108 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Received Read Reporting Configuration response (0x09) for cluster:0001 attribite:0021, data=[00, 00, 21, 00, 20, 0A, 00, C0, A8, 24] (Status: Success) min=10 max=43200 delta=36
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.876 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 27
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.850 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 27
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.849 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.847 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.575 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.573 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.571 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Reporting Configuration Response for battery % (status: Success) is: min=10 max=43200 delta=36
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.570 PMdebugWindow Shed Right Received Read Reporting Configuration response (0x09) for cluster:0001 attribite:0020, data=[00, 00, 20, 00, 20, 0A, 00, C0, A8, 24] (Status: Success) min=10 max=43200 delta=36
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.034 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.032 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:20.030 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received Configure Reporting Response for cluster:0001 , data=[00] (Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.850 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.825 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 28
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.823 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.821 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.466 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.464 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:19.463 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received bind response, data=[17, 00] (Sequence Number:17, Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.934 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.932 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.929 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received Configure Reporting Response for cluster:0001 , data=[00] (Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.827 PMdebugWindow Shed Right scheduling again configTimer = 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.802 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 29
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.800 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.798 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configTimer() callled
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.238 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 30
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.236 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:18.234 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Received bind response, data=[15, 00] (Sequence Number:15, Status: Success)
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.812 PMdebugWindow Shed Right config confirmation still pending ... lastTxMap.cfgTimer is 30
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.810 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.776 PMtraceWindow Shed Right sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[zdo bind 0x43CE 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {00124B002247ADBF} {}, delay 101, he cr 0x43CE 0x01 1 32 32 10 43200 {} {}, delay 101, zdo bind 0x43CE 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {00124B002247ADBF} {}, delay 102, he cr 0x43CE 0x01 1 33 32 10 43200 {} {}, delay 102, he raw 0x43CE 1 0x01 0x0001 {10 00 08 00 2000}, delay 103, he raw 0x43CE 1 0x01 0x0001 {10 00 08 00 2100}, delay 104])
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.773 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Pending 1 configuration(s). Wake up the device!
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.771 PMinfoWindow Shed Right pending 1 reporting configurations
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.770 PMinfoconfigure battery reporting (10,43200,1) pending ...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.766 PMwarnlastTxMap.battCfg = 10,43200,1
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.765 PMtracesettings?.batteryReporting = null
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.733 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Debug logging will be turned off after 24 hours
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.707 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.705 PMinfoWindow Shed Right Updating Window Shed Right (Sonoff Contact Sensor) model DS01 manufacturer eWeLink, deviceProfile = SONOFF_CONTACT_BATT
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.703 PMinfoWindow Shed Right sending the reporting configuration...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.701 PMdebugWindow Shed Right configuration pending ...
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.699 PMdebugWindow Shed Right ConfigurationStateMachine configState = 0
dev:18862023-06-07 11:28:17.696 PMdebugWindow Shed Right getBatteryResult volts = 3.2
1 Like

Hi @TMLeafs ,

Thank you for the logs! Yes, there seems to be a bug in the latest driver version, I see also some debug/trace logs that must be removed from the code. I was able to reproduce the problem, will notify you when I have it fixed ASAP.


@TMLeafs please test ver. 1.1.1, the bug introduced in the previous version should be fixed now.