Is there a way to handle displaying info that contains a "," (comma)? Specifically a date like "Thursday, June 9th".
Nope, commas are BAD!
maybe you can use my driver? [RELEASE] Date Time Parser driver (aka schedule_ur_garbage_cans) - #14 by jshimota
Hi. I tried to clone my working lock in line 1 to line 2 and I guess something failed during the clone. The tile is inactive and I can't edit as the app fails with:
app:14222022-07-06 13:55:49.533 errorjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'currentValue' is not supported by device 1377. on line 1851 (method pageConfig)
1377 was my good lock that I was cloning to position 2 (of 3 locks).
Can it be patched to catch this invalid so I can go in and manually fix whatever field is bad or do I have to delete the whole tile and recreate?
EDIT - Just recreated as I saw you note in the app saying this funtion is not reliable.
FYI @bptworld From HPM today:
2022-07-22 16:00:00.572 errorBad manifest for Tile Master. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'betaLocation' on null object Please notify the package developer.
app:2232022-07-22 16:00:00.566 errorError downloading status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found
Trying to install this via the bundle file:
When doing so, I get an error message " library not found on line 48: #include BPTWorld.bpt-normalStuff"
I tried installing the apps individually as well, but this #include file doesn't seem to exist.
Read post #2 of Bundle Manager
Thanks that was the missing piece I needed. As a bit of feedback, the text in #1 "Apps can be found on my GitHub or by using Bundle Manager." is what misled me. I went to GitHub like I've done with everything else I've installed already and looked specifically for the app by this name. Being new to your apps I didn't know there were dependencies outside the individual library.
Very nice set of tools, looking forward to putting them to use.
Feature request: Ability to control water valves from TM
Thanks for considering.
Running into an issue.
Tiles created with older version of TM are not showing the bottom of the app screen. Missing everything below the sample area. If I delete and recreate then it appears.
Tile created with older version of TM2.
RE-Created using current version.
Sorry, As stated in the first post, I don't troubleshoot older versions of apps. Defeats the whole point of new versions... they fix the things that are broken in the older versions!
I am using the latest version of TM. I only have 1 hub and obviously can't have 2 versions of your app installed.
The issue described occurs when I edit tiles I created prior to the current version.
I can delete and recreate the tiles to "solve" the problem or copy old into new but just thought I would bring it to your attention.
I'm getting this non-stop in my logs. Started today at 3:55 pm. I was mowing the lawn at the time so no tinkering on my part. Restarting the C-7 did not stop it. This has run without issue for several months. I have two tiles. One has temp and humidity, the other four temperatures. Both tiles appear to display normally.
You're not using the latest version. Please update the bundle.
I tried an update from Hubitat Package Manager and it said no updates available. Then I tried a "repair" from HPM and received the follow response.
I did finally figure out that I needed to use Bundle Mgr. Was not an obvious path since I originally installed TileMaster with HPM.
I'm so lost!
I'm pretty new to this dashboard thing and I'm trying to figure out how to make this show up. I got it to show up in the app list but I'm stuck now. How do I get to the point where I can put a tile on a dashboard from there.
From post #1