@tivomaniac - so as to be able to clearly see which TB app I'm in, I've renamed them. Inside the app, I name the tiles as well so I can really keep track of all the custom tiles I Build.
Removing a Tile Builder App instance -
Run a hub backup!
Enter each and give it a unique name - so you're clear which is which.
Check each for clarity of what Storage device is assigned to which!
Be sure you have no built tiles in the App instance you want to remove - delete them first from the associated App to get a clean storage device.
Then remove the TB app instance.
Then check that the storage device associated is empty and you can delete it as well.
Gary's code work is ninja but I don't trust MY futzing, during test work with his app I jacked my storage units a few times!
The Dimmer header is a toggle between dimmer and color temperature. I have color temperature selected.
Can we get that added to SmartGrid in RB, please.
It already is, try clicking on the header (Dimmer in your case).
Yes! Super cool.
I am trying to get a threshold less than zero (0), any ideas or work arounds. Looks like the comparisons only allow integers and even though the values are less than 0 it does not get the Replacement Text.
The order is important or they will conflict. Do it like so:
With the largest first and then descending values.
It's a good point but it appears to be how he is doing it. I will take a look at it, perhaps there is a conversion issue with negative numbers.
Just to be clear I am using the Grid Module for this.
Weird when I looked at it I swear it wasn't that way. Maybe I'm drinking too much caffeine?
I just re-did this in Attribute Monitor and the negative value is working there.
Thanks for letting me know, should be an easy fix.
Any plans to add filters to Grids? Or a way to apply multiple, but not all, thresholds or keywords to a single value? So threshold 1&2 for column X and threshold 3 for column Y and so on. I realize it would be tricky but it sure would be handy. And for filters an OR would be great so you could say if the status is open OR the battery is less than X then display the data. That said I'm pretty new to Tile Builder so maybe I'm missing something? What I'm trying to do is the following:
For that grid ideally I'd like to be able to split that into two tables with one being only contacts that are open but normally closed and the other that are closed but normally open. So I'd need to filter for that. Then I'd like to have multiple color ranges for Battery Health and for Temperature. Haven't figured out if that is possible yet but surely what is here already is AWESOME.
Oh and on the hooks into the Hub Information driver. The Last Updated value that is available via the dashboard as the Attribute of 'Last Updated' doesn't seem to be available from tile builder. There is lastpolltime but it's just a huge numeric string. Maybe I'm just not seeing the correct attribute to use?
I don't really have a roadmap for development as most of my thought process is going into SmartGrid at the moment. I tend to get better results single tasking. That said both of those are reasonable requests and potentially manageable so I'll consider them for the future.
OR would be quite tricky because of the number of potential attributes that could be examined. Would not rule it out, but I'd say this is less likely.
You can create something similar to that table today.
Similarly you could just put it into 3 columns
I did not bother adding the color coding but you could do that for contacts and one of the two numeric values if you chose.
To give you a sense of what you can do I created this in Grid using Free Form mode.
You need to convert it into a date format that you prefer with a cleanup like this..
Here is my Hub Info Grid.
Bottom line is there are a few things you can't do. But there is a lot you can and you still have plenty to learn. Be sure to check the Grid specific docs.
I should add that in the soon to be released version of SmartGrid (which your TB license covers) you will be able to achieve many of the same goals.
The new SmartGrid will allow pinned controls as well as filtering for a few sensor types, namely contacts, leak sensors and temperature. For example you could select all of your contacts and pin them and only the open ones would show at the top. You could also create a virtual "roll-up" sensor that was closed when ALL security contacts were closed but open when ANY security contact was open. The other nicety is that the table can be sorted a variety of ways.
I just pushed out Grid 2.2.1 which corrects an error in handling negative numbers when using Rule comparisons for numeric values. Now available on HPM.
My cleanup options for that attribute in the Grid module end at Uppercase:
Tried it with both Safari and Brave in case it was another browser issue. Perhaps it's not an option in the Grid Module as I see the docs say that all the Cleanup options are not available in all modules. It's not a big deal I can make due without that one.
Thanks again for all the great work!
Are you sure that is Grid. Looks more like Multi-Attribute Monitor to me which you should just ignore as Grid is much more capable.
I knew I was going to feel like an idiot. Thanks!
Ignore MultiAttribute! Blasphemous. I Love MAM!
Grid... is pretty good too.... but but but