[RELEASE] Tile Builder - Build Beautiful Dashboards

1: this the difficulty that I'm trying to find a solution
2,3&4: the solution can be a hysteresis like thermostats. Let users define this value (for ex 0.5) after how much the direction is changing.

That would mean 2-3 more inputs per data point. I just don't think the payoff is there for all the additional controls on the screen and background calc. If there is an easier way I'd be interested but don't see it currently.

I understand Gary. I will look if I can find a way with an external rule of your app. I don't have a lot of time for research and not sure if your app permit that :see_no_evil:
Thank you

Here is my tile. But something is not working well in my rule. WC Suite AVG should show an arrow up in temp field.
I'll ask help in an other thread as this have nothing to see with your app (I hope!).


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Very nice work Fabio. This is done using Rule Machine and temporary variables?

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Thank you Gary! Yes, temporary and hub variable but this gave a lot of work because of the amount of devices.

In this thread you can see my rules :wink:

WOW, looks like a lot of work. No wonder you wanted me to put it into TB. :joy:

hahaha :joy:
I was not aware about that before. But I'm happy with the result :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just want to let everyone know I'm going to be gone for a month so I won't be able to make any code changes until I get back. However, I will be watching the community thread and will try and provide help when possible. Looking forward to sharing some improvements when I get back.



thanks for the quick fixes - enjoy the holiday... !

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Yes, Tile builder is awesome, you can do some pretty cools things with it.

Have you installed that module yet? If not, then use HPM to modify tile builder and make sure that module is included in the install.


No problem, glad you got it working. For future reference, if you would have used 'modify' instead of 'repair' within HPM you would have gotten the option to install the grid module...

In any event, enjoy the rabbit hole :slight_smile: , I spent days working on my dashboards with this app.

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Yes, that is by design. What makes a device group a device group is having a common attribute. It’s rather like attribute monitor, but allows you to have multiple attributes displayed.

If devices do not share a common attribute then that is the domain of Free Form where you can mix and match whatever combinations you can think of.

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Hey master G.
While toying just a little with Grid today - I stumbled over a bonus - I'm sure you're aware but wanted to point it out.
After selecting my devices for my group - the %deviceLabel% value shows of course, and below - in 'Template Column 1' you pre-fill the same %deviceLabel%. I edited that to '%deviceName% and viola - I got names instead of labels! (see highlighting below). I had assumed I was going to have to parse the names etc.
Truth was I was trying to get 'Rooms' that are a part of a device. When HE put rooms out sorta... EDITED removed Forum police Room names aren't easily associated to a device like '%deviceRoom% as you would think. Do you have any ideas how I can pull 'Room' instead in some simple method like I was trying? I puilled @thebearmay attribute app and dug into the variables but none were functional - I do see your added section about custom %xxx% variables - I think that must be where it came from ... can room names be added somehow?

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Morning! - I was toying again this AM - procrastinating other things - I have talked with our mutual friend and while he didn't lead me to a solve, he gave me ideas. As I dove into using Room names as a column label I read more carefully. You DEFINITELY get the prize for best docs Gary!

I looked at HE api for built in variables - no luck there. I opened your Tile Builder - Rooms to see if I could tell how you were pulling the room name there - and I didn't find much there to tease me along further. Am I right that the ability to use a Room name would have to come from a app-variable not a built-in variable? Are there any short cuts you can point me at? Thanks Gary!

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I will add %room% to the available variables on the next release but that won’t be until mid March or so. There is a special function to call for the room but offhand I don’t recall what it was.


Newbi here creating my first grid. Everything seems good except I cannot get the highlight function to work. Any suggestions?

When I wrote the docs I only included the features that were introduced with that version. So the use of Highlights is covered in the Original Attribute Monitor help and not in the Grid help.

Basically though the %value% variable is the key for numeric comparisons. So you would do a comparison like this, Greater Than, 80, %value% and then set the color and size as you wish.

Won’t be at a real computer for a few weeks so no screenshots I’m afraid.

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Hey @garyjmilne,

thx a lot for your great work!
i get the following error when trying to install the Grid app:

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GaryMilne/Hubitat-TileBuilder/main/Tile_Builder_Grid.groovy. Please notify the package developer.

is this a problem in my environment?

Ive been travelling for five weeks so there have been no changes. So yes, I think the issue is local and will need some playing with HPM.