[Release] Sony Bravia TV Rest Control

Darn it it looks like my Bravia is too old to support the Alexa part, but this is working. The support doc from Sony I found says it supports the 65X850D, but I have the 75X850D.

Edit: There is an article on Reddit on how to side load this on older TVs. I'll try this when my wife isn't watching tv.

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These started after we turned the TV off last night to go to bed

Debug is not on


Hey @ajones, is there a way to set a Netflix or Disney+ Profile other than just going Left, Left, Right, Enter?

Loving the driver :slight_smile:

Another item that I could use your help on

As you can see, I added an app to line 584 and then updated line 35 and that works fine, when I then try to add another app to 585, I always get a hub is not responding error. the hub is fine, if I remove 585, the driver will save just fine

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Got this figured out. The URI doesn't go on line 584, it goes on the corresponding line from 33-45, IOW if you are changing SlingTV from line 41, then replace the command on line 582.

Anyone found a way to set/select a Profile?

Or how about enter a search string say once the Amazon Music app has launched?

No, there's no way other than emulating button clicks. I'm disappointed, they don't show the active app.

For me the internal apps were just way to slow. This control is excellent because with CEC on the HDMI, it also shuts off the Onkyo Receiver. Roku and Chromecast with Google TV are so much better than the internal apps on my Sony (2015) It could be better with newer models but would be very hard to beat the new Chromecast.
All I want out of this is on/off mute/unmute, and select the input source. Thanks so much for this app!

I used a fire stick for 6 months, but after some updates it got way faster. Now I really like it. It's as fast as the fire stick or roku. Plus, I reboot every night at 4am for good measure (from this driver).

That is good to hear, I abandoned using mine in favor of the external ones. I did prior to the latest big update Sony did - run a script I found on Reddit that removed tons of the bloat that Sony puts on these TVs. It did make it faster, not just a placebo. I did not re-do the script since the update...
If you are using like you are, it would be worth searching on Reddit for this. Sony is pretty bad at the bloat. Worth a look :+1:

@ajones, any chance you can have anther look at this error? I get it every day and I know for a fact my network is solid. Anything else I can try to help nail it down?

@ajones i get the same when the device is im watching is on a HDMI port.

Not sure the error is coming from the same thing, yes I only use HDMI ports however my errors happen when the TV is off. Errors started last night right after we went to bed and continued throughout the night

Love the driver, props.

I'm getting this error. Seems harmless as far as I can tell, but thought you might like to take a look.

dev:62762020-12-28 08:48:26.414 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getAt() on null object on line 270 (getInfo)

Yeah, I will release another version. The error is because certain API's go to sleep when the TV is off. I have a getInfo that polls every 30 minutes to update the below info in the driver. I will make this conditional based on the TV's powerstatus.
I will start with this update and see if that fixes the getinfo errors. As for @toy4rick errors, its like when the TV is off, the hubitat cant find it. It could be a setting on the device or how the particular model is configured.
I already have refresh only checking the powerstatus if the TV is off. You could turn the TV off by the remote and click refresh. Check the device state to make sure the vale changes to off. Also see if the error shows up after your refresh.


def refresh() {
if (logEnable) log.debug "Refreshing"
if (state.devicepower == "on"){

And also, these errors are harmless, they shouldn't impact your hub or performance. They just fail to update values on the driver page when they fail. I will clean up what I can though. If anyone has any other errors, please report here.

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I have Updated V 1.07 to stop the getInfo unless the TV is on. This is updated on HPM as well.


still getting a error

watching something on one of the HDMI connections.

My errors used to be on line 190, now I am getting a timed out errors on line 191

Well getinfo error solved. Let me see what I can do about refresh.
To be clear, your tv is on and tuning HDMI and still erroring?

I'm having to rewrite my audio driver because Sony used similar APIs across devices, but have slight variations. So the more a driver does, the more targeted to a specific model the driver is. Tvs are certainly similar, but one of the things I'm looking for during a refresh is different on your model. I'll nail it down.

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Thank you for this driver. Great work and pretty good results. Using with new 900H and it is fast.