[Release] Philips Wiz Color Light Driver

Do you have an iPhone? You can set up Scenes in the Wiz app and create Siri Shortcuts for each scene. I've set up each scene to respond to the command "Activate [Romance/Forest/Ocean/etc.]" when I ask Siri. You could also add these Siri Shortcuts to a widget or your homescreen as icons.

Minor update to v1.2.9 -- stops the spam-o-riffic logging of RSSI change events unless the user enables debug logging.


1st Thank you to the real coders here making our lives more enjoyable with these awesome lighting controls. Color lighting control adds moods and atmospheres to our spaces and that is just frikkn cool.

  1. Not totally related to this thread but I finally have enough on the Hubitat that I noticed things got slightly slower. I turned of descriptive logging and all logging that was not needed and surprisingly the entire system became more responsive.
  2. This is both a question and or a feature request. In my dashboards I have a "color bulb" button for various Wiz lights. When that button is pressed I get the very large window pop up that indeed controls that bulb. There is a lot of unused real estate on that window...so does a way exist or can the feature be added within that window to add light effect commands?
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I have an Android phone but will look into that. Thank you for the suggestions.

The Tasker app can achieve what you want. I think it's $4 in Play Store but definitely worth it. Search for "Tasker" in this community and you will find lots of threads about it.

So it seems the Wiz Driver is not working properly with Hubitat 2.2.8

FYI - I just discovered Wiz Pro documentation - Light modes – WiZ Pro API Reference (wizconnected.com). Alas it requires a connection to an external server. Do you know about this?

In the meantime, I need to continue to use the local support. I'm having trouble finding the local protocol document you found -- can you repost the link. Thanks. [never mind -- I found it]

Does this driver support the Wiz Smart Plug?

Wiz Smart Plug

@bob.ma, I haven't seen the Pro Reference. Will check it out. Just as a guess, it's the internal API that works with the server/cloud service that Wiz sells for corporate installations, and they finally got around to documenting it. It'll be interesting to see what the server needs to do.

@dustin.carpio, I have no way to test support for the smart plug, but it's very likely that at least the on/off functionality would work. The Wiz wifi protocol has been very consistent across their whole product line.

Thanks for your driver; it's very useful! Is there a list somewhere of which number corresponds to which effect?

The list of effects and numbers is always visible on the light's Device page. If you're using a phone or a device with a small screen you may have to scroll down to see it. It's in "lightEffects" table under Current States.

You can also find it in the driver source code, starting at about line 57. (Here's a link to it on github.)

And, for the sake of completeness:

  • 0 : "none"
  • 1 : "Ocean"
  • 2 : "Romance"
  • 3 : "Sunset"
  • 4 : "Party"
  • 5 : "Fireplace"
  • 6 : "Cozy"
  • 7 : "Forest"
  • 8 : "Pastel Colors"
  • 9 : "Wake-up"
  • 10 : "Bedtime"
  • 11 : "Warm White"
  • 12 : "Daylight"
  • 13 : "Cool White"
  • 14 : "Night Light"
  • 15 : "Focus"
  • 16 : "Relax"
  • 17 : "True Colors"
  • 18 : "TV Time"
  • 19 : "Plant Growth"
  • 20 : "Spring"
  • 21 : "Summer"
  • 22 : "Fall"
  • 23 : "Deep Dive"
  • 24 : "Jungle"
  • 25 : "Mojito"
  • 26 : "Club"
  • 27 : "Christmas"
  • 28 : "Halloween"
  • 29 : "Candlelight"
  • 30 : "Golden White"
  • 31 : "Pulse"
  • 32 : "Steampunk"
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Brilliant! Thank you so much!

has anyone know how to include the lightEffects in automations? The only place i see to use them is on the device page itself.

You can also activate them by setting the color temp to 60xx where xx is the number of the effect.

So in automations you just set the color temp as i say above and it will activate.

I have a button rule that also scrolls through the effects on double press. Works great.

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Yes! thank you! This is what I needed.

So I have an issue with scenes that seems to only affect my Wiz bulbs. For background, I've been using both Robeye's LifX app and this Wiz app for my smartbulbs for a few years, and did not update my hub for some time as everything was working fine. A few days ago I updated from to Since then, my Wiz bulbs no longer respond to scene change commands (while my LifX bulbs and Z-wave switches still work fine). I can still control the Wiz bulbs from hubitat via the device manager or buttons on the dashboard- off, on, color and brightness controls are still working fine- it's just scene changes that no longer affect them. I'm unsure if this is an issue with the Wiz bulb driver, or something else, since the other thing I note is that my basic scene change dashboard no longer gives any feedback as to which scenes are active, even as it turns them on. It always look like it does in the attached picture now. Scene status as displayed in the apps tab seems only intermittently aware when indicating if a scene is active. Thought I'd post first here.

Including my log when activating a sample scene that affects switches as well as Wiz and LifX bulbs. Despite the log showing similar errors for the Wiz and LifX, it's only the Wiz bulbs that are not repsonding. Thanks for any troubleshooting thoughts.

dev:5252022-09-16 11:04:11.311 infoPlug- Kitchen Undercounter Lights is off [physical]

dev:1362022-09-16 11:04:07.099 debugparse: {"method":"getPilot","id":15,"env":"pro","result":{"mac":"a8bb50e46623","rssi":-60,"src":"","state":false,"sceneId":0,"temp":3820,"dimming":100}}

dev:1362022-09-16 11:04:06.973 debugsendCommand: {"method":"getPilot","id":15,"params":[" "]} to ip

dev:2592022-09-16 11:04:06.279 debugLS-Living Room: BasicReport(value:255)

app:1522022-09-16 11:04:05.981 infoActivation complete

app:1522022-09-16 11:04:05.977 infosetColorTemperature: Bulb-Upstairs Hallway, temp: 3500, level: 90, rate: 3

dev:1062022-09-16 11:04:05.975 errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_ZRanger1_Wiz_Color_Light_461.setColorTemperature() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [3500, 90, 3] Possible solutions: setColorTemperature(java.lang.Object) on line 959 (method setColorTemperature)

app:1522022-09-16 11:04:05.941 infoon: LS-Living Room

app:1522022-09-16 11:04:05.924 infosetColorTemperature: MasterSwitch- StairsBulbs, temp: 3500, level: 90, rate: 3

dev:1152022-09-16 11:04:05.921 infoMasterSwitch- StairsBulbs colorName is Moonlight

dev:1152022-09-16 11:04:05.919 infoMasterSwitch- StairsBulbs colorTemperature was set to 3500

dev:1152022-09-16 11:04:05.916 infoMasterSwitch- StairsBulbs switch was turned on

dev:1112022-09-16 11:04:05.914 errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_robheyes_LIFX_Day_and_Dusk_454.setColorTemperature() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [3500, 90, 3] Possible solutions: setColorTemperature(java.lang.Object) on line 584 (method setColorTemperature)

dev:1102022-09-16 11:04:05.885 errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_robheyes_LIFX_Day_and_Dusk_454.setColorTemperature() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [3500, 90, 3] Possible solutions: setColorTemperature(java.lang.Object) on line 584 (method setColorTemperature)

dev:1082022-09-16 11:04:05.855 errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_robheyes_LIFX_Day_and_Dusk_454.setColorTemperature() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [3500, 90, 3] Possible solutions: setColorTemperature(java.lang.Object) on line 584 (method setColorTemperature)

dev:1132022-09-16 11:04:05.824 errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_robheyes_LIFX_Day_and_Dusk_454.setColorTemperature() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [3500, 90, 3] Possible solutions: setColorTemperature(java.lang.Object) on line 584 (method setColorTemperature)

dev:1122022-09-16 11:04:05.788 errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_robheyes_LIFX_Day_and_Dusk_454.setColorTemperature() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [3500, 90, 3] Possible solutions: setColorTemperature(java.lang.Object) on line 584 (method setColorTemperature)

dev:1152022-09-16 11:04:05.740 infoMasterSwitch- StairsBulbs level is 90%

dev:1152022-09-16 11:04:05.737 infoMasterSwitch- StairsBulbs switch was turned on

dev:1362022-09-16 11:04:05.318 debugparse: {"method":"setPilot","id":13,"env":"pro","result":{"success":true}}

app:1522022-09-16 11:04:05.216 infooff: Bulb-Living Room lamp

dev:1362022-09-16 11:04:05.201 debugsendCommand: {"method":"setPilot","id":13,"params":{"state":false}} to ip

app:1522022-09-16 11:04:05.173 infoBeginning activation

dev:1432022-09-16 11:04:05.153 infoLights on bright- Upstairs- Day was turned on

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---

This error suggests that you are not on the latest version of the driver. I would update, either manually from GitHub or via HPM (whatever method you used to install in the first place).

(Also, this is indeed a driver issue, so I'd suggest deleting your "cross post" in the other category--I wouldn't recommend doing that here since it's easy to find posts on this platform no matter where they are, so just one or the other should be good enough.) EDIT: Looks like this was taken care of!


Thanks, that did the trick. Thought I had updated, but the import funtion didn't work, so I copied and pasted from github. My integration predates package managger support for it.
Still not sure why my active scenes show on the dashboard... maybe I'll try to get rid of the LifX error. Light works, but maybe the hub doesn't know it did.

I would just like to say, thanks for this. There is an integrated WiZ bulb app in hubitat but it is useless and does not work at all. Never finds any of my 6 bulbs.

This app is great and works. Thanks again.

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Are you on the latest hubitat firmware and are your bulbs and hub on the same subnet/vlan.

I agree the built in integration had a ruff start, but it works pretty flawlessly now.

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