Here are my somewhat arbitrary notes on the protocol. Hope it helps -- I'm glad to answer any questions too!
To issue a command to the bulb, send a json packet to the bulb's command port (38899)
The bulb will immediately respond on the same port with a json packet confiming the command and
indicating success or failure.
The key pieces of the command packet are the "method" section, and the "params" section. "Methods" are
commands and "params" are arguments. Described below are the methods discovered thus far:
"register" with the bulb so that it will send you status updates on port 38900
at about 1 per second for the next 20 seconds or so.
{"method": "registration", "id": 1, "params": {"phoneIp": "", "register": true, "homeId": xxxxxx, "phoneMac": "macxxxxxx"}}
causes the light to "pulse" brightness by the specified amount over the specified number
of milliseconds.
{"method": "pulse", "id": 22, "params": {"delta": -30, "duration": 900}}
Set bulb parameters - color, color temperature, state, preset, etc.
To turn the bulb "on"
{"method": "setPilot", "id": 24, "params": {"state": 1}}
(see source code for lots of "setPilot" examples)
To receive status heartbeat packets, issue a "registration" command via port 38899, and
listen on port 38900. After registering, the bulb will send you status updates for
about the next 20 seconds. To keep recieving updates, register again.
The status packets are json-formatted and may contain the following items:
method - method will be "syncPilot" for heartbeat packets
id - packet sequence number. Far as I can tell, any integer will work
mac - The MAC address of the bulb
rssi - The bulb's WiFi signal strength
src - The "source" of a command, "udp" or "hb" <purpose unknown>
mqttCd - boolean <purpose unknown>
state - boolean on/off state of the bulb
sceneId - integer identifier for lighting preset
play - boolean <purpose unknown>
speed - animation speed for dynamic presets
r - (0-255) red channel
g - (0-255) green channel
b - (0-255) blue channel
c - (0-255) cool white channel? <not yet tested>
w - (0-266) warm white channel? <not yet tested>
temp - color temperature
dimming - (0-100) brightness channel
schdPsetId - preset schedule? <not tested>
fwVersion - firmware version number
A typical syncPilot packet looks like this:
{"method": "syncPilot", "id": 219, "env": "pro", "params":{ "mac": "bulbMac", "rssi": -72, "src": "hb", "mqttCd": 0, "state": true, "sceneId": 0, "temp": 3362, "dimming": 69, "schdPsetId": 5}}