[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

LOL. @lpakula has pushed so many updates over such a short period of time on at least 3 hubs. There are going to be migration issues. He has to be pretty burned out by now. I know I would be. At this point I bet he is thinking no more new features. Let things be for awhile until all of the bugs are worked out.


Funny you should mention that - I was just going to suggest it myself. I think it's a good point to put a hold on features for a while and just see if any more bugs decide to show up. :slight_smile:

That seem reasonable, Lyle?


Yup. I had nothing in the queue right now!


In that case, I have a TON of weeding and cleanup from all the recent rainy weather. How soon can you get here? :wink:

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At his current rate, he'd have it all cleaned up before you got up tomorrow :sunglasses:


@oldcomputerwiz @lpakula I was also getting 3 notifications per event of leaving or arriving. I’ve updated to the latest release and will monitor over the next day.

I've just done a fresh install ( 1.7.16) and still having same problem unfortunately.

There is a device in the device list just called Owntracks. Doesn't have any events though. It says driver version 1.7.0.

This was fixed on its own or because of your latest update. It definitely was no browser (cache) issue and menu did not empty and it generated errors to log.

I haven't seen any errors after yesterday and everything seems to be working solid. :love_you_gesture:

I put in a fix in the last version in case users didn't go into the app yet.


Ok, I see the deal. Let me change how the name gets cleaned up when they are created/updated. The function to do this apparently fails on certain hub versions.

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Have just setup the wife's phone with Owntracks, it created the new device in Hubitat, but it is not uploading from the phone (Android) as it says 56 above Endpoint queue and nothing in Owntracks app

EDIT: I forced stopped the app, open it again and then did the manual send location and now it seems to be working.

Is this iPhone as well? (still looking into changing notifications as you request above -- it's in the list!)

Ooooff aahhh... mmm.... just a second... I need to wash my hair, and that is going to take a bit.... :joy:


Do you see errors in the hubitat log? Did you click the "done" at the bottom of the page (that's when the user gets created.

... let me check into making those add/maintenance boxes fire when changed. They are a bit "non-intuitive" that nothing "happens" until you leave that screen.

Hi @lpakula
You have probably answered this question somewhere in this topic but to be honest, with 30+ posts a day here I haven't been keeping up with the latest posts.
I'm wondering if we should download and use the apk in the initial posts or use the playstore version.
I'm currently using Ver 2.4.12 on my Android and it does appear to be working OK.
I'm wondering if the version I'm using doesn't work with all the options your app provides.
Many thanks, and sorry for the 'stupid' question.

No problem! The only differences for my modified version in post #2:

  • Phone app needs to be opened on a phone restart/app restart or it is not functional
  • Regions do not delete from the mobile side. You need to manually do that.
  • I added extra info if the phone had been configured incorrectly (battery saver, restricted battery, location, etc.) to allow me to see if a user messed with settings that breaks good operation.
  • I allow "bad accuracy" locations to come back to the HE app so that the HE app knows the phone is still alive. They do not get used for presence, it's just a "keep alive" that allows the phone to pull back settings and for a way to see if the phone is still on.

Many thanks. I'll update the mobile app to use your version.
Thanks again for a great app. :+1:


Ok, version 1.7.17 should finally fix this. Can you update and see if it's fine?

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Has anyone tried getting OwnTracks Recorder up and running on Docker for Windows? I just ordered a Pi, so I'll be using that as a permanent solution, but in the meantime, I figured I'd try getting it running on Docker for Windows. I followed the instructions and pulled the owntracks/recorder:latest image and created a Container with the commands below but when I Run the Container (after it's been installed), I get the error listed below and the Container stops running. Again, this is a temporary thing I'm fiddling around with, but I'd love to get it working. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks!

$ docker volume create recorder_store
$ docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -v recorder_store:/store -e OTR_HOST=mqtt_broker owntracks/recorder

2024-02-09 08:16:26 + version 0.9.7 starting with STORAGEDIR=/store
2024-02-09 08:16:26 + connecting to MQTT on localhost:1883 as clientID ot-recorder-2fa2fd843c24-7 without TLS
2024-02-09 08:16:26 Error: Address not available

It should be no different than the other platforms. The issue is your missing some necessary environment variables (the -e ones). I don't support MQTT so that OTR_HOST won't work. On the setup instructions in the app for recorder, all those entries in the "config" can be passed directly in the run command. You will need at least these:

  • OTR_STORAGEDIR="/[HOME_PATH]/docker/volumes/recorder_store/_data"
  • OTR_PORT=0

So the run command will look like this (you need to fix the OTR_STORAGEDIR path to match where windows made your 'recorder_store' folder:

docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -v recorder_store:/store -e OTR_PORT=0 -e OTR_HTTPHOST="" -e OTR_HTTPPORT=8083 -e OTR_STORAGEDIR="/[HOME_PATH]/docker/volumes/recorder_store/_data" owntracks/recorder