We haven't left yet but the location tiles for the dashboards are now working and I am not seeing anything odd in the logs yet. That's a postitive sign. If it doesn't work is always there.
It also looked like 2.4.0 remembered all the the settings I had made for the UI from the last time I had it loaded. Good things all around!
Hopefully an easy question or something simple I have missed. Been using owntracks for a while with great success with the family, two on android and one on iOS. My oldest son back from college so I got him setup with the app on android.
He shows up in the member status list in the app. All looks good. He is not set as private. However he is the only one missing on the google family map link. The other three of us show up, but not him. If I click on his dedicated member location map, it takes me to his current location. Did I miss something simple? I feel like I've gone over the settings multiple times and can't figure it out.
Well we made it back home and it was a successful trip and the dashboard is still working. I'll try a longer trip tomorrow but I think we might be fixed.
I'm still fine, the fix didn't mess anything up for me. I was slightly concerned everyone else would get their troubles fixed and I'd start having problems. I know that was everyone's biggest worry...
Yet another positive report that .145 seems to have solved the sluggish update issue. I never had errors in the log, but did experience dramatically slow updates. Now, all is better.
I'm hoping someone could give me a few pointers. I love this app.
Everything is setup and working (updated to version x.145). I have 2 phones, an iPhone and an Android. The iPhone updates locations and communicates with the OT app just fine.
The Android phone seems to only update when the user unlocks the phone and performs some operation (nothing to do with OT). Then the OT app updates and notification of arrival, or some other location is sent.
I've followed the instructions in the app, and read lots (and lots) of this topic. I'm just not sure what the problem seems to be. Oh, also, I'm using the modified APK (sideloaded) which is version 2.5.6.
I think (though?) that the custom APK didn't need to worry about launching after a boot up, but even so, I don't believe the phone was rebooted when this "black out" period was/is observed.
As for the unrestricted battery setting, I believe I did that. But as for the "allowed all the time", while I think I told the phone to allow that, I'd be honest that I'm not exactly sure how to go about that.
You need to enable background operation (it's in the Android settings for the app). The custom or latest PlayStore version now allow it, but Android defaults to foreground operation by default.
If you enable it, then any new region that is generated (on the phone or the hub) will automatically be added to the enter/leave notifications for all users.