[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

It seems like I'm getting an occasional inaccurate report from the mobile app that is triggering away when we are well within the Home fence (of 5990 ft radius).

On mobile, the app has location permission with precise location. Mobile App Location Configuration has default settings (including do not send a location if the accuracy is greater than 492).

So why am I getting an accuracy of 6736, etc.?

Which version of the app are you using?

If you mean the mobile app, Version 17.3.1/en_US on iOS

If you mean the HE app, OwnTracks Version 1.7.56

It looks like it's just using the default phone settings, not the optimized ones from the HE app.

Can you make sure that the "cmd" slider is enabled in the mobile app, and then select that phone here:

And click "Done" at the bottom right of the page. Send a location from the mobile map to trigger the settings to update.

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You may have nailed it. I thought I’d done that when I reinstalled the client, but it was off when I just checked. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks.

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I notice recently family friends is empty. How do I go about getting a person back in?

@dnickel this is the reason you are seeing a lot of "0 speed" locations. Android's locator engine dictates the source of the location. If it's from GPS, then it can supply a speed. Possibly also from cellular triangularization. The ones based on nearby wifi access points come with zero speed.

Those are auto-populated when your phone reports a location. Can you open the HE app and check the member status table at the top to see if their last report is current? And then check the HE logs when you trigger a location update from the mobile app by pushing the up arrow?

I took the startup of the application as, as soon as it opens this is not the case its when the app requests to use google maps so you have to go though all the setup process then the fingerprint appears.

Yup, that surprised me too, take it if I fresh install windows it will change tho?

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Hmmm... that might change it then.

I see it in the log. No friends shown in Owntracks.

Are they or you in the "private members" selector box?


Minor issue in Notifications settings.

If you clear notifications for a device and then hit save you get an error. The clearing of notification settings for the device(s) does appear to be retained, so the error is just a UI issue.

Below - notification settings have been cleared via Clear Settings button for this phone device.

If I hit Save after clearing settings this error appears:

Hitting Save when I cleared settings seemed reasonable since Save works when you enter notification settings. But obviously not required. Hitting Done to leave the page works normally.

What does the logs on the mobile app show? It should show incoming locations from other users.

Good catch. Will be fixed in the next version.

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I might have found an edge case issue that caused the hub to crash. I'm on a C5 running & own tracks driver version 1.7.33

We had an extended Internet outage of approximately 8 hours today. Someone accidentally cut a major fiber optic cable.

About 3 hours into the outage my bride and I left for the day. The Internet was up when we got home about 5 hours later but the hub had crashed. Green light but nothing was working. I had to log into 8081 and reboot. When I looked at the logs the last things recorded were from my own tracks device.

Device 2838 is my own tracks device and 5 is the HE dashboard. The funny thing is my wife's phone didn't generate any errors and she was with me all day. I'm on Android and she uses the unholy iPhone.


When you look at those devices, what is set here:

I think the issue is the phone will spool all those up in the background until it can call home, and once your internet was only, it came as a flood.

It's set at 300. I suspected the "calls" had piled up. If that is what crashed the hub then any lengthy outage is going to be a problem. Not that they happen often but are unpredictable. Would the calls stop if the device is disabled? Maybe I could set something up in RM to disable the driver when cloud connection is lost

Looking at the Owntracks log in debug mode. When I initiate a manual update on my wifes phone, the log shows nothing.