[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

I'll check with the HE team. That is definitely something on the hub side that shouldn't happen regardless if calls piled up to come home.

@oldcomputerwiz which version of the HE software are you running? They did have an update to the database engine in which may address this.

Can you:

  • Do a manual update on your wife's phone.
  • Check the member status table on the HE app (if the screen was open, you would need to refresh it). Does the "last location report" match when you did that manual update?
  • Can you check the debug logs on her phone as well (if you can PM me a copy/paste of them I can take a look).


I am unable to update past because of a change that was made to the Advanced Zigbee rgbw driver that is affecting my led strips in room lighting. I am told the fix for this driver is going to be in 2.3.9. I'll wait until 2.3.9 and test again. I'm not willing to mess with the WAF and join the beta. I might look to see if I can create a rule anyway to make sure this doesn't happen.

Thanks Lyle

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Noted! I'd hold off to that version before doing custom rules to try to bandaid that issue. From the logs it's SQL (the database that was crashing), but that is core to everything the hub does.

That's what I thought too but wanted to run it by you. Like you noted, I can't report it because I'm not on the latest version.

@dnickel raised it with them a little while back, and their guidance was the new database should fix it. Will have to see!

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Did you try temporarily changing the driver to the Generic Zigbee CT driver - that fixed it things some who tried it on the other thread.

You could change to that driver and then update to to get the other fixes
included in that release (including DB and logging fixes).

I just uploaded a new version of the Android app (2.5.2). There was a fix to give faster reporting and accuracy when close to home for better automation responses (seemed to have went missing since the 2.4.12 version...)


Thanks for the suggestion and yea, I tried that.

The only way to fix it and be able to upgrade would be to re-write the kitchen RL rule in RM. If Mike doesn't have it fixed in 2.3.9 then I'll bite the bullet and rewrite the rule. I didn't want to do that because it's a complicated scenario and I'm getting really lazy with all the cool tools that we are getting so we don't have to write all that complicated stuff in RM. :grin:

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Hi, I keep getting this old notification from 6 days ago... Everything seems to be set up right though...

Can you check the HE logs? That occurs when the HE app fails to return with a response to the location message. I suspect you have errors in the HE log.

Did you just update the HE app? If you haven't updated for a while you would just need to open the HE app, and then click "done" to migrate it to the new format.

Er, oh yeah that was it. I updated last night, but I kept seeing the errors today from 6 days ago so I was like... Nothing happened 6 days ago...

All seems to be well now!

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I'm seeing in the HE logs whenever a user sends an update:

[warn] OwnTracks: OwnTracks HTTP response: 404, with error: Not Found
[warn] OwnTracks: OwnTracks HTTP response: 408, with error: Unknown Exception

OwnTracks Version 1.7.57

In case it's helpful to resolve your issue, what mobile OS, & what Owntracks mobile app version?

Android 13, 14 & 15. OwnTracks 2.4.x and 2.5.0β2

So this is on three different phones, then?

Have you gone into the HE Owntracks app and hit done since the last update?

I expect Lyle may make the same request for logs as when you were having problems previously:

I figured out the 404. I didn't remember that I removed OT from my secondary hub.

The 408 error seems to be consistent with my OT Recorder not getting updates.

I'm looking into that issue now.

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That error is the HE app not being able to successfully connect to the recorder. Did you do any changes in the HE app around copy/pasting that recorder URL lately?

Haven't touched it. And when I go to the URL I have, it pulls up recorder. Nothing changed on that end.

Maybe try copy pasting that URL back into the HE app. Might be something if the Hubitat had a recent SW update.