[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

NOICE! :sunglasses:

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Oh, simple fix. You need to go into the HE app, Regions, and select 'Home' again. It was a breaking change in a past release.

Noted that it's throwing errors though -- should be more graceful on that -- I'll fix that.

Thanks @nh.schottfam, my hope is @lpakula considers

proving a clone for use with Webcore.

Thinking an Alias is a better word to describe this, not a clone.

Oh shoot.. Pie eyed when I typed that original message. I meant "I DON'T think 'Status' is the best name for it'.

I'll query a jury of my peers today and see if they have a suggestion for an attribute that displays a place + time.

It can be anything other than 'status' for a name. If you are having issues, others will have issues, and the question about it will just get raised again.

I haven't found them to be overly responsive to changes either. Let me investigate 'Plan B' of having the HE app doing the looking on incoming locations.

I'm using the regular 'Recorder', but don't see any address info. I have the code pulled down, and will take a look tonight around this, but regardless, Google does have an API to do the check and it can be done in HE (phone was just cleaner since it's linked and done with each location).

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Yup, I have used the geocoding API in my MultiPlace app and it works well.

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:joy: Thanks for clearing that up! An Alias reference from 'status' would be just as awesome. I find my words flow more smoothly after indulging in two cups of morning coffee. (my earlier wording left a lot to be desired). Cheers! :coffee:

Let me take a look!

I loved to use MultiPlace. Is there a chance to get this to work with OwnTrack? Due to the fact Life360 isn't working it would be nice to use MultiPlace in combination with OwnTrack!

Will I still run into the map not working because I don't have the Google api key set up?
Unlike the Playstore one that does?

Glad you like it. Yes, I will update MultiPlace to work with OwnTracks once OwnTracks is at a stable state, or at least when reverse geocoding is implemented so that OwnTracks has addresses like Life360 did.


Yes, the custom version of the app does not include the Google Maps API key. It's the same as the previous version. Use the Play Store version if you want to use Google Maps w/out having to go through the steps required to add the Google Maps API key to @lpakula's custom version of the Android app.

That's awesome. Cannot give more than one heart :slight_smile: Thanks

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Can you check the HE app to see if you are running 1.6.23? There was an issue in the previous version that would display that error (and should not have) when a member left home. The warning is supposed to catch a mismatch if the hub lat/lon/radius said you were home, but the phone's region for lat/lon/radius disagreed (or vice versa).

Still get this warning but this time it wasn't my phone. It was my daughter's.

" app:13842024-01-24 18:34:34.630warnOwnTracks: The 'Latitude', 'Longitude' and 'Radius' of the selected home region in the Hubitat OwnTracks app does not the corresponding region in XXXX's mobile app. Select this member to have their regions updated or manually correct the mobile app coordinates."

App is the latest 1.6.24. Location update did t take a long time and when it finally located itself it threw that warning line to log.

By default the APK defaults to the Google Map overlay. You can tab the blue layers button (bottom right on the map) to select "OpenStreetView". That will give you opensource maps. Someone mentioned that they saw accuracy issues with this, but I have not seen any issues. Once selected, the app will use that as the default, and no key is required.

Can you check the 'home' region in her phone to see if the lat/lon/radius is the same one listed in the HE app? Is it happening all the time when you send a location from home, or just departure?

Poking this in case someone else knows. I'm not sure how the matchup works.

Yes it was me. Google maps has me withing meters of my house. OpenStreetMaps had me 3 doors down. (Not the band) :slight_smile:

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I had the same issue did a repair on owntrack seemed to fix it.

All settings are the same.
It happens occationally and it doesnt matter if client leaves home or leaves additional place.

By the way Im seeing red lines in my phone's owntracks log. At the moment im at home and there is most likely no issues but those red lines are saying that client is failing to send message. Dont know what is that all about.

And this is one of those lines

2024-01-24 21:58:52.021 E MessageProcessorEndpointHttp: java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "cloud.hubitat.com": No address associated with hostname

Dns error.. Or what.. Seems to happen more that once..