So, it looks like I am working. I am receiving reports and updates from the various mobile devices as late as 2 min ago. However, I have been struggling with HA integration. While I can activate various attributes for the entity. I am unable to get the tracker populating in the maps. If I manually enter "- entity: device_tracker.life360.." on the map card configuration editor, user name will populate but not show on the map. I did see a warning at some point about lacking uniqueID for the entity. Feel free to tell me to go to HA but I figured this would be a good place to start.
I know the data is there. I can turn off lat, lon, driving, etc and they populate under HE devices.
Yes it looks like mine has been pretty spotty for the past few days, and today has been only 404's. I tried refreshing my token and that did help.
However, it looks like this may be a code level change. It looks like that they may - MAY - have finally cut out the V3 API and are only accepting V4 requests. I made that manual change in the code in the hubitat UI and it's connecting sometimes, which is more than "never" which is what it was doing all day.
I think they are just having major problems. I put the app back on the "older" v3 API endpoint and it's still acting the same. sporadic 404's and connects.
That said, I did also just refresh my token a short bit ago for testing, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's about how mine looks. A small flood early early this morning, but pretty clean since. That would show that all the recent fixes are doing their things - random delays, retries, and continuing to run, rather than falling over dead at the first boom.