[RELEASE] Inovelli Device Drivers

Hi - I'm trying to set up a "link" (conceptually, at least) between an Inovelli Red Dimmer LZ31 and a light controlled by a shelly dimmer. The issue is with some kind of continuous dim functionality.

I have one circuit and one actual switch feeding a set of fixtures with Hue bulbs and also feeding track lights controlled by the Shelly dimmer. I have the switch in Smartbulb mode so I can keep the hue bulbs powered, and I'm linking to the Shelly dimmer via hubitat.

Here's where I get into trouble. The Shelly dimmer does not seem to respond to start raising/lower brightness commands. I've been able to use device mirroring to accomplish this with a Zooz switch which maintains an internal dim state even when it's not controlling the actual load, but apparently the Inovelli Red does not do this. Is it possible to modify the driver to maintain a state in smart bulb mode? If not, is there some other way to accomplish this?


Our most recent firmware can act similar to the Zooz one. Which firmware are you using? Also, what other config settings have you setup on the device?

I loaded the most recent beta - 1.61. What config settings would you recommend? I've tried a few different ways but haven't hit on the right combo.
Also - I have 3 different possible drivers:

  1. Built-In HE driver for Red switches
  2. User driver from Inovelli
  3. User driver from Hubitat community


Which do you recommend?


In smart bulb mode the controlled device driver is what makes raising and lowering work. In your case Shelly (and Hue). The Inovelli dimmer interacts with the devices only via a Button Controller app. You should check to see if the raise/lower/stop commands work from the Shelly device page. If they do, you just need to get Button Controller working. If they don't you can program button pushes to raise/lower by a fixed amount.

Thanks - I'm aware of that and have already determined that the shelly driver does not support those commands. That's why I'm asking about the Inovelli switch maintaining an internal level that can be used with a device mirror. @ericm indicated that may be possible so I'm waiting for his response on the 3 alternative drivers.

One of the bottom two drivers will do the trick. It just depends on whether you have the LZW31 or the LZW31-SN.

If you just put the device into smart bulb mode you should be able to mirror the level of the Inovelli device to the Shelly. Don't disable local control or anything like that. Just enable SBM so that the output will always be 100% then have the Shelly match the level of the Inovelli.

Thats what I do, I use smart bulb mode and mirror app which works great however I had to play with the ramp rate settings of the Inovelli driver because the bulb I was using also had a ramp rate delay creating lag. Once I turned off the delays on the Inovelli and just let the bulb handle ramping it felt much more responsive.

Yes, I've noticed the issue with the ramp rate as well ,trying to sort that out. Which delays did you turn off in Inovelli? There are settings for ramp rate, dimming speed and also delays (as opposed to rates). I wish there was more documentation on what each of the settings does. @Eric_Inovelli @ericm is there any documentation on this?

The settings have a description on the device page. It seems like you might want to turn down the dimming speed settings to make them faster. Param 1-4 maybe change to 1? You would have to play around with them to see what you like.

You can also adjust the "Button Delay" to 300 or 400ms if you are using scenes or to 0ms if you are not.


Great, thanks

So I realize I'm still unclear on these settings. If smartbulb mode is enabled - meaning load is always on - what does disabling remote control do? Or to put it another way, in SBM, what does remote control do when it is NOT disabled? Does it change the internal state even if the relay is kept at full?

Don't disable remote control. That will make it so you can't control it via Hubitat. Just adjust the "Button Press Delay" and Dimming / Ramp speed settings (1-4) to your liking. The "Button Press Delay" is kind of hard to explain. It is how fast the switch responds after your finger presses down the button. It is a waiting time where the switch tries to detect if the user is going to do a double, triple press etc. The smaller that setting the more responsive the switch is.

Hi all, I have these (I assume gen 1, but not sure honestly how to check): https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07S1BMMGH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I'm migrating from SmartThings. When I added my Inovelli switches, they were auto tagged to the driver type: "Inovelli Z-Wave Red Scene Dimmer" - which sounds correct to me. However, I started searching for custom drivers and found this thread. Are these identical to the ones that were by default tagged from Hubitat? Or should I add updated ones from the github and select them for some reason?

Additionally how can I tell what generation I have?

I guess the only way to tell for sure would be to take out the switch and look at the back, but the driver you mentioned is for the Red Series Dimmer (LZW31-SN). If Hubitat matched the device with this driver on pairing, that is likely it. If you have a long LED bar on the right side of the switch and the commands to use it for "notifications" (effects) works, that is certainly it.

Inovelli sometimes refers to these as "gen 2," with their original procuts like the NZW31 and NZW31-S being referred to as "gen 1." There are not (currently?) multiple generations of the Red Series, a term that was first used when these products were introduced.

As for the driver, whichever meets your needs! Inovelli's custom driver (and others) offer more features, like a way to generate events for all taps up to the 5 the device supports, whereas Hubitat's will max out at double taps. You can switch drivers to test things out if you want, though you'll probably want to decide before you automate too much, as they generate button events differently.

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Hi Eric - I have a couple black series dimmers that I want to use to control smart bulbs. All I really need is on and off. They are Gen2 and I have the latest firmware installed (1.57). According to what I read on the inovelli site, with this firmware I should be able to get scene functionality at least for 1x and 2x taps, and hold /release, but I'm not seeing that in the Hubitat UI. I have the latest community driver installed. It does show that the device has 8 buttons, but when the paddle is tapped it does not show a button pressed - all it does is turn on and off or change the level when held.
Is there a parameter I need to set besides the dropdown for smartbulb mode?

Hi there, firmware 1.52 has this feature but it was removed as storage was necessary for some other changes. You can flash back to firmware 1.52 though if you would like.

Black Series Scene Control with New Firmware - howto? - Switches / Firmware Discussion - Inovelli Community

Hi - I flashed back to firmware 1.52 and the parameters Pushed, Held, and Last Event appear now - but they don't actually change after paddle presses. I set parameter 52 to Smartbulb mode (in preferences) but the switch is still turning off the relay when I press the bottom paddle.
I made sure to press Configure after any changes.

Hi @hokfujow, can you please try a factory reset on the device. I believe some of the configuration parameters may be saved incorrectly in the firmware after downgrading.

Also, do you see anything in the logs when you press the buttons?

Will try the reset. I'm seeing conflicting information on the right way to do that. Click Config 8x? Hold Config > 20 sec? And should I exclude from hubitat first?

That generation of devices you hold down the config button for 20 + seconds until the LED turns red.