[RELEASE] IKEA Zigbee drivers

You rock...I just updated the firmware on one and will move on to update more of my E1706s. And the driver is nicer too :smile: .

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E1766 update worked great.

Should be able to try the 5-button tomorrow once I get batteries


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Yay, E1603 firmware updated successfully!

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That's so awesome. Will try tomorrow.
Was waiting for a long time to use all my IKEA devices which didn't work in the past.

Any chance we could get "Hold" added to the "Tradfri Open/Close Remote (E1766)"

Currently, according to your read me, and my experience, it doesn't seem to report when you hold a button (just triggers the push then release).

For the Open/Close remote, it doesn't send a hold event, just "Open" / "Close" and "Stop" commands, where we interpret the "Stop" command as "release last button". Unfortunately, The changes for the open/close remotes mean they don't send the multistate events required for hold.

Interesting that hold/release works fine on the E1743 button which seems to use the same firmware.

The Open/Close buttons use the Window Covering zigbee cluster instead of OnOff and Multistate events (Which is what the E1743 uses). Window Covering doesn't have the concept of hold, just of "Open", "Close", "Go to position" and "Stop". So the buttons only send "Open" or "Close", and if held, a "Stop" on release.

Along with the name, that's pretty much the difference between the E1766 and E1743. There's a flag set in the non-firmware part of the memory on the E1766 units that mark it as a window control instead of a OnOff button, along with the name change. With a hardware programmer it might be possible to convert an E1766 to an E1743, but it's not possible with OTA firmware updates.

This E1766 Shade Button is very frustrating.

  • It paired one time with the C8 but didn't do anything, no button presses or other signs of action in the Current States of the settings page. So I unpaired it and will not pair with the C8 again. I have reset it, tried pairing avoiding Zigbee repeaters, with the keys in the clear, near the hub, far away from the hub, and about anything else I can think of.
  • It quickly and easily pairs with the C5 time and time again.

Today, after I updated the driver:

  • At some point on the C5 it had pressed and released, but now only has pressed, possibly related to the 3.3 update today?
  • Todays 3.3 driver update gives errors that weren't there before, Maybe related to the pressed/release difference from 3.2 driver?
  • I was flipping this device back and forth between the C5 and the C8 trying to figure out why it wasn't pairing on the C8. And it quit read button events at all. Even after paring again, no buttons just this error every time I push or hold either raise or lower.


Prior to today, these drivers didn't have support for the E1766. Not sure how you would have had it working on a C5 (or C8) in the past, I couldn't find a driver that supported cluster 102 for a button device. Maybe you've got a different driver for the E1766 installed?

The warning that's listed there indicates it at some point bound to the right cluster, but didn't have a handler in place for the button press (in this case a "close" press). Version 3.3.0 should be processing that event, maybe this is a remnant of an older driver? Getting that event should indicate it's on the right firmware version. Maybe remove (unpair) from both hubs, clean up any lingering older drivers, and repair with this driver?

Worth noting for my E1766 buttons, they do have press and release (but not hold). Release is only triggered if you hold the button more than a second or two.

The pairing is inconsequetial to operation. I don't know why it paired once and never again with the C8?

Nope, definitely this driver only.

Not sure where a remnant would come from, see below. Hub has even been rebooted since the driver was installed earlier today.

I have removed and installed the device probably 10 times since getting this error. I am resetting the device by holding the pairing button under the cover for 10 seconds, then doing the 4x button press when pairing. The device definitely isn't paired with the C8, there is no evidence of that. Besides, Zigbee can't/wont pair with two hubs as far as I am aware. The reset and the fact it (partially?) pairs with the C5 tells me that it isn't paired and that it is reset between attempts.

As far as the driver, I let HPM update the driver today, an upgrade should have worked? Normally when you import the code (I didn't cut/paste or edit), especially via HPM, it shouldn't leave any remnants. I guess I can try completely removing and reinstalling, but so odd that it could have a "lingering driver" as you say. Nothing shows in Driver Code tab except this one driver.

That is what I saw too. Press and release, no hold. When it worked over the weekend, that is.

This error means that the device is paired successfully and it is sending the correct events (the hard part id done :+1: ), but it is not using the correct driver.

I think the heart of the problem is that the HPM package contains multiple optional drivers, one for each device type. When you upgrade from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0, the new driver named "IKEA Tradfri Open/Close Remote (E1766)" is not automatically installed. To install the new driver, you need to:

  • In the Hubitat UI, in the left menu
  • Go to "Apps" and select "Hubitat Package Manager" from the apps list
  • Select the "Modify" option, then from the drop-down select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" and click "Next"
  • From the drop-down, select the drivers that you need (for instance the driver for E1766), then click "Next"

You can see what drivers (not HPM packages) are currently installed by going to:

  • In the Hubitat UI, in the left menu
  • Expand "Developer tools" (if not already expanded) and go to "Drivers code"
  • Check the list to see if the driver for E1766 is present

Hope this helps. Don't worry, we will make it work! :hugs:

My new E2123 Sound Remote arrived today - wow you really have to hold it next to the Hub when pairing in order for it to work correctly.

I did it a few times about 1m away, each time it would connect but none of the buttons ever showed as being pressed. It was only when I paired it again touching the Hub that this then started.

Can someone explain to me why this would be the case?

Zack, were you able to upgrade the firmware on your 5-button remote (E1810)?

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I was able to do the firmware update, but I haven't tried using the button afterward yet. Firmware update took about 100 minutes, similar to the other Ikea devices.

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Hi @PaulC , I'm interested in this for my Sonos too, does the volume control work smoothly, eg if you hold down the buttons does it raise/lower the volume gradually?

Also interested in this. Going to try to attempt this tonight.

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The device doesn’t recognise hold on the volume buttons but I use the Advanced Button Controller and have it set to increase or decrease the volume by +/-2 with each press and it works fine for me. Only the two ‘custom’ buttons register hold and double click actions, the others are just “push”

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Yeah , it seems to be an issue with Hubitat on the hold and smooth volume/dimming issue

Home Assistant can do it so I'm hoping it can be resolved one day, maybe Matter will help

I've said it before but surely this issue can be resolved, I think maybe it's more to do with the Sonos integration though but I'm no expert