[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I can confirm that the Lenovo Duet works flawlessly outside of the LAN!!! Now if I could only get my Chromebox to work :confused:

I have 3 of them on the wall using an inexpensive wall mount (amazon) that powers the device.
If you install it above some hard switch chances are you have 110V to connect to.
Works great!


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Anyone figure out how to import the config file into the app on a Chromecast with Google TV? Does anyone know where the file is stored once it is imported? There does not seem to be a file location for the app data and I was wondering if I could make a folder and drop the config file into it. I would need to know what to call the folder and whether it would even work??? I have a third party app installed and the process would save me a lot of time configuring all my devices.

If you're running on the same network as the Hub, you could try backup and restore using the Hub's file manager. That's what I use. I used to use Google Drive app previously which also worked fine (just requires that app to be installed and configured).

For the import, select nav -> more options -> backup and restore -> restore from Hub. This should show a list of files on your hub. Select one to import it.

If you already have a config file, you can upload it to the Hub manually too using the Hub's built-in file manager (example: You will need to name the file with "dashboard-" prefix as I'm filtering out files without that.

  • This does require the app to be on the same network as the hub.. it also requires no username/password security set on the hub too which isn't set by default

For the backup/restore "other" option it's a little more complicated.. I just tried it on a Pixel device. I selected the built-in option "SD Card" which saves to your device. If you have Google Drive installed, you can select that as an option too. You'll see a lot of other choices in this list too.. that might work for sending the file but it's not going to work for importing it :frowning:

For the restore/other option, I get the Downloads folder by default (where I saved in the earlier step) so I can just select that file. If you were to use Google Drive though, it should show up in the left navigation panel as an option too.

Let me know if one of these steps doesn't work on Android TV and I can try it there too

version 1.0.1053 (beta)

  • allow image and video tiles to be larger than 2x2

With this version, I'm starting to explore allowing tiles to be greater than just 2x2. To start, I'm just allowing this for images and videos (my primary driver is the new Google Photo's hubitat device). Instead of a toggle switch, there's a little horizontal spinner control (swipe left/right) to set the tile height and width.


I did notice that if you make the tile too tall the screen won't scroll properly.. if you run into that, just reduce the height so the tile fits in the screen width.

Once I've spent more time making sure everything works well, I'll allow more device types to use it too.. it's not that I can't make any tile much larger - it's just that I want to make sure the image/text fits and looks good at the larger sizes.


Yuck.. my C-5 hub stopped working yesterday and won't boot anymore. The last thing I want to do is buy a new one and re-pair all of my devices but that might be the only option if I can't fix it.. I won't be able to make updates to the app for a bit but I'll post again when I can get back up and running again.


Hope you get back in business soon with an easy recovery and your devices intact!

Sorry to hear about your issue. :frowning: Hope you get it back up and running quickly and easily my friend!

Backup/Restore is not working for me. I recently did a backup of my configuration to my phone and reset the app, but when I choose to restore from the txt file, it just acts as if nothing happened. Any ideas?

Sorry, I'll look into it. It might be something I can work on while I'm waiting for a new hub to arrive

It sounds like you already purchased but here's this anyway

Backup and restore from external device doesn't work for me. However backing up to hub and restore from hub works. Have you tried doing it that way?

I see the bug and fixed it -- the only issue is I have some other outstanding changes which I can't get in without more testing.. so, it might be a few days.

Like @SigFan86 mentioned above, restore from the Hub does work today. If you're able to get the config file on your hub (use the built-in file manager) - you can import it from there (Note - make sure you name the file with "dashboard-" prefix)

Thanks guys. I was able to take my wife's phone and backup to hub and then use that file on my phone to get everything back.

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Any way to add a new icon from a local png file? Tried sharing out a Google doc URL with the URL method but it does not work. Looking to add this elliptical icon:
Elliptical icon White

Just realized you won't be able to see the icon unless you use a dark browser background so:
Elliptical icon black

I have added my own icons by storing them on the Hubitat file system. Work really well and the app will cache the icon so you do not need to have access to the URL every time you open the app.

Can you point me to documentation or explain how this is done? Can't seem to find the location of an icon file. Is it in the Hubitat app or the Hubitat Dashboard app?

  • go to (replace IP with your HE's)
  • upload images here
  • copy the URL of the image.. it'll look something like ""
  • to change icon of a device, long-click on it -> edit -> change icons -> select device on or off state to update and finally enter the URL (there's a button to manually enter a URL)

I plan to add a way to browse images saved on the hub in the future to remove the step of copying and pasting the URL


Thanks. Great tutorial and now I'm addicted and want to add more custom icons.