[RELEASE] HubConnect Netatmo Weather Station Client (HubConnect not req'd)

Are the the devices still populating values ok? My guess is they are not. Could be a cloud issue but I don’t see any indication in my own logs.

Try disconnecting and reconnecting. It might be something happened that caused the security token to expire.

No, they seem to be working fine, are populated and up to date.

I copied the url from this screen shot (and obviously for the remaining drivers as well).

I now have it all working. I removed all drivers and client, power cycled the hub, re-imported all code, power cycled unit again, input ID and secret, then connected, and now all seems to be working including the dashboard. Thanks for all the help and direction @srwhite and @Otto_Mation.


Huzzah! Glad you got it working, and sorry about the confusion with the drivers..

Weird. For now let's keep watch on that.

So now this is working very well with my main HE. I am also using HUBCONNECT and don't see all the weather attributes across the link. I've selected the netatmo devices in Hubinstance Client under Select Omnipurpose Sensors and they do appear to the Hubconnect Server end but only a subset of weather attributes. On the server they are using the HubConnect Omnipurpose Sensor.I had expected to see them all. What's supposed to be available across a HubConnect link?

Built in support is coming for these devices with HubConnect 2.0 which is currently in testing with the beta group. If you can hang in there for another week it should be available for release.


FWIW I've experienced the exact same behavior and error messages as @JDogg016. And I copied the device files from the same as he mentioned above. Is that correct?

EDIT: Here are my logs if it helps....

app:2302020-02-01 06:29:46.943 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.call() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.HashMap) values: [[prefGroup:hcnetatmowx, title:Weather Stations & Devices]] Possible solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), take(int), each(groovy.lang.Closure), any(groovy.lang.Closure) (mainPage)

app:2302020-02-01 06:29:23.617 pm infoNo devices are selected, skipping station refresh

app:2302020-02-01 06:29:23.579 pm infoHubConnect Netatmo Client Initialized

app:2302020-02-01 06:29:23.563 pm infoHubConnect Netatmo Client Installed

That certainly looks like a bug in the hub UI. Nothing in the code calls mainPage with parameters yet that’s exactly what the logs show. The hub UI is trying to call a page with non-existent parameters.

Unfortunately I’m also unable to reproduce this issue at all so I don’t have any good advice to give. I tagged Bruce earlier but he hasn’t jumped in. I hope he can have some other suggestions.


@bravenel. Any thoughts on this error?

I don't know what you're talking about.


This error message

Error Getting Page Data... TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a)')

Appears to be generated by the UI... I'm there's no further data on it and nothing to correlate to any specific line # in the code.

This is the only user to report this type of error but there's no debug information available.

I have no context for this. Why do you say it is generated by the UI?

Because of this error...

It indicates that mainPage is being called with parameters [prefGroup:hcnetatmowx, title:Weather Stations & Devices].

Except nowhere in the app code do I do that.

what is the UI action that causes this?

Clicking an href with a page called "dynamicDevicePage".

Is your theory that clicking on href calls main()? I don't have a clue. This doesn't sound like a UI problem, but some obscure issue with the code. Corrupted db? Is this reproducible on any other hub?

I'm scratching my head as well. I have noticed some oddness with the UI/dynamic pages before an app in installed, specifically the first dynamic page called from the home page, before an app is installed seems to get "stuck"

For example.. mainPage -> connectPage, (user clicks Next) -> mainPage (user clicks any href) -> connectPage is called, regardless of the page in the href definition.

As far as this issue, I cannot reproduce it either. So far it's just JDogg I believe.
I can set you up with a Netatmo ID/Secret if you care to test.

I'm bowing out of this one.