When my C5 reboots I lose a lot of memory in the first hours after the reboot. It then settles down and I can run about 3 weeks before I get down to 150,000 and I force a reboot. This was on 2.2.8. I'm curious to see what 2.2.9 does.
I agree there's memory leaks with both the C7 and C5 as I have both devices. Most of the workload is on the C5. However the scheduled reboot should reclaim the memory and I shouldn't have seen that low of a memory if it actually rebooted. I'm just concerned that it's logging a reboot but the device is not actually doing it.
Mind is definitely rebooting (I am doing a reboot not restart in the app). I can tell from the logs as some of my apps drop their webconnection and reconnect on reboot, as well as my Lutron telnet connection.
input "rebootType", "enum", title: "What would you like to use to trigger a reboot?", options: ["Time","Button"], defaultValue: "Time", submitOnChange: true
input "rebootType", "enum", title: "What would you like to use to trigger a reboot?", options: ["Time","Button","Pause"], defaultValue: "Time", submitOnChange: true
I am trying to install and get this message: "No signature of method: Script1.definition() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[name:Rebooter, namespace:dcm.rebooter, author:Dominick Meglio, ...]] on line 14"