[RELEASE] Hub Rebooter App

I'm using it with the reboot option. No issues here.


I've run into issues with restarting the process instead of rebooting. On three different hubs, I've had the same issue -- restarting hangs the hub, and a manual reboot is necessary. Selecting 'reboot' instead of 'restart' works smoothly.


Has anyone had any issues with using this app (or rebooting in general) in the past 2 months? I have this app set to reboot (not just to restart services) my C5 hub 3x per week. Every other week or so the hub shuts down but doesn't start back up, diagnostic 8081 page not accessible, and I have to power cycle to reboot it. Did a soft reset about a week ago to try and resolve but occurred again this morning.

Sounds like something might be up with your hub. All this app essentially does is click the Reboot button that's in the UI. If that causes issues, it seems like something else might be wrong.


What is the difference with the restart processes vs actual reboot? I'm having issues where after a reboot my automations are not working - but it looks like a full reboot works well.

Next question - if we have multiple hubs - is there a logical order to which hub should reboot first/last? I have 2 hubs dedicated to Z-Wave and the third does Zigbee and ALL automations. I was rebooting the third first but maybe it should be last?

Also, what is the order of operations on the reboot - specifically, when is the database backup taken, before or after the reboot?

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I know for sure if this is an issue but I’m noticing that Reboot application may not be actually rebooting.
After Schedule ~22 hours. Look at the memory count


Doing a full reboot from the application.


After a manual reboot


After 22 hours the memory might be a little lower but according to this information it looks like it didn’t actually reboot.

Do you have a systemStart event in the Logs | Hub Events tab for Thursday night?

Yes, first one was today for testing; Second one was scheduled time

systemStart System startup with build: 2021-11-12 10:15:37.886 EST
systemStart System startup with build: 2021-11-11 12:02:24.137 EST

I'm don't know if something "triggering" the event but not realy rebooting.

When my C5 reboots I lose a lot of memory in the first hours after the reboot. It then settles down and I can run about 3 weeks before I get down to 150,000 and I force a reboot. This was on 2.2.8. I'm curious to see what 2.2.9 does.

I just looked and my hub has been up for 38 hours and I'm at 291,000 and I did the reboot 38 hours ago, it wasn't automated.

How do your logs look for that time period?

That C-5 have been up for 2 hours now. I'm at 386520 KB.

This is my Production C-7 Hub over the last few days.

Memory loss is a little higher than normal right now, but I'm also seeing a fair amount of issues with the Amazon websocket.

I agree there's memory leaks with both the C7 and C5 as I have both devices. Most of the workload is on the C5. However the scheduled reboot should reclaim the memory and I shouldn't have seen that low of a memory if it actually rebooted. I'm just concerned that it's logging a reboot but the device is not actually doing it.

Mind is definitely rebooting (I am doing a reboot not restart in the app). I can tell from the logs as some of my apps drop their webconnection and reconnect on reboot, as well as my Lutron telnet connection.

Got the code but no app :thinking:

I've not had this happen before. I installed the code with copy&paste:

But it isn't in the apps list, even after rebooting the hub:

Here's the poop:

Any ideas?

Did you Add a User App from the apps page?


OMG! :roll_eyes: Thanks

I live in node-red for about a year now and, obviously, have forgotten some basics.


I know this is old but I’m searching for this exact issue with the bond bridge. Did they ever solve this problem?

My Bond quit working consistently so I installed Inovelli fan controllers for all of my fans.