[RELEASE] Hub Information Driver

I just ran a cleanup is there anything else I should do. The database size is not very large. The numbers look small for right now I'll see if they climb back up. Thank you again for your help.

Normally that will resolve it …

It is slowly growing again.

Annoying, but if the DB size is still reasonable it shouldn't hurt anything. Also note that with 42 attributes, of which roughly 35 can update every polling cycle, if you have a 5 minute poll you'll generate about 427 events state changes per hour....

OK. Thanks. I left it a Default. Odd thing is c5 doesn't have this condition. Thanks again.

Which is really odd when you think about it, as the announcement stated that outside of the 700 Zwave chip set and required SDK:

the C-7 is identical to the C-5 in terms of CPU, memory, flash storage and Zigbee functionality, and has the same form factor.

[New Model C-7 Hub Coming Soon]

I think I have gotten this sorted out. I completely removed the Driver, again. Did a DB cleanup. Rebooted the hub and install the driver again. It's been a few days now and it is looking good.

Thank you for your help.

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@thebearmay thank you very much for your wonderful driver. I have one enhancement request if you are willing. Sometimes my hub(s) will report a -1 degree temperature which is obviously not correct. I have 3 C4 hubs in "production" and this is happening on a few of them. It would be great if you added a condition in the getTempHandler() function to not fire an event if the value reported is less than 0. I fixed this on my hubs but others might experience the same so wanted to let you know. Here is an example for the past day:

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Not a bad idea, I can do that.

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What about my hub in the liquid nitrogen bath?


Thank you sir! FWIW after the tempWork variable declaration, I inserted the following line and all is good now:
if (tempWork < 0) return

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Hi @thebearmay
I've just noticed this error in my logs.
I'm using your driver and writing the information into the long term storage (LTS) file of the Hubigraph app.

EDIT: The LTS file is stored in the file manager section of the hub so it could possibly be that.

I don't think there has been any updates to Hubigraphs recently which leads me to either the latest firmware update or this app that could be causing the error.
Would you mind having a quick scan to see if it could be your driver? I have no idea when this started so it could be anything.
Thanks in advance.
Here is the error I'm seeing that is basically saying that the LTS file in hubigraphs is objecting to a character it is seeing.


i see the same thing on first boot of the hub.. with this driver. but then goes away and all seems to be working.. are you seeing the error constantly?

I'm afraid I am. I did update to this morning so could try a reboot to see if it clears it, but like I say I haven't looked at the logs recently so it could have started at any time in the last couple of weeks.
I'll try and reboot and see what happens.:+1:

i have had devices with various errors like this in the long term storage.. they seemed to stem from when a device was offline from a while .. ie dead battery etc.

to clean them up.. i checked wich device/file was being used in the long term storage.. totally removed the graph and info for the device.. deleted the lts file..

re-added the device and graph and all has been working ok for now.. i believe maybe duriong a reboot or something the file got hosed maybe partial entries etc.. Since I had a workaround never looked more into it.

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Haven't made any changes to the driver since 29 Sept. Change was to suppress a negative temperature value.


OK. Thanks for the prompt response. Appreciate it.
I may have to go down the road as suggested by @kahn-hubitat above which will be a real pain but hey ho!!!!

Hi @kahn-hubitat
On my 'playing' hub I just tried deleting LTS from hubigraphs. Deleting the LTS files from File Manager.
Re-installed LTS in hubigraphs and still get the same error.
It is nothing to do with @thebearmay's driver so I will leave this thread alone so I don't divert things.
Will try more stuff.

Well if there is something I can change to help resolve let me know.


i have not updated yet.. will update later and let you know if it breaks it for me.. what attributes are you graphing.. if you had not updated in a while remember a few firmwares ago one of the memory attributes went away..