Correct, and the IP is optional, it will try to detect it if you leave it blank. It will also pick a port or use port 8000 if you do not set that option. That is why the default config generated from the HE app does not have either of those options in it. I was just thinking maybe the port it was trying to use was already in use so changing it would help. Glad you got it working.
Wasn't (isn't) there a way withing Homebridge to sync the rooms on Hubitat with HomeKit?
Rooms didn’t exist in Hubitat (rooms are a more recent addition) when this plugin was first released, It would be a nice feature, and is a feature of the Hue bridge Apple Home integration. Probably more likely to be a future feature for Hubitat’s own Homekit beta app.
Hi @tonesto7 - any chance to have a review of the thermostat things listed above? Thanks!
Thanks a ton for this great app @tonesto7. I've been using it for several months after switching to IOS and it is perfect.
I have a question about replacing a garage door tilt sensor. I have a zen16 wired to a remote to control my garage door and a samsung multipurpose sensor as a tilt sensor. I use the Zoos garage door app to create the Garage Door Device. I changed to an ecolink Zwave tilt sensor. I changed the tilt sensor in the Zoos app and it works great.
I went to delete the old samsung device, it indicates it is still in use by Hombridge v2.
Should I just delete it or is there something I need to do to get it removed from Homebridge first?
Go into the Hubitat homebridge integration app and find where you have it selected as a shared device and remove it.
You should not really need to share the new tilt sensor either, just share the virtual garage door the Zooz app created.
That 's the problem. It isn't shared as a device in Homebridge, but is still listed as in use.
Just to be clear only the garage door device created by the Zoos app is shared in Homebridge.
Solved it. I shared the old sensor to homebridge. When I did that I saw that there was Capability Filter active for it. I removed the capability filter from Homeridge, then removed the device from homebridge. Problem solved.
Why this worked? At some point in the past, I added the tilt sensor as a separate device in homebridge in order to report the garage temperature. When I did that I filtered out the contact sensor capability. When I removed the device it might have left it in the capability filtering in place and thus the item was still in use by homebridge.
Hi, I'm new to Hubitat and have recently installed the "built in app" for homebridge support (HomeKit Integration (beta)). It seems to work ok although I was surprised to see it doesn't work remotely.
What is the difference between this app and the built-in one? Does this one simply enable remote access? Thanks for the info! I would also recommend adding this to the github page because for new people it's hard to figure that out =). Thanks!!
For remote access you need a "Home Hub" which can be a modern Apple TV or a Homepod (mini). This applies to the hubitat integration or homebridge.
Homekit has a device limit of 150 devices per bridge. With this integration you can add multiple child bridges so you can exceed the 150 device limit. With the built in app you are limited to 150 devices per hub. The built in app also does not support devices using custom drivers.
One advantage the built in app has is it does not require any additional hardware except for as mentioned in the previous post.
It might help to clarify what is doing what here.
HomeKit is the framework Apple created to integrate smart home devices with the Home app running on iOS or other Apple devices.
Homebridge is a program written in Node.js, running on a server PC, that essentially allows for devices not directly supported by HomeKit to be brought into the Apple Home app.
Think of the app in this thread as an interface between Homebridge and Hubitat.
Hubitat recently released a built-in HomeKit integration, which is currently still in open beta testing. The built-in HomeKit integration allows for devices paired to the Hubitat hub to be integrated with the Apple Home app.
Homebridge and the PC on which it’s running are not involved in that scenario.
There are some notable limitations to the built-in integration, as @Vettester mentioned above. This is because Hubitat is seeking Apple’s approval as a certified HomeKit bridge, and Apple imposes certain restrictions that uncertified bridges like Homebridge are not bound by.
However, your experience re: remote access is unrelated to the built-in integration.
As @jtp10181 said, you need at least one of a few possible apple devices running on your home network to enable remote access in the Apple Home app. That requirement is the same for both the built-in HomeKit integration, and this community-developed Homebridge plugin.
Thanks all, super helpful.
I went ahead and tried this out. I have it running on my QNAP docker, and paired to my iOS Home app. The docker UI is successfully showing all of my devices that I told this plugin to send to HomeBridge docker at: xxx:8581/accessories. However, zero devices/accessories are showing after I added my homebridge via the QR code on the HOME app on iOS. Even when I go into the "home hub and bridge" details - I see no accessories.
It works without issue via the hubitat integration on that "home / bridge."
Did I miss a step to expose these beyond the :8581 UI?
Edit: I should mention, the reason I figured I'd try this is because this exposes, it appears, ANYTHING in Hubitat. Vs. the habitat integration which only exposes some of my devices.
EDIT2: I figured it out =). After you add the config, then add the plugin on the UI, you have to restart the docker container in my situation for it to start working. After that, everything showed up instantly and the logs confirmed it. Thanks.
Evening all, just to report that the "heat only" thermostat option and the filter to remove cooling don't appear to be performing their intended functions. Also, in the Homebridge log I keep seeing:
This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Cooling Threshold Temperature': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "NaN" (number).
I currently get the options for off, heat, cool and auto. I'd like the "cool" option to disappear, as that's the same as turning the thermostat off on this heat-only system. Off, heat and auto are useful, though.
The second one is an official implementation from Hive, which isn't ideal as it only has on/off. The floor thermostat is the one appearing through Homebridge.
When Hubitat first release Apple HomeKit on hub, I moved all my devices from Homebridge except for door locks and garage door opener which are only ones I am still using with Homebridge.
This worked fine for a month until last week when I noticed that I could no longer operate the lock or the garage door opener. Strange that it still give me notification when someone manually unlock / lock doors or open the garage door with wall button and the status on Homekit app would be current.
Last night, I updated Hoobs (on RaspPi) and the Hubitat hub also rebooted all my network (router, switches, etc) but it still doing the same thing. Apple Homekit notification and status update still work fine but I am unable to operate anything from Homekit app.
I been using Homebridge - Hoobs - Homekit for a long time with no problems or issue. This appeared like last week.
Anyone experienced anything similar to this? If so, will you share what steps you took to fix it?
Thank you
It sounds like a security setting changed. Have you checked the settings on your Apple TV for secure accessories? I also still have my locks and garage door integrated via Homebridge (not hoobs) and haven’t had any issues with controlling them.
I have not change anything but I will double check on the settings. I don't recall a security setting on Apple TV. Can you explain to me where would this "settings" I should check on Apple TV?
Thank you
Don't remember seeing "HOMEKIT" category on my Apple TV. Is this from a recent update or something? I am at work and I will be home in about an hour to check on this setting ..
Thank you for the screenshot .. it helps a lot!
It’s been there for as long as I have had ATVs. It’s not something that one would normally need to worry about more than once in a long while.