[RELEASE] Home Assistant Device Bridge (HADB)

Hi @tomw

Not sure if it is just me but when I try and update through HPM i get this error

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade driver https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ymerj/HE-HA-control/main/HA%20parent.groovy.

EDIT: I ran a HPM matchup and this seems to have sorted it out.

Thanks again for your time on this.

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Awesome, the app is now working with https and it is ignoring SSL/cert issues. Will test it further in the next few days! Thanks @chaue.shen and @tomw!

1 Like

I would also like to add my HA thermostats to Hubitat. Are you willing to share your code?



Sure. My code base is 0.1.29. Please see below:



  • Home Assistant to Hubitat Integration
  • Description:
  • Allow control of HA devices.
  • Required Information:
  • Home Asisstant IP and Port number
  • Home Assistant long term Access Token
  • Features List:
  • Licensing:
  • Copyright 2021 Yves Mercier.
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
  • on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  • for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  • Version Control:
  • 0.1.0 2021-02-05 Yves Mercier Orinal version
  • 0.1.1 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Added basic support for simple "Light" devices from Home Assistant using Hubitat Generic Component Dimmer driver
  • 0.1.2 2021-02-06 tomw Added handling for some binary_sensor subtypes based on device_class
  • 0.1.3 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Bug Fixes
  • 0.1.4 2021-02-06 Yves Mercier Added version number and import URL
  • 0.1.5 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Temperature and Humidity Sensors
  • 0.1.6 2021-02-06 Dan Ogorchock Corrected open/closed for HA door events
  • 0.1.7 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Corrected open/closed for HA window, garage_door, and opening per @smarthomeprimer
  • 0.1.8 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Removed temperature and humidity workaround for missing device_class on some HA sensors.
  •                                  This can be corrected on the HA side via the Customize entity feature to add the missing device_class.
  • 0.1.9 2021-02-07 tomw More generic handling for "sensor" device_classes. Added voltage device_class to "sensor".
  • 0.1.10 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Refactored the translation from HA to HE to simplify the overall design
  • 0.1.11 2021-02-07 Dan Ogorchock Completed refactoring of Dimmer Switch support
  • 0.1.12 2021-02-08 Dan Ogorchock Fixed typo in log.info statement
  • 0.1.13 2021-02-08 tomw Added "community" namespace support for component drivers. Added Pressure and Illuminance.
  • 0.1.14 2021-02-10 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Fan devices (used Lutron Fan Controller as test device.)
  • 0.1.15 2021-02-13 tomw Adjust websocket status handling to reconnect on both close and error conditions.
  • 0.1.16 2021-02-14 tomw Revert 0.1.15
  • 0.1.17 2021-02-14 Dan Ogorchock Improved webSocket reconnect logic
  • 0.1.18 2021-02-14 tomw Avoid reconnect loop on initialize
  • 0.1.19 2021-02-16 Yves Mercier Added Refresh handler
  • 0.1.20 2021-02-16 Yves mercier Refactored webSocketStatus
  • 0.1.21 2021-02-22 Yves mercier Reinstated CloseConnection command. Added connection status on device page.
  • 0.1.22 2021-02-24 tomw Changes to support optional device filtering. For use with haDeviceBridgeConfiguration.groovy.
  • 0.1.23 2021-02-25 Dan Ogorchock Switched from Exclude List to Include List
  • 0.1.24 2021-03-07 Yves Mercier Added device label in event description
  • 0.1.25 2021-03-18 Dan Ogorchock Updated for recent Hass Fan handling changes (use percentages to set speeds instead of deprecated speed names)
  • 0.1.26 2021-04-02 DongHwan Suh Added partial support for Color temperature, RGB, RGBW lights
  •                                  (Manually updating the device type to the corresponding one is required in Hubitat. Only statuses of level and switch are shown in Hubitat.)
  • 0.1.27 2021-04-11 Yves Mercier Added option for secure connection
  • 0.1.28 2021-04-14 Dan Ogorchock Improved Fan Device handling
  • 0.1.29 2021-04-17 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Smoke Detector Binary Sensor
  • Thank you(s):

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput

metadata {
definition (name: "HomeAssistant Hub Parent", namespace: "ymerj", author: "Yves Mercier", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ymerj/HE-HA-control/main/HA%20parent.groovy") {
capability "Initialize"

// command "createChild", [[ name: "entity", type: "STRING", description: "HomeAssistant Entity ID" ]]
// command "removeChild", [[ name: "entity", type: "STRING", description: "HomeAssistant Entity ID" ]]
command "closeConnection"
// command "deleteAllChildDevices"

    attribute "Connection", "string"

preferences {
    input ("ip", "text", title: "IP", description: "HomeAssistant IP Address", required: true)
    input ("port", "text", title: "Port", description: "HomeAssistant Port Number", required: true, defaultValue: "8123")
    input ("token", "text", title: "Token", description: "HomeAssistant Long-Lived Access Token", required: true)
    input ("secure", "bool", title: "Require secure connection (https)", defaultValue: false)
    input ("logEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true)
    input ("txtEnable", "bool", title: "Enable description text logging", defaultValue: true)        


def logsOff(){
log.warn("debug logging disabled...")

def updated(){
log.warn("debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}")
log.warn("description logging is: ${txtEnable == true}")
if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff)

def initialize() {


state.id = 2
def connectionType = "ws"
if (secure) connectionType = "wss"
auth = '{"type":"auth","access_token":"' + "${token}" + '"}'
evenements = '{"id":1,"type":"subscribe_events","event_type":"state_changed"}'
try {
    interfaces.webSocket.connect("${connectionType}://${ip}:${port}/api/websocket", ignoreSSLIssues: true)
catch(e) {
    log.error("initialize error: ${e.message}")


def uninstalled() {

def webSocketStatus(String status){
if (logEnable) log.debug "webSocket ${status}"

if ((status == "status: closing") && (state.wasExpectedClose)) {
    state.wasExpectedClose = false
    sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Closed")
else if(status == 'status: open') {
    log.info "websocket is open"
    // success! reset reconnect delay
    state.reconnectDelay = 1
    state.wasExpectedClose = false
    sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Open")
else {
    log.warn "WebSocket error, reconnecting."
    sendEvent(name: "Connection", value: "Reconnecting")


def reconnectWebSocket() {
// first delay is 2 seconds, doubles every time
state.reconnectDelay = (state.reconnectDelay ?: 1) * 2
// don't let delay get too crazy, max it out at 10 minutes
if(state.reconnectDelay > 600) state.reconnectDelay = 600

//If the Home Assistant Hub is offline, give it some time before trying to reconnect
runIn(state.reconnectDelay, initialize)


def parse(String description) {
if (logEnable) log.debug("parse(): description = ${description}")
def response = null;
response = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(description)
if (response.type != "event") return

    def newVals = []
    def entity = response?.event?.data?.entity_id
    // check whether we have a parent, and search its includeList for devices to process
    def includeList = getParent()?.includeList
    if(includeList && !includeList?.contains(entity)) return
    def domain = entity?.tokenize(".")?.getAt(0)
    def device_class = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.device_class
    def friendly = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.friendly_name
    newVals << response?.event?.data?.new_state?.state
    def mapping = null
    if (logEnable) log.debug "parse: domain: ${domain}, device_class: ${device_class}, entity: ${entity}, newVals: ${newVals}, friendly: ${friendly}"
    switch (domain) {
        case "fan":
            def speed = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.speed
            def percentage = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.percentage
            switch (percentage.toInteger()) {
                case 0: 
                    speed = "off"
                case 25: 
                    speed = "low"
                case 50: 
                    speed = "medium"
                case 75: 
                    speed = "medium-high"
                case 100: 
                    speed = "high"
                    if (logEnable) log.info "Invalid fan percentage received - ${percentage}"
            newVals += speed
            newVals += percentage
            mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly)
            if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly)
        case "switch":
            mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly)
            if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly)
        case "light":
            def level = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.brightness
            if (level) level = Math.round((level.toInteger() * 100 / 255))
            newVals += level
            mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly)
            if (!level) mapping.event.remove(1) //remove the level update since it is not provided with the HA 'off' event json data
            if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly)
        case "binary_sensor":
        case "sensor":
            mapping = translateDevices(device_class, newVals, friendly)
            if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly)                
        case "climate":
            def current_temperature = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.current_temperature
            def target_temperature = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.temperature
            def fan_mode = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.fan_mode
            def preset_mode = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.preset_mode
            def swing_mode = response?.event?.data?.new_state?.attributes?.swing_mode
            newVals += current_temperature
            newVals += target_temperature
            newVals += fan_mode
            newVals += preset_mode
            newVals += swing_mode
            mapping = translateDevices(domain, newVals, friendly)
            if (mapping) updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) 
            if (logEnable) log.info "No mapping exists for domain: ${domain}, device_class: ${device_class}.  Please contact devs to have this added."
catch(e) {
    log.error("Parsing error: ${e}")


def translateDevices(device_class, newVals, friendly)
def mapping =
door: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
fan: [type: "Generic Component Fan Control", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} was turn ${newVals[0]}"],[name: "speed", value: newVals[1], descriptionText:"${friendly} speed was set to ${newVals[1]}"],[name: "level", value: newVals[2], descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[2]}"]]],
garage_door: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
humidity: [type: "Generic Component Humidity Sensor", event: [[name: "humidity", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} humidity is ${newVals[0]}"]]],
illuminance: [type: "Generic Component Illuminance Sensor", event: [[name: "illuminance", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} illuminance is ${newVals[0]}"]], namespace: "community"],
light: [type: "Generic Component Dimmer", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} was turn ${newVals[0]}"],[name: "level", value: newVals[1], descriptionText:"${friendly} level was set to ${newVals[1]}"]]],
moisture: [type: "Generic Component Water Sensor", event: [[name: "water", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "wet":"dry", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
motion: [type: "Generic Component Motion Sensor", event: [[name: "motion", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? """active""":"""inactive""", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
opening: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
presence: [type: "Generic Component Presence Sensor", event: [[name: "presence", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "present":"not present", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
pressure: [type: "Generic Component Pressure Sensor", event: [[name: "pressure", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} pressure is ${newVals[0]}"]], namespace: "community"],
smoke: [type: "Generic Component Smoke Detector", event: [[name: "smoke", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "detected":"clear", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
switch: [type: "Generic Component Switch", event: [[name: "switch", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} was turn ${newVals[0]}"]]],
temperature: [type: "Generic Component Temperature Sensor", event: [[name: "temperature", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} temperature is ${newVals[0]}"]]],
voltage: [type: "Generic Component Voltage Sensor", event: [[name: "voltage", value: newVals[0], descriptionText:"${friendly} voltage is ${newVals[0]}"]]],
window: [type: "Generic Component Contact Sensor", event: [[name: "contact", value: newVals[0] == "on" ? "open":"closed", descriptionText:"${friendly} is updated"]]],
climate: [type: "Generic Component Thermostat", event: [[name: "thermostatMode", value: newVals[0], descriptionText: "${friendly} is set to ${newVals[0]}"],
[name: "temperature", value: newVals[1], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s current temperature is ${newVals[1]} degree"],
[name: "coolingSetpoint", value: newVals[2], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s cooling temperature is set to ${newVals[2]} degree"],
[name: "heatingSetpoint", value: newVals[2], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s heating temperature is set to ${newVals[2]} degree"],
[name: "thermostatFanMode", value: newVals[3], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s fan speed is set to ${newVals[3]}"],
[name: "presetMode", value: newVals[4], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s preset mode is set to ${newVals[4]}"],
[name: "swingMode", value: newVals[5], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s swing mode is set to ${newVals[5]}"],
[name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: newVals[2], descriptionText: "${friendly}'s temperature is set to ${newVals[2]} degree"]]]

return mapping[device_class]


def updateChildDevice(mapping, entity, friendly) {
def ch = createChild(mapping.type, entity, friendly, mapping.namespace)
if (!ch) {
log.warn "Child type: ${mapping.type} not created for entity: ${entity}"
else {

def createChild(deviceType, entity, friendly, namespace = null)
def ch = getChildDevice("${device.id}-${entity}")
if (!ch){
if (logEnable) log.debug("Create child device ${device.id}-${entity}")
ch = addChildDevice(namespace ?: "hubitat", deviceType, "${device.id}-${entity}", [name: "${entity}", label: "${friendly}", isComponent: false])
return ch

def removeChild(entity){
String thisId = device.id
def ch = getChildDevice("${thisId}-${entity}")
if (ch) {deleteChildDevice("${thisId}-${entity}")}

def componentOn(ch){
if (logEnable) log.info("received on request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
if (!ch.currentValue("level")) {
messOn = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}"]])
else {
messOn = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", brightness_pct: "${ch.currentValue("level")}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messOn = ${messOn}")

def componentOff(ch){
if (logEnable) log.info("received off request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messOff = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_off", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messOff = ${messOff}")

def componentSetLevel(ch, level, transition=1){
if (logEnable) log.info("received setLevel request from ${ch.label}")
if (level > 100) level = 100
if (level < 0) level = 0

//if a Fan device, special handling
if (ch.currentValue("speed")) {
    switch (level.toInteger()) {
        case 0:
            componentSetSpeed(ch, "off")
        case 1..25:
            componentSetSpeed(ch, "low")
        case 26..50:
            componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium")
        case 51..75:
            componentSetSpeed(ch, "medium-high")
        case 76..100:
            componentSetSpeed(ch, "high")
            if (logEnable) log.info "No case defined for Fan setLevel(${level})"
else {        
    state.id = state.id + 1
    entity = ch.name
    domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
    messLevel = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", brightness_pct: "${level}", transition: "${transition}"]])
    if (logEnable) log.debug("messLevel = ${messLevel}")


def componentSetColor(ch, color, transition=1){
if (logEnable) log.info("received setColor request from ${ch.label}")

state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
convertedHue = Math.round(color.hue * 360/100)
messHSL = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", brightness_pct: "${color.level}", hs_color: ["${convertedHue}", "${color.saturation}"], transition: "${transition}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messHSL = ${messHSL}")


def componentSetColorTemperature(ch, colortemperature, transition=1){
if (logEnable) log.info("received setColorTemperature request from ${ch.label}")

state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messCT = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", kelvin: "${colortemperature}", transition: "${transition}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messCT = ${messCT}")


def componentSetSpeed(ch, speed) {
if (logEnable) log.info("received setSpeed request from ${ch.label}, with speed = ${speed}")
int percentage = 0
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
switch (speed) {
case "on":
state.id = state.id + 1
messOn = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}"]])
case "off":
state.id = state.id + 1
messOff = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_off", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}"]])
case "low":
case "medium-low":
percentage = 25
case "auto":
case "medium":
percentage = 50
case "medium-high":
percentage = 75
case "high":
percentage = 100
if (logEnable) log.info "No case defined for Fan setSpeed(${speed})"

if (percentage != 0) {
    state.id = state.id + 1
    messOn = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "turn_on", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", percentage: "${percentage}"]])


def componentCycleSpeed(ch) {
def newSpeed = ""
switch (ch.currentValue("speed")) {
case "off":
speed = "low"
case "low":
case "medium-low":
speed = "medium"
case "medium":
speed = "medium-high"
case "medium-high":
speed = "high"
case "high":
speed = "off"
componentSetSpeed(ch, speed)

def componentRefresh(ch){
if (logEnable) log.info("received refresh request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "homeassistant", service: "update_entity", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def componentSetThermostatMode(ch, thermostatmode){
if (logEnable) log.info("received setThermostatMode request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "set_hvac_mode", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", hvac_mode: "${thermostatmode}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def componentSetCoolingSetpoint(ch, temperature){
if (logEnable) log.info("received setCoolingSetpoint request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "set_temperature", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", temperature: "${temperature}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def componentSetHeatingSetpoint(ch, temperature){
if (logEnable) log.info("received setHeatingSetpoint request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "set_temperature", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", temperature: "${temperature}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def componentsetThermostatFanMode(ch, fanmode){
if (logEnable) log.info("received fanmode request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "set_fan_mode", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", fan_mode: "${fanmode}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def componentsetPresetMode(ch, presetmode){
if (logEnable) log.info("received preset mode request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "set_preset_mode", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", preset_mode: "${presetmode}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def componentsetSwingMode(ch, swingmode){
if (logEnable) log.info("received swing mode request from ${ch.label}")
state.id = state.id + 1
entity = ch.name
domain = entity.tokenize(".")[0]
messUpd = JsonOutput.toJson([id: state.id, type: "call_service", domain: "${domain}", service: "set_swing_mode", service_data: [entity_id: "${entity}", swing_mode: "${swingmode}"]])
if (logEnable) log.debug("messUpd = ${messUpd}")

def closeConnection() {
if (logEnable) log.debug("Closing connection...")
state.wasExpectedClose = true

def deleteAllChildDevices() {
log.info "Uninstalling all Child Devices"
getChildDevices().each {

Any chance to add locks to the device capabilities? I have an Emtek/Yale/August lock that only uses the August Connect bridge. TIA

Hello, thank you for this awesome app. Just a couple of issues. I have the myq integration working in HA for my two garage devices but I don't seem to be getting it in the Device Bridge. I did a full restart of my HA instance and got other devices that I wanted to send over but not the garage devices. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

Also, is there any chance for development of shade devices in the future? I notice they are also cover devices like my garage doors.

1 Like

You might be missing the garage door driver. I had to manually install it when I added my door.

Hit the Raw button to get the code to copy into the Drivers Code section of Hubitat.


Yes, that worked. Thank you!

Hi Everyone,

I would like to request help on a small item - I cannot get my custom sensor from HA to appear in the device listing of hubitat. My logs look like the following:

dev:3672021-11-23 03:35:25.586 pm debugparse: domain: sensor, device_class: null, entity: sensor.hikvision, newVals: [hikvision], friendly: hikvision
dev:3672021-11-23 03:35:25.582 pm debugparse(): description = {"id": 1, "type": "event", "event": {"event_type": "state_changed", "data": {"entity_id": "sensor.hikvision", "old_state": {"entity_id": "sensor.hikvision", "state": "hikvision", "attributes": {"friendly_name": "hikvision", "Motion": "Off", "Door": "On"}, "last_changed": "2021-11-23T19:25:37.049804+00:00", "last_updated": "2021-11-23T20:35:21.803535+00:00", "context": {"id": "5f61cb2022600eaa81589d713fed0f03", "parent_id": null, "user_id": "f0a0f1a7300e4c6fb676dd040dddbd8f"}}, "new_state": {"entity_id": "sensor.hikvision", "state": "hikvision", "attributes": {"friendly_name": "hikvision", "Motion": "Off", "Door": "Off"}, "last_changed": "2021-11-23T19:25:37.049804+00:00", "last_updated": "2021-11-23T20:35:22.832670+00:00", "context": {"id": "bcc70ab1c52e0200b7ca23701f550e7f", "parent_id": null, "user_id": "f0a0f1a7300e4c6fb676dd040dddbd8f"}}}, "origin": "LOCAL", "time_fired": "2021-11-23T20:35:22.832670+00:00", "context": {"id": "bcc70ab1c52e0200b7ca23701f550e7f", "parent_id": null, "user_id": "f0a0f1a7300e4c6fb676dd040dddbd8f"}}}
dev:3672021-11-23 03:35:24.556 pm debugparse: domain: sensor, device_class: null, entity: sensor.hikvision, newVals: [hikvision], friendly: hikvision
dev:3672021-11-23 03:35:24.552 pm debugparse(): description = {"id": 1, "type": "event", "event": {"event_type": "state_changed", "data": {"entity_id": "sensor.hikvision", "old_state": {"entity_id": "sensor.hikvision", "state": "hikvision", "attributes": {"friendly_name": "hikvision", "Motion": "Off", "Door": "Off"}, "last_changed": "2021-11-23T19:25:37.049804+00:00", "last_updated": "2021-11-23T20:35:08.080196+00:00", "context": {"id": "f9cd7298a086dde3eecd56f9d70d7031", "parent_id": null, "user_id": "f0a0f1a7300e4c6fb676dd040dddbd8f"}}, "new_state": {"entity_id": "sensor.hikvision", "state": "hikvision", "attributes": {"friendly_name": "hikvision", "Motion": "Off", "Door": "On"}, "last_changed": "2021-11-23T19:25:37.049804+00:00", "last_updated": "2021-11-23T20:35:21.803535+00:00", "context": {"id": "5f61cb2022600eaa81589d713fed0f03", "parent_id": null, "user_id": "f0a0f1a7300e4c6fb676dd040dddbd8f"}}}, "origin": "LOCAL", "time_fired": "2021-11-23T20:35:21.803535+00:00", "context": {"id": "5f61cb2022600eaa81589d713fed0f03", "parent_id": null, "user_id": "f0a0f1a7300e4c6fb676dd040dddbd8f"}}}
--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---

No matter what I do, I cannot get this device "sensor.hikvision" to appear as a child device.

What kind of sensor is it acting as? The issue is that device_class is not present in the event attributes, which is what we use to determine what type of child and events to interpret for sensor entities.

I can set that manually in Home Assistant and see if it works.

The next issue will be that event.data.new_state.state looks like some kind of custom value (hikvision) instead of values for either door or motion. What kind of sensor is this based on, and which events do you want to have mirrored into Hubitat?

"sensor.Hikvision" is the friendly name of the sensor entity, the sensor has three attributes, and then each attribute has a state of data being on/off.

You can probably guess from the debug prints what we use to figure out how to handle sensor entities. sensor -> device_class is how we figure out what type of child device to create in Hubitat (like motion or door or many others). And the new_state.state is what we use to translate the event into Hubitat terms (like motion being active).

Your entity is sensor, but its device_class is unspecified and its state is non-standard. And the actual state values in the event are in other attributes. Basically, this sensor seems like sort of a composite type that our model for this integration can't easily support.

Just brainstorming, but it would work better if there was a way to mirror the attributes into multiple single-purpose sensor entities in HA that fit the model I described. Is that a possibility?

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You are definitely correct.

I created virtual sensors in HA that have device types defined and they are now exposed to Hubitat.


I am also interested in this.

Are you referring to Bill's previous post ?

There is Generic Lock Component available on HE, so it should work as long as the device in Home Assistant creates entities that handle locking/unlocking. But I am guessing, since I've never tried it and my piece of garbage August lock failed long ago. Maybe someone more familiar with the matter can comment. I now use Yale YRD 256 locks with Z-Wave modules joined directly to my Hubitat Elevation hub.

My guess is that even if you can control lock/unlock operations via Home Assistant Device Bridge, you will still need to use the manufacturer's method to manage lock codes and access.

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Thanks for the response, yes that is what I was referring to,

All I am actually wanting from the HA side is the status of lock, not necessarily the ability to operate. Do you know if there is an easy way for me to record the lock state and bring in to HE? Even if just on/off like switch, or open/close like a sensor?

Which lock?

I have august lock (the z-wave component is paired to my C-5, but status is unreliable), the wifi portion on the HA side is rock-solid in terms of lock-state accuracy. I would like to use the status from the wifi driver in HE for automations, rather than the Z-wave status.