[RELEASE] GE 4xxxx / ZW3010 Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Driver

I only have a few of the newest ZW3010 dimmers, but they seem to work on all of the LEDs I have them on. So no, I haven't seen that as of yet.

Uploaded v.1.4.0.

NOTE This version has a breaking change if you use double tap / triple tap. Because I added single tap button events, I had to re-number the buttons.

Previous versions: Double Up/Down = Buttons 1/2. Triple Up/Down = Buttons 3/4.
This and future versions: Single Up/Down = Buttons 1/2. Double Up/Down = Buttons 3/4. Triple Up/Down = Buttons 5/6.

1.4.0 (02/07/2020) - Added pushed, held, and released capability. Required renumbering the buttons. Now 1/2=Up/Down, 3/4=Double Up/Down, 5/6=Triple Up/Down

Uploaded v.1.4.1

  • 1.4.1 (02/07/2020) - Added doubleTapped events and added doubleTap capability. Now users can use button 3/4 for double tap or the system "doubleTapped" events.
  • 1.5.0 (05/17/2020) - Added associations and inverted paddle options

As I don't use associations, that code is essentially untested. however, since I pulled it from another one of my drivers, and I believe it is working there, it "should" work.

Format for associations is a comma separated list of HEX id #s.

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Does this same driver work for the GE zigbee versions as well?

Nope. Only the new enbrighten versions, as they changed how button reporting works in the new models.

I've published other drivers on here for the non-Enbrighten devices though.


NOTE, I will get a new version of the driver posted soon that will be for 2.2.3 and newer and supports S2.

  • The current driver 1.5.0 does not support S2 paired devices.
  • The upcoming new driver 2.0.0 will only work on hub at release 2.2.3 or newer, but will support S2

2.0.0 (08/07/2020) - Added S2 capability for Hubitat 2.2.3 and newer

  • 2.1.0 (08/20/2020) - Fixed some command version issues
  • 2.2.0 (08/29/2020) - Added number of button config to configure

Hi, I have a question that I, hopefully, have not missed previously in this thread.

One of the things I would like to do is adjust the ramp rate of the dimmer. i.e. instead of dimming up or down slowly, I would like to have it instantaneous.

I have the settings "Adjust the speed at which the ramps to a specific value" set to Fast.

I've noticed that if I turn on and off the Dimmer via the Hubitat Device View that it's instantaneous. It's also noticed in the logs as [Digital]. If I use the off and on button at the dimmer it ramps up and down slowly (and shows [physical]).

Is there any way to have the physical act the same as digital in terms of ramp rate of the dimmer?

Thanks for the help

Not that I know of, but I admit I've never really thought about it / tried anything specific there.

Thanks. It seemed strange to me that it would work differently digital vs physical. I can always map, via a rule, a double click up to instant on but I'd rather have the simple up/down for the rest of the family that won't remember.

Well when you do a digital OFF, it doesn't send an "off" - it sends a "set level" of 0%. And a "set level" with no duration specified="instant".

So indeed a physical OFF and digital OFF are doing two completely different things under the hood.

I could probably make a digital OFF do the same thing as a physical OFF, but I've never tried (or wanted to).

Thanks. That makes sense.

For my use case, I would rather the physical to do the same as the digital. Not sure if that's possible.

Physical on: set level to previous level with no duration
Physical off: set level to 0% with no duration

Don't think it is possible without making the manual physical dimming speed useless, but I'll think on it.

If you are OK with not being able to dim from the physical switch, it might be able to be can likely be done by adjusting the manual dimming steps.

Yeah, I think I would like to keep that. I'm assuming that the setting, "Turn your dimmer into an On/Off switch" would do that as well, correct or does that take away all dimming, even from the Hubitat Device page?

With that said, I don't actually need "dimming speed" but the ability to dim.

Edit: I did change it to "Turn your dimmer into an On/Off switch" = True. This does work instantaneous but as suspected you don't have the ability to adjust the dimming level from the dimmer itself. You can adjust it from the Hubitat device page but when you turn it off and turn it back on it does not remember the last dimming state, which makes sense.

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Correct. That only removes local/physical dimming. Digital dimming still works with that option on.

Is there any way to override the physical button and have it look to Rule Machine for "Button 1 Pressed" or will it always do the Physical button press?

I guess I'm asking if it can be used as a dummy switch for on/off while maintaining hold for dimming up and down.

Nope. That one I know for sure you can't do.

Need an inovelli or zooz switch if you want to be able to disable local load operation via switch.

Ok. Thanks. I appreciate the help.

I'm going to look at the Zwave configuration parameters and see if something I can adjust on there will change it. I saw something about Parameter 8 and the dimming steps I'll investigate.

Thank you