[RELEASE] Follow Me - Speaker control with priority messaging, volume controls, voices and sound files!

Looks like they have just released another patch 131, if it's a bug their side

//SpeechSynthesis capability.speechSynthesis
change command speak(String text, Integer volume = null, String awsPollyVoiceName = null)

So it looks like in 2.2.6, the parameters of SpeechSynthesis changed but were not required and didn't send if null

Now in 2.2.9, the volume is sending whether selected or not (it is sending a null value).

ie. - old value being sent from RM using 'speak'
This is a test

new value being sent from RM using 'speak'
if volume is selected: This is a test, 35
if no volume: This is a test, null

Seeing the two ways of sending the speak aren't compatible, it doesn't work for people that use RM5.1 and User created app/driver (using the original speak).

So now I'll need to go in and change every app that uses speech to reflect the new way. (And so will every developer that uses 'speak'.)

This will take a few days. Hold tight. :wink:


My hat is off to you Brian for all your creativity and effort.
But I just don't know how you and others do it as a third parties to a changing platform.


New version available...

Adjusted speak() to reflect the new parameters.

Grateful you went back and tuned your app for the changes in HE. I missed my Follow me!

Today, I was getting an outofbounds error, most likely from me playing with FM so I rebuilt it. I had never put a test file in before, so I added one.
I'm using a Port in my URL but it's not functioning. I get speech on my Dot in my office saying:
"I can't find file "and then a long string of hex read to me.

The URL plays fine within my local network and desktop browsers. This is my BlueIris server so it's my lazy mans way of doing file storage for icons/mp3s etc. Any thoughts?
Here's the screen location :

Please turn on debug logging for the shared 'Follow Me' device. Try again and post a screenshot of the debug log.


Log snapshot:
My environment is 5 follow me children, all set identically as a motion detector and connected Echo device set using speech synthesis. all have a volume value set (at 100) in case any of that might matter or help - also - this maybe helpful? As to debug - there wasn't a Debug switch on the driver (I only have the 1 device using FM driver) - it was 'enable logging' - I assumed that was what you meant.

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Error after last update

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Is there anything more I can do or info to supply regarding this problem? was the debug log of any use?

Updated version on GitHub...

what's new...
Trying to fix something I can't reproduce. :wink: :man_shrugging: :upside_down_face:

what do you want from us to try and find it?

the driver just keeps making this when the driver does something. I can turn on the logs to find out when it happening.

Did you update?

yeah, i used HPM and there was a update a second ago. I just did a clear all in the driver, see what that does.

Looks like that's what is needed as well.

Made another quick change to the driver. It now tells you what I need.

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this it?

I'm happy to report - that after the installing the mod you posted about this AM, I am now seeing results as I used too on the dashboard tile (previously it just said 'No data'.
At 12:38 I installed the update - enabled logging and debugging on each child, and enabled logging on the virtual device:
Here is the result of the log:

Seeing activity in the dashboard got me overly excited. I wasn't hearing anything and I realized since I had gutted and reinstalled FollowMe from scratch I had to go back and clean up all my rules that generated text.
After repair - I triggered a rule that tells me the mode when it changes - I got not audio on my device: here is that log.

I'm going back to reenable all logging/debugging and try it again so it can generate more useful content.

all logging on - I triggered all 5 of the children.

Okay, I see where the error is coming from. Will have to wait until the family is not home tomorrow to do any testing.