[RELEASE] Fibaro Smart Implant FGBS-222

Awesome. Thanks! I added it manually and then matched it and it updated as expected.


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Just to confirm success with HPM:

I decided to wait a couple of days for your pull request to go through, and today I went into HPM and first did a "Match up." I already had v1.6 of your driver installed, and HPM recognized and matched it for me. After the match up, I did an Update, and it successfully updated to v1.7


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I'm curious about the multiple temperature probe capability. Are all the temperature values reported separately or is reported temperature some kind of average.

Values are all separate, each probe appears as an individual child device.

Cool. Thanks. Looks like I may have a new project.

Version 1.7.1 is available. I added the command "reinstall" which allows to clean-up a messed-up driver installation. Someone tried the Hubitat built-in driver for the implant and then wanted to switch back to this driver. He couldn't erase the child devices created by the built-in driver and Z-Wave excluding/including didn't work either because the built-in driver is always forced upon joining.

The new command will erase all child devices, clear the state variables and call installed(), which will re-create the proper child devices.... You have to select "yes" before pressing "reinstall", I couldn't find a better way yet to add a user prompt confirmation to the process...
[update, see [RELEASE] Fibaro Smart Implant FGBS-222 - #449 by christi999]

I tried installing mine today and I'm having trouble with the analog input readings.
Ive put it on my gate controller to read if the gate is open or not.
Using alarm mode I get readings of different voltage when it's open or closed: 2V when open and 20V when closed.
However, it doesn't update automatically (only when I refresh) and it doesn't tell me open or closed, only the voltage.
I tried changing the type for input 1 on the driver, and with the last two options I don't even get the voltage readings.

To get automatic updates when the gate opens or closes, you need to configure the input in alarm mode (normally open or closed) and wire a simple on/off contact sensor between the input wire and ground. Also, the only child device giving an open/closed status is the digital input child device.

See this post

Configuring the input as analog is not really meant to do what you want although you might be able to do it if you configure the " minimal change to report" parameter to get a report when the analog voltage changes and create a OPEN/CLOSE variable based on those reports...

Thank you for the quick reply.
So does that mean that indeed the analog child is only meant to report the voltage, and nothing else?
I tried configuring the minimal change to report and also the periodical reports, but they never get through, only when I click refresh.
I tried including the device again using S0 authentication and had the same problem.
I have a C7 by the way.
@christi999 any chance you could help me further by pm? don't want to clog the thread with stupid questions, this is my first time wiring a sensor like this. Thank you

This is how I wired it:

Red wire to +24 (8), Blue wire to GND(6), Green Wire to OUT2 (-). I tried the green wire to out2 (+) but it was giving me a constant voltage.
I programmed the gate for OUT2 to become "on" when the gate is open, which reflects with the 2v, and 20v when off.
I don't understand what should I be doing differently.
Thank you again!

Yes, you could still link actions to it when you get a report. I never used it that way personally, I use polling.

Was the input set to "analog input"? That was working fine when I tested them, you can enable the debug log and check the logs to see the reports sent by the implant.

If it were me, I would connect a 24V DC mini relay ( I assume that's what is coming out of the OUT terminals) between OUT +/OUT- and connect the relay contacts to the implant input and ground.

I also thought the implant input was limited to 10V, just wondering if 24V could damage the implant?

Anybody here using the implant on a C7 hub?
I'm starting to think that my issues with reporting might be related to the hub and not the device or drivers

I just bought 2 of these smart implant, 1 worked fine, with parring mode blinking yellow after 3 clicks. But the other one just starts of by blinking blue, and I can never get it in pairing mode... any suggestions?

Is the device defective? I cant find fibaro support mail anywhere

Did you try resetting to factory defaults (https://manuals.fibaro.com/content/manuals/en/FGBS-222/FGBS-222-EN-T-v1.2.pdf:

7.4: Resetting to factory defaults
Reset procedure allows to restore the device back to its factory settings,
which means all information about the Z-Wave controller and
user configuration will be deleted.
i Resetting the device is not the recommended way of
removing the device from the Z-Wave network. Use reset
procedure only if the primary controller is missing or
inoperable. Certain device removal can be achieved by the
procedure of removing described.

  1. Press and hold the button to enter the menu.
  2. Release button when the device glows yellow.
  3. Quickly click the button to confirm.
  4. After few seconds the device will be restarted, which is signalled
    with the red colour.

Yes, it turns solid yellow, and afterwards nothing... if i powercycle it flashes blue again :frowning:

That doesn't sound good. Blue is not even a code color they mention...

@christi999 Recently I had some issues with the open/close status of my gate. It's strange as it was working fine for a long time and stopped working somewhere in August for both my smart implants...

Today I decided that I will reinstall those, so I updated all drivers to the newest ones you uploaded. I deleted and excluded my smart implants and included them again. Now I don't see 7 child devices only 4 and they are named generic component button controller.... Any thoughts?

It looks like you might be using the built-in driver instead of mine. Change the driver to mine and then press the "reinstall" button.

i was having trouble with the one i bought too it just shows me 68deg f for the internal temp sensor and nothing else works ( but i can link it and see it in HE)

i dug around but finally found it
i sent them an email on the 28th and got a reply that they received the email then an automated one with an account creation ( FIBARO Customer Care user activation)
its the 31st and nothing yet
an agent has been assigned the ticket too i can see her name and even reply to the ticket.......so i hope it helps

"support@fibaro.com" support@fibaro.com

It's seems its picking those automatically now.
Done the reinstall but receiving an error.
Screenshot 2020-10-31 at 13.22.29

Hmm.. maybe enable logging, "reinstall" again and post the log here...