[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

@jtp10181: I would prefer the Heroku method.

I will have to completely redo the Server portion of the app. I can't get logged into the Heroku dashboard and find my "instance".

My cookie was last updated over 200 days ago. Strangely enough, all the ES Devices are working perfectly. I just get error messages from the ES App (via the Log) every 15 minutes.

Is there a method to rework the server without removing the entire ES App?

You would need to be able to log into Heroku first, if you need to reset your password or whatever you need to do. It is also no longer a free service so you may need to give them a credit card. https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps If you have any existing echo-speaks deployed there you could remove them if you wish to re-deploy it.

*Warning this next step will break your existing setup until you have successfully re-deployed and setup the server.
In the echo speaks HE app, open the Alexa Login Service section > Manage Cookie Login Service > Reset Options > Reset Service Data. Then go back to the main apps list in HE and open Echo Speak again. Now you should be able to re-deploy the server. You will need to do an extra workaround as noted above: [RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #1717 by jtp10181

Here is the official docs for deploying on Heroku: Server Configuration - Echo Speaks Documentation

@jtp10181 : I now have a Heroku Login and am a "paying customer ($5/month)". I do not see any existing Instances or use.

I'm assuming when I go through the steps and re-deploy it will be there and I use the extra work-around to get the system functional. Does this sound about right?

I'll work this tomorrow as I need a couple hours to go nice and slow and make sure I do this correctly.

I very much appreciate your assistance.

Dude. You rock!!!! This worked perfectly! THANK YOU!!!

@jtp10181 : Hi Jeff.....after much hair pulling, I was able to get the Heroku Server and Cookie Managment to work perfectly. Absolutely nothing you provided was wrong, I'm just not good a reading between the lines when something is not totally called out. I also had issues with the Amazon/Alexa Login and the secondary check. It would not allow me to type in the numbers it sent me by text and I finally noticed the alternate method of approving in my Amazon App.

Bottom Line....A huge thanks for all your help and excellent work with this work around.

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I am not totally sure if it will KEEP working or not. My fear is the HE app still is hanging onto the original URL for the server which does not work. Not sure if the cookie server will refresh and send it back to HE automatically or not. If the HE app tries to ping the server it may not be able to reach it. No one has complained yet so maybe its working somehow.

I was trying to figure out some issues on the cookie server in hopes of avoiding the workaround and sending the correct url back to the HE app, but I hit some dead ends and got stuck. May need to revisit it.


Any known issues with the Echo Speaks (Beta). I completely removed the App and all the Devices and then Reinstalled using HPM but this time with the Beta Version. See Pic.



Do not use the beta version, it is currently older than the main version published.
Run Unmatch in HPM on Echo Speaks, then do a Matchup and match it to the normal version, then run a repair to reinstall current code.

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@jtp10181 : Thanks Jeff. I have completed the Unmatch, Match, Repair. Thanks so much for the advice and steps.

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I am still getting errors from the Echo Speaks App every 15 minutes. I have attached a copy of a screen shot. It's the same errors every 15 minutes.

Anything to be concerned with?

FYI... I got the same errors (I think) before getting the Cookie to refresh.

BTW....all Echo Devices (3 total) seem to be working perfectly.



The 404 error is a not found error, which indicates that your ES server is not being found. You appear to have something configured incorrectly.

@jkudave, @jtp10181, @thebearmay,

Any thoughts on what may be configured incorrectly that causes the Error?

If it isn't a constantly reoccurring error you're probably okay. There are a variety of errors that pop up and then go away as Amazon "adjusts" something.

It pops up every 15 minutes. I'm not a Programmer but seems to be tied to some code that request something from a server every 15 minutes. As I stated earlier....the devices are working great.

Thanks for your looking into this.

That error is most likely due to my fear above:

As a quick fix I could probably hack the app code and add a fill in box to change the server url?

I was struggling to figure out how I could get the Heroku hosted app to tell ES that the URL had changed (that is the real fix).

If the error is continuously showing up in the logs every 15 minutes, you may have something configured somewhere that is trying to reach an ES server that can't be reached. Your screenshot looks OK, but that doesn't guaranty the next automatic refresh won't fail. I don't know if you have any remnants of having the beta installed that may be an issue. You can try a cookie refresh manually with the logs open in another window an see what happens. The errors will show immediately if the refresh fails If not and the cookie refresh is good, you should be OK.

Apparently, I'm an idiot or I am missing something important that should be very obvious.

I cannot get Echo Speaks to recognize my sign in. If I click on login from the App screen in hubitat here...


I get this...


If I click the goto Logon Page in heroku,

I get this...

Someone please tell me the stupid thing that I did wrong.

Nothing, Heroku changed something not that long ago and there is a workaround for the time being: [RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #1717 by jtp10181

Also see my warning about it possibly not staying working: [RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #1738 by jtp10181

I will see if I can make a quick update to the app tonight that allows setting the server name manually to fully work around the Heroku changes.


This is a first time installation.

I just updated the hostURL as suggested and I am still getting this...

In Heroku dashboard within that app, click More > Restart all Dynos
Then click the "Open App" button from within Heroku.

I have a small patch for the app on HE coming shortly that will allow the url to fixed on the HE side as well. Will be a manual install for now, and may submit a PR for the author.