[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

It pops up every 15 minutes. I'm not a Programmer but seems to be tied to some code that request something from a server every 15 minutes. As I stated earlier....the devices are working great.

Thanks for your looking into this.

That error is most likely due to my fear above:

As a quick fix I could probably hack the app code and add a fill in box to change the server url?

I was struggling to figure out how I could get the Heroku hosted app to tell ES that the URL had changed (that is the real fix).

If the error is continuously showing up in the logs every 15 minutes, you may have something configured somewhere that is trying to reach an ES server that can't be reached. Your screenshot looks OK, but that doesn't guaranty the next automatic refresh won't fail. I don't know if you have any remnants of having the beta installed that may be an issue. You can try a cookie refresh manually with the logs open in another window an see what happens. The errors will show immediately if the refresh fails If not and the cookie refresh is good, you should be OK.

Apparently, I'm an idiot or I am missing something important that should be very obvious.

I cannot get Echo Speaks to recognize my sign in. If I click on login from the App screen in hubitat here...


I get this...


If I click the goto Logon Page in heroku,

I get this...

Someone please tell me the stupid thing that I did wrong.

Nothing, Heroku changed something not that long ago and there is a workaround for the time being: [RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #1717 by jtp10181

Also see my warning about it possibly not staying working: [RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #1738 by jtp10181

I will see if I can make a quick update to the app tonight that allows setting the server name manually to fully work around the Heroku changes.


This is a first time installation.

I just updated the hostURL as suggested and I am still getting this...

In Heroku dashboard within that app, click More > Restart all Dynos
Then click the "Open App" button from within Heroku.

I have a small patch for the app on HE coming shortly that will allow the url to fixed on the HE side as well. Will be a manual install for now, and may submit a PR for the author.

Thanks so much. I did that and seemed to get a bit further...


Seems to have something to do with the OTP

Dont know about that issue, the OTP works fine for me. I just logged in on my test Heroku server within the past hour.

While it is waiting for the OTP, the screen flashes like it is reloading. I try to get the OTP in more quickly, but it flashes and clears the field. Then I enter the OTP and get that message.

As I said, I feel like I did something wrong with the install. I just don't know what.

Try doing it in an inCognito/inPrivate browser, maybe you have an extension that is messing with that page causing it to refresh. Mine did not refresh as you describe.

Thanks so much for your quick responses. I figured it out. You actually have to have OTP turned on. The one-time OTP that Amazon sends when you log in from a new location does not work.

That might have something to do with another thing I was investigating, the library being used has had a few updates to adjust things for changes from Amazon. Possibly some new login methods that the old library is not handling. Unfortunately it is not as easy as dropping in the new library file to update it.

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Let me know if you need any testing.

Basically, if I can do it, you will then know that a monkey will also be able to do it :stuck_out_tongue:

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@junk2 Deploy :monkey_face: :monkey: for testing. I posted a guide on a separate post.
This includes a code patch for the app on HE so you can set the correct server URL.

@tonesto7 @john022662k @Kvothe

@marcusvrsilva Okay, in regards to the problems with the ES dashboard tile - this post is 5 days old, but I ran into the same issue today. Updating the hub to v2.3.6 breaks the tile because of the UI changes in that release. @thebearmay seems to have fixed it. Try updating to his latest driver. That fixed the problems for me.

I see the issue with the Heroku hostname and will get a fix out for it asap


:+1: I tried and tried to figure out a quick fix to patch on the server but could not track anything down. You may already know all this but this is what I found out digging into it last week. I think you will have to get the server to properly detect and use the new host url first. I found that it is actually trying to do this but the proxy stays running and I could not figure out how to make it actually restart with the new host url setting. I had the new url saved to a variable, was able to display it, but the proxy service would hang onto the old one no matter what I tried. If I restart the dyno then the updated url I had saved is lost and it starts the proxy with the wrong url again. Once that's working, the new URL needs to get passed back to the Hubitat app and saved similar to how it works for a local server.

I appreciate you looking into this... I just haven't had the mental energy lately after all the stuff I do at work...

I have an idea on how to handle the new name convention automatically, but it might take some time to implement. I will try my best to get something done about it tonight/tomorrow :expressionless:


@tonesto7 : Thanks so much for working this. My Echo Speaks is functional after help from @jtp10181. He has also posted a change to the Echo Speaks Code.... should I do that or wait for your updates and then install via HPM?

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