[RELEASE] Device Watchdog

I recently installed this app, but the "Switch Device(s) to Enable Disable Switch" doesnt seem to work..
in spite of turningon/off the "Switch" device being on/off, it still sends the report at the scheduled time.
what I found was I had to go into the app and click done after changing the state of the Enable/Disable switch turning off/on for it to work as expected..
So I cannot just turn the switch on/off and the reports start coming again or stop ..
would it be posiible help me understand how the enable/disable switch works.


Select a switch (most use a virtual switch) to control the app. When that switch is on, the app is disabled, when the switch is off - the app is enabled.

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I installed the app and noticed the only option is to check every x hours is that correct? I have a plug installed in the same circuit as my freezer i would like to poll every 5 (or even 15) minutes to determine if the breaker is offline. The reason I want to do this is I was doing work downstairs and we only noticed the power was out in the freezer days later which wasted over 500.00 in groceries. i don't want to make the same mistake again. I'm also confused as to what i need to do to setup Device Watchdog. is there a guide somewhere (I tried reading as much as i could from here but could not find anything). Thank you for the app!

What's the type of your plug?
How often does it send any event?

Sorry for the late reply. Just had a power outage and flood to deal with. What I use is a Generic Zigbee Outlet. Assuming I am looking at the right location the only time the plug provides an update is when it turns on or off?

You can try this driver : New: Third Reality Power monitoring plug - #60 by jonathanb

It checks the plug online/offline status periodically and you can use the Device Watchdog app to notify you when the power goes off or drops off the Zigbee network for any reason.

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Thank You. I will have a look at that driver instead of the one i'm using

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Does anyone know a way to get report results out to an HTTPPost?

I wrote myself a little webservice to keep track of device activity. I was hoping I can get the results of a Watchdog Inactive report over to that web service.

i would imagine you can modify the watchdog code to use an httpGet to your webservice with the results assuming it's a simple REST webservice? just guessing as i've never tried as i don't have a WS i need to call. you will need to look at better examples but i have a snipet of code from one of my apps that uses httpGet:

response ->
if (response?.status == 200)
if (logEnable) log.info response.data
return response.data
log.warn "${response?.status}"

Sorry for forgetting to update...

I ended up just writing a simple HTTP Post notification device driver.

Could someone give me pointers on getting started? I'm new to Hubitat. I installed HPM, and then Bundle Manager, and then the Normal Stuff Library, and finally Device Watchdog. It looked like it was successful but I don't see it. Should I see Device Watchdog in my Apps now?

Go to the Apps tab and click Add User App and you should see it. It’s a two step process - load the code, install (add) the app.

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Has anyone else noticed issues with this app in the last few days? Its no longer updating device activity... At least not like it was.

I noticed there was a library update with bundle manager a few days ago... Did that make some changes? It could also have been one of the many hub updates in the last week or so also...

If you're on .135 there is a thread in the Beta Section noting that the Last Activity date isn't being updated in all cases. A fix is being put in an upcoming release.

Edit: Removed link and added explanation of link contents

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That's it... Thanks for the reply!

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Something wrong with that link, or is it just me?

It's a beta link. General content is "known issue, fixed in next update."


Didn't look since I knew .135 was moved to a production release, but @dennypage is correct in that there is a known issue last causes the Last Activity to not be updated consistent with the past experience, and as noted it is slated for a fix in an upcoming release.

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And no idea when next prod will be released... so annoying to get constant updates for no activity in x days for nearly every device.

Is this no longer available in Package Manager? Package manager keeps throwing an error:

Bad manifest for Hub Watchdog. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'betaLocation' on null object Please notify the package developer.