[RELEASE] Auto Lock

Thanks for all your mods and fixes!

If you have another nap cycle and feel like fiddling, it would be cool to have a failure notification option that alerts if the lock fails to lock because the associated contact sensor is open. Or is it supposed to work that way and maybe I have it configured wrong?

I could turn one of the traces into a notification as well. Give me a sec and I'll get it added. Just keep in mind that you may get some false positives occasionally due to race conditions or delay of sensors.

New version 1.61 released that includes your request.

Downloaded it a few min ago... thanks!

Got another one for ya Lewis! lol. So i have my app setup to unlock when it's mode is disarm ....However, my locks lock when mode is disarm, weird...
So here it is setup in the app,

And here is the log. All three locks are doing the same, I have the trace and debug on the front lock to see whats going on.

I split out the modes handler to modeLockHandler and modeUnlockHandler and published 1.1.62. Let me know if it resolves the issue. My father-in-law passed away today so I probably won't be on tomorrow.

Sorry for your loss

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Thank you Lewis. So sorry to hear, take care.

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I am sorry. Blessings at home.
Thanks for such a great app.

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I'm having major issues with Auto Lock.

I'm at the latest Hubitat Firmware ( Currently running version: and Only using Rule Machine 5.0. I manually converted all my Legacy rules to 5.0 and removed Legacy Rule Machine.
I've tried removing and re-installing the app but still no love.

I'm not sure where to go from here. It was working fine until the time when Rule Machine 5 was introduced.

  • Auto Lock v1.1.62 (app)
  • Auto Lock Child v1.1.62 (app)

Some Logs...

app:7202021-08-04 12:29:24.259 pm tracePatio Door Auto Lock: updateLabel

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:24.701 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: lock1BatteryHandler: Battery: [80%]

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:24.212 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: updateLabel

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:24.108 am debugPatio Door Auto Lock: Patio Door Lock was manually unlocked [physical]

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:24.106 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: lock1UnlockHandler: unlocked

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:21.824 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: updateLabel

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:21.780 am debugPatio Door Auto Lock: Patio Door Lock was manually locked [physical]

app:7202021-08-04 11:59:21.778 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: lock1LockHandler: locked

app:7202021-08-04 11:58:07.515 am debugPatio Door Auto Lock: Settings: [durationLock:15, lock1:Patio Door Lock, minSecLock:false, retryLock:true, delayBetweenRetriesLock:5, isDebug:true, maxRetriesLock:3, minSecUnlock:true, whenToUnlock:[6], isInfo:true, detailedInstructions:true, customDurationToggle:false, refresh:false, whenToLock:[0], enableHSMToggle:false, motionDurationToggle:false, notifyOnLowBattery:false, retryUnlock:true, notifyOnFailure:false, notifyOnEvent:false, isTrace:true, ifLevel:[1, 2, 3], thisName:Patio Door Auto Lock]

app:7202021-08-04 11:58:07.512 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: initialize

app:7202021-08-04 11:58:07.509 am debugPatio Door Auto Lock: Auto Lock Door installed.

app:7202021-08-04 11:58:07.507 am tracePatio Door Auto Lock: installed

Could you post a screenshot of the child app settings for the patio door lock? Also, a little more detail on what issues you are experiencing.

Sure Lewis...

I have 2 Childs for AutoLock.
One for the Front Door and One for the Patio.
They are Very VERY basic.
The Front Door is supposed to lock after 10 min of being unlocked.
The Patio Door is supposed to lock after 30 min of being unlocked.

The settings are similar between the 2 with the exception of the Name, The duration (10 vs 30 min) and the device.

My nightly security rules run fine.
I have rule machine set to lock all doors at 9pm and then again at 11:59pm as a failsafe.

The AutoLock Childs will not lock any of the doors automatically, but I can open the child and press lock or unlock and it will both lock and unlock the door.

I update my Hubitat and Packages regularly.
I'm happy to do a screen share if you want.

Thank you

Let me do some tests here and I'll get back with you.

Thank you sir!

Update to 1.1.63 and you should be good now.

Seems to be working properly now. Both doors locked in their respective durations.
Thank you!

Hi Lewis, hope all is going well. Quick question, doing some testing with modes and the way mode manager handles stuff is not quite working for me, so moving to presence....When I use presence in your app with two separate presence sensors, does both people have to be gone to lock or just either one of them?

In it's current form it triggers for either. If you want to trigger for both then BPTWorld's Presence Plus app is a good companion app for this. You would combine them in whatever manner you want and then use the combined presence device as the presence device in the Auto Lock app. Presence can get really complicated depending on a multitude of conditions and I don't necessarily want to go through all of that work when his app does everything I would write to integrate into mine. I personally trigger with 3 combined presences. Each person as the device but within each person there are multiple trigger devices/methods.




This is a good example of what I mean... I use "Any" of these devices for present and "All" of these must be not present before it flags Not present.

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Ahhhh got it. I actually want either at the moment. I leave early in the morning when the honey is still in bed, so I want to make sure the doors are lock when I go. Then if she gets up and goes out I want then to lock again. Then I want the front door to unlock if any of us go home. So I think in all cases that's "either".
Thanks a really nice App. thanks for the help and the screenshots, I am probably gonna have to use that as life gets more complicated. Actually I think WE make it more complicated then it should be, lol.

I added more presence detection to my presence sensor to avoid false triggers. Particularly when we're sleeping and a phone dies or something.