[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

hmm.. never thought about that one.. would be easy to add though if it's of interest and would work

Right now I have to manually update the app on Amazon as well as Google Play's release version where every new feature I add is automatically built (circleCI) and pushed to Google Play beta as well as the direct download apk.

Typically someone will ask and I'll realize it's been a few weeks since I updated either Amazon or Play Release and I'll do it :slight_smile: -- I do try to wait and make sure no bugs/crashes happen before pushing out any releases.. just not any real set schedule

I ask b/c I've installed on a Fire 7That I did not connect to google play, because of speed issues. And I also installed on a new fire 10HD that i picked up on prime day, but did connect to play store and am I on the beta.

There's an amazon version? I sideloaded play store. :slight_smile: I need to learn to read.

@jpage4500 Honestly if I could adjust the width and height of all of the different tiles that would be amazing. Thanks for your efforts with this app!

The log has been sent :-). Thanks!

It's the image loading library, Glide:

10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   : Load failed for https://cdns.abclocal.go.com/three/wls/weather/extended.jpg with size [230x120]
10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   : class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   : There was 1 cause:
10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException(javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x62ce69f8: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error
10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   : error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure (external/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:741 0x6659988e:0x00000000))
10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   :  call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
10-20 17:27:42.326 12699 12699 W Glide   :   Cause (1 of 1): class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Fetching data failed, class java.io.InputStream, REMOTE

I'll see how hard it would be to use an alternative for API 18 devices

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@genelevi63 - are you able to load an apk? I updated this one with a change to possibly fix this image loading issue for API 18/19 devices.

I don't have an easy way to test it, but I did find several posts about this issue. If this doesn't fix it there's still a few other things I can try.. but, figured I'd start with the easy fixes first! If it doesn't work, can you send me another log which will hopefully show if it's the same or another issue..

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I updated the app on both Google Play (production) and Amazon App store.. more beta versions to come soon!!

Just installed this linked one. v.1.0.589. No change that I can see. Linked image is still not showing. Thank you for trying.

UPDATE: color picker broke (again?). Typing #ff0000 shows red bg after typing, but changes to black when I hit OK.

can you send device logs? if it's the same Glide SSL error I can try another solution I found.

hmm. i just tried this and it worked for me. maybe there will be something in the logs for this too

EDIT: I stand corrected.. like you said it seems to work but once you close the dialog the background color reverts to what it was previously. It works for the predefined 'favorite' colors so must be an issue with entering custom colors.. I'll figure it out

EDIT #2.. nevermind - custom hex did work for me.. I just forgot to hit OK

Log sent. I wouldn't worry much about the color picker if it's just old devices. Images (and eventually, video stream) would be awesome. :slight_smile:
Custom hex worked up until I hit OK.

@jpage4500, On my head unit (landscape, lowish resolution), when I bring up the hex screen to change colors (e.g. grid color) I can click on "OK". But then the color wheel screen stays up and that window's OK button is hidden behind the popup keyboard. Pressing the check box on the keyboard doesn't work either. On my Samsung S10+ the same thing happens but at least in portrait mode there is enough of the OK button to press (there is not enough in landscape mode, and this is a high resolution device). I can close the window, but that means I lose any changes.

thanks - i'll look at that tomorrow! I was just noticing that in landscape when you try to edit some of the text fields (ie: device name, URL, etc) the keyboard doesn't leave enough room to view the full edit field.

version 1.0.596 (beta)

  • add new 'space' device tile
  • go directly to edit dialog for several device types
  • fix scrolling issue with some dialogs in landscape mode while keyboard is displayed
  • UI changes to change icon dialog

The space tile is just an empty tile (or 2 for 'wide' mode). It's only visible in edit mode:

Hidden otherwise..


I made a few changes to make this better.. notably these text entry dialogs should now scroll fully. The 'check' button on the keyboard should hide the keyboard.. if not the BACK key will hide it too.

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I tried using the Android Emulator with an API 18 OS and images loaded fine. I also found out that the image loading library (Glide) supports older API's so there must be something else failing on the Wink Relay... likely related to that SSLHandshakeException logged here.

I don't know if this will help but I did make a change to try loading the image outside of Glide if Glide fails to load it for any reason (only for API19/18 devices). There's also more logging as well so if images still don't load please send me the logs and maybe they'll have more details.

Anyway, if you want to give it a shot I uploaded it here (same URL as before).

Progress! A .PNG image works, but not .JPG.
Log sent. Thanks!

Fixed the thermostat issue. After a few things, I deleted all devices in Nest Integration - reauthorized and discovered -- all is right in the world --- thus far.

This might have been on the request list already. Any way to be able to make tiles tall and wide, for instance cam feed?

Is there any way to get the Thermostat tile to work while a Thermostat is in Auto mode? I don't normally use auto mode, but just switched to it because, for some complicated reason, Google home cant control my HE Generic Z-Wave Thermostat unless it is in Auto mode (there is a long thread about it, without a clear solution IMO). Of course, that breaks control of it in this app. I want it all :grinning: Is there a technical reason why it can't work here, or is it on the list to get working?