[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

version 1.0.579 (beta)

  • lots of UI updates (thermostat view, color picker, folder view, fix text fitting space, larger icons when viewing small tiles)

1 UI change and several minor UI issues have been fixed:

  • The thermostat view now shows the cool/heat icon in the background - so the text is larger
  • padding around device image reflects the tile size selected (ie: larger icons when viewing small tiles)
  • Lots of fixes for the color picker dialog.. this should be a lot more reliable now

this should be fixed

the outer folder displays the default icon. In my case, I have a tilt sensor for one garage sensor but this is changed inside the folder

i reproduced and fixed several folder view inconsistencies - let me know if that also fixed this issue for you

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There's a few folder changes I'd like to make..

  • 1 of them is mentioned above somewhere but it's an option to stack multiple devices with the same type.. so, 10 lights in a folder would just show up as a single stacked image. I think that would make dedicated folders (ie: "Lights") look better and also allow you to see if any of the 10 lights were on or if they were all off. My issue with this right now is -- how to display these images so they appear stacked? I might just have to create a custom stacked icon for each device type and then have 2 different states: all off or 1+ on (not sure if it's necessary to show 'all on' state)

  • For the case where there's > 4 devices in a folder, i'm not a big fan of that number displayed in the middle or that asterisk that shows up when something inside was updated. I originally wanted to put these at the bottom-left of the tile but didn't want to make it look like it was related to that bottom-left folder icon if that makes sense.. anyway, I'm open to ideas here how to display > 4 devices in a folder

open door icon which is helpful, but color change icon would be ideal

this should be possible today if I'm understanding this right.. maybe it didn't work before but should work now. If you long-press on any door device -> icon color -> All Door Sensors (select Open only) -> pick color

1 last note.. that theme you're using sets all of the icon colors to blue. There's a few icons that don't look great when I re-color them (light bulb on for example) but for the most part I tried to make sure the UI is consistent and looks good. But, the difficulty comes when you use a custom icon. Today, I'm not doing any re-coloring of any custom icons since it would mess them up.. but, I'll eventually figure out a way to re-color just a single color (white) and leave the other colors alone.. not there yet though

What sort of activity should I be seeing for the thermostat? The last I see in the dashboard is from last night at 7:16. I've raised and lowered the temp, which reflects in the Nest app. The refresh arrow shows on the tile, but no update and nothing in the recent activity.

This is the Google Nest driver, right? I updated the thermostat manually and the tile in the app updated a second later. Seems like there's something not working right with that driver but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it. What seems to be missing is HE sending out update events

When I get home, I'll check the driver. It's a few days old. I can't remember if I used the old version. Practically speaking, I don't "need" it on the dashboard. It's just a cool feature to show off when the Pope visits.

Is there any way that the tiles could be resized such as double the width or height instead of all of them being square? Thanks.

You can already set it to Wide Tile to double the width.

Can you explain where this option is located? I can see some tiles such as the thermostat and weather tiles can be two wide but I would like to make other tiles double wide as well.

Not all tiles can be doubled - as far as I can see. Probably based on standard tile icons.

That's what I have noticed too. Just wondering if additional tiles sizes were a possibility for a future release of the app.

What about just a drop shadow for a stacked image? That way it will look raised and you don't have to futz with a solution for each icon. You already work to hard for us :smiley:

Feature requests:

Is there anyway to round the corners of image tiles? Right now the other tiles round, but the images do not.

When we popup an image from an image tile, can we have this image bring up a local application or a URL (in the default browser) if clicked? This would be great for bringing up weather apps or security camera apps (etc.)

that's one of those little details I knew about but never spent time looking into how to change it.. I'll add it to my list and look at it

Makes sense to me. Basically, instead of viewing the image in a large popup, the app would open the browser or a native app, right? Or, are you saying the image would first display in a large popup and then have the option (button or just clicking on the image again) to open up a URL or native app?

I can make any tile double-wide -- but I only offer the option today for tiles that have a different UI when in 'wide' mode (trying to take advantage of the extra space). But, it'd be easy to offer the option for any tile and I can always work on different UI's as needed. What device type(s) do you want to see wider?

Using 1.0.579 beta, I'm not seeing some new icons, like those mailboxes. I have 4 empty squares between ON switch and a Bathtub shower...

P.S. I like the "sexy time" icon between "shower" and "camera" ;-).

weird.. I see the mailbox icons. Not sure why they'd be different than any of the other icons. What happens if you choose 1 of those empty tiles? Does the image show up on the dashboard?

lol.. so much for screening the icons carefully.. fwiw it's a pretty crappy icon anyway as it wouldn't look good on a dark background :slight_smile:

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After a few restarts, all icons are now showing up. Maybe a caching issue... anyway, all good now. Thank you!

As I'm trying to replace the stock HE Dashboard, the only thing I'm unable to do on any of my devices is the Live camera view. Here's a sample "image" URL I use in HE:

guessing by the URL /mjpg/ that this is a motion jpeg image/feed. Android doesn't support this in their native ImageView component but there's a few open source libraries out there that do. Shouldn't be too hard to add but I'll update once I know more

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I'm sure you're right. At least the normal images work on the modern Android. My Wink Relay 4.3 won't show any images in this app, not just video.