Recently Moved to new home - C7 Hub is no longer showing up

I use a C7, and was using it as a hub in my previous home. Now, recently moved. The hub is connected to the LAN and its showing up on the list of devices in the Router page.

Under Hubitat, when I search for the hub, it is no longer showing up. Any suggestions?

sounds like the cloud connection has not been reestablished...

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Do a network reset - here are docs: Network Setup | Hubitat Documentation

Also what are you using to try and find it? You can try both of these pages:
-- My Hubitat (Registered Hubs)

Also if it shows on your router did you try to just go to http://HUB.IP ??? (insert your hubs IP)

I did the reset, router continues to list it
I see the IP and MAC address listed.
Tried searching for the hub using both IP and Mac. The hub is still not showing up in the "Find my hub" page. I tried doing the advanced search as well using the IP address and MAC address.

Anything else I can do. ..

If the router lists it doesn't it show you an IP that got assigned?

Do you have some sort of VLAN or complicated network setup?

Check this post: ‼ READ FIRST - Before Posting in Get Help

Try this;

Go to http://<yourHubIP>/hub/networkTest and do a Traceroute to and then post the results here.

The IP that got assigned is Is that normal?
Here are the list of wired devices. First one is my desktop, and second one is the Hubitat.

I have Spectrum internet and its connected to the Netgear Router. The Hubitat C7 hub is connected to the router.

This is my setup right now.

I did the traceroute

Try doing the traceroute to from that screen. Want to see if the hub can actually get out from your router and touch Hubitat. I'm guessing that you can't and that you may have a double NAT situation.

Here we go:

Its normal if that's how your router is setup for DHCP. Not normal for most home routers to use 10. networks but not unheard of.

Why don't you just go to and call it a day???? Its obviously working if you can access the traceroute page.

What is the problem exactly? Why are you so worried about using the findmyhub page?

Go here: My Hubitat > Registered Hub
Click on Hub Details button then check what it says for Last Checkin and Active?
That will tell you if it is able to connect to the HE cloud.

When I click the registerd hub, there is nothing showing up. And the page that came up, wherever I click, it just keep circling. Something is still not right. I cannot do any meaningful activity right now.

Are you logged into the correct account that your hub is registered to? Even if the hub is totally offline the register hubs page will show all your hubs registered to your account. Try opening the page in an InCognito / InPrivate browser window. Sometimes it has issues with stale cache.

Also, does work to access your hub? What is wrong with it?

You still have not told us what you are trying to do and what the problem is exactly.

I now got a Corrupt database page

Corrupt database found

Hub cannot continue. To fix a corrupt database, the hub needs a soft reset (read documentation, open diagnostics tool) followed by a database restore (read documentation, open restore page).

Is there any way I can do a hard reboot and start everything afresh?

Hi all,.
I ended up soft resetting, and creating a new Hub. That did the trick.

I am now able to create rooms etc.

Thank you all for the help


That was the correct course of action, just needed to try the main UI page to see the corrupted DB error message!

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All of the above... can only access through the local IP and only the troubleshooting page.

Find my hub never returns any results and if I go to my registered hubs, it shows but the connection link is greyed out and doesn't work.. IP has also changed which is detailed in my original post.

Given this thread Hubitat C7 not accessible except through Diagnostic Tool are you good now @kellyr ?

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Guessing so

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